Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 989: Dare you

Xiufang Street!

In the empty alley in the dead of night, two middle-aged men stood in a section of the alley, trapping a pair of mother and daughter in the middle.

"Princess Xin, our lord invites you to be a guest."

One of the men made an inviting gesture, his eyes fell on her, and his heart couldn't help but be moved by her beauty.

She is slim and mature, wearing a light green water shirt, with her hair curled up, long forehead eyelashes, bright phoenix eyes, in the dim moonlight, her cheeks are white and flawless and crystal clear as jade, she stands there holding it. A little girl, a graceful reminder with **** and slender waist, has an indescribable beauty.

If it wasn't for her status to be too noble, so well-ripe and dripping delicious, he really wanted to take a bite.

"Who are you adults?" Princess Xin held the little girl's hand tightly, her eyes falling on the two of them.

"You don't need to know this for the time being, and please ask Princess Xin to follow us." One of them looked at her bumpy and exquisite body, his eyes were full of scorching heat.

With disgusting eyes, Princess Xin said coldly: "Even if you don't tell me, I know it is one of the four princes."

"Haha! Concubine Xin can guess, but now I still hope you will be more interesting and follow us." One of the true kings stepped forward and threatened Concubine Xin.

"If I don't leave!" Princess Xin stretched out her hand to hug the little girl who was engraved with powdered jade, glaring at the two of them with phoenix eyes.

"I heard that Princess Xin knows some side tricks, but I am afraid that you are not good at fighting people. If you insist on resisting, it is you who want to suffer." At this point, the man smiled and looked at Princess Xin as if A peach-like hip, "Speaking of which, I actually want you to resist."

"Bold!" Princess Xin glared at her, making her cheeks flushed with shame, making her more charming and attractive.

"It's useless to say more. Will Princess Xin go with us by ourselves, or should we take you away?" As they spoke, the breath of the two of them burst out, and went toward the suppression of Princess Xin.

"Mom!" The little girl's clear eyes showed fear, and her hands held Princess Xin tightly.

Princess Xin hugged the little girl tightly and watched their hearts fall to the bottom. She regretted that she had gone out today, and the people who secretly protected her had disappeared, and it was obvious that they had all been distracted or taken down. This time, she was more wicked than auspicious.

Princess Xin looked around, thinking about the possibility of forcibly breaking through. But the two of them locked her in the air, and she was very likely to escape.

"Who wants to catch me on earth?" Princess Xin wants to delay time, and Prince Xin's Mansion should respond quickly, just as long as those who drag him to Prince Xin's Mansion arrive.

"The princess shouldn't bother in vain. We have planned this opportunity for a long time. You must fall into our hands today. Since the princess doesn't cooperate, don't blame us for being rude."

While they were talking, the two of them walked towards the princess, with a strong aura every step they took. The law surging out, it is necessary to suppress the two with this.

Princess Xin hugged the little girl. Her body was shaking and her face turned pale. She used her body to protect the little girl. She kept hiding towards the corner of the alley.

"Mom!" The little girl was hugged tightly in her arms, watching the two true kings who were constantly approaching, tears rolling in her scared eyes.

"Let my daughter go, I will go with you." Princess Xin said with a trembling voice.

"Hey, the order we got is to take it away together."

While talking, one of the true kings grabbed Concubine Xin's chest as a mountain. Although I dare not really eat her, it's always okay to have a hand addiction under the pretext of fighting.

"Get away!" Princess Xin hugged the little girl to avoid the other's salty pigs, but he was still grabbed by his arm, and the clothes on the arm were torn apart, revealing the white as porcelain skin.

"Hey!" This person didn't do what he wanted or was in a hurry, and wanted to continue to make a move.

At this time, he saw Princess Xin sluggishly looking in one direction, and his companions who were about to shoot also looked in one place.

This made him wonder, wondering if the warriors of King Xin's Mansion came, this is impossible.

He looked back, but saw a young man who didn't know when he broke into this alley. If it's an ordinary teenager, that's it, just solve the murder and kill it.

But this person, they know who it is.

"Human Dao Master!"

Feeling the breath of each other, the two instantly recognized each other's identity.

Xu Wuzhou was chased and fleeing to the holy capital. He dashed into a small alley, but he never expected to see this scene.

Princess Xin was relieved to see someone coming, and it can be seen that it was the human Taoist who was raging with the demon race, and her heart sank again.

The human race and the demon race are feuds in the world, do you still expect him to show mercy to the demon race people?

Even if he is compassionate, he will not put himself in danger for this. She knew very well that he was absolutely facing endless pursuits at this moment.

At this moment, his primary purpose is to escape. If he shoots here, he is likely to be dragged here, and finally put himself in a dangerous situation.

This is the sacred capital, how could he do such a loss-making business?

The two true kings obviously thought of this, even though they were greedy for gold. But they also knew that they couldn't win Xu Wuzhou with their strength.

The record of Xu Wuzhou and the demon martial artist passed to them, and they knew very well that this man had the strength to fight with great power.

So when they saw Xu Wuzhou, they just snorted: "The water in the well does not offend the river. We shall not have seen you."

The most important thing for them is to complete the task, and they don't want to participate in other things.

In their opinion, Xu Wuzhou was hunted down by countless people at this moment, and he would not be nosy. Therefore, they are not worried about anything.

The little girl doesn't know what a human demon is at this moment, but when she saw someone, she said with a grin, "Brother, save me and mother."

The two true kings didn't care about the little girl's help. If he was sensible, he would not ask for help.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at the little girl. The pink jade was like porcelain, she was cute, her eyes blinked, teardrops flowing in it, she was really cute and pitiful.

"Get out!" Xu Wuzhou shouted as he looked at the two true kings.

The two true kings were astonished, staring at Xu Wuzhou with round eyes, making sure that this was what he shouted. But the two immediately reflected and looked at Xu Wuzhou sarcastically and said, "Your Excellency must remember your situation."

Princess Xin's beautiful eyes fell on her body, also with incredible. This human Taoist actually helped them.

Xu Wuzhou smiled sweetly at the little girl, then turned to look at the two real kings and yelled: "There is so much nonsense, or do I take care of you?"

The two true kings were furious, and it was a great gift for them not to care about Xu Wuzhou. Unexpectedly, the other party asked for trouble. Things that shouldn’t be taken care of, too. Does he think he didn’t die fast enough?

"Do not live by yourself!" The two true kings were anxious, and the law burst out, bursting out with a terrifying light. They believe that such a movement is enough to attract many warriors to come.

If Xu Wuzhou is not afraid of death, then you will stay here and fight with us.

The two true kings didn't think that Xu Wuzhou really dared to resist them. Xu Wuzhou is more to scare them, do it? Dare he?


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