Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 992: Fish skin

Concubine Xin lifted up two strands of smashing technique and gently moved it behind her ears, and brushed her fingertips across her flawless, white cheeks, which felt like a little heavier.

Xu Wuzhou hurriedly rolled up two butterflies from a distance, which made Sheng Xian'er burst into laughter.

The breeze is blowing, and it feels refreshing. Princess Xin's hair couldn't hold back her ears, she kept stroking Sheng Xian'er's face, and she kept avoiding.

Concubine Xin had no choice but to put Sheng Xian'er down. Shengxian'er, like a little elf, ran to Xu Wuzhou's side, holding Xu Wuzhou with her little hand: "Uncle Qin Xu, Hua'er... where are we going to catch the butterflies."

Xu Wuzhou was dragged by the kid, and had no temper at all. What can he do? Don't go! They cried to you right away, but they were not good at coaxing them.

It's just that, playing a game of chasing butterflies with a little kid. What a shame!

Hey, that black butterfly is so big, it should be fun to catch it and tie it with a thin thread.


When Princess Xin saw the two running around with butterflies in the garden, she smiled on her face and ordered the maid next to her to prepare some tea and desserts.

Then, she sat in the pavilion and took out some needles and threads to make female red in the pavilion.

Where she is sitting, she is quiet and picturesque, with a plump body, like a beautiful picture of a lady.

Shengxian'er likes rag dolls. She took out some skin-like leather, and cut some with scissors at random. The needle and thread in her hand were hooked and made very meticulously, quickly a palm-sized cloth. The baby has its embryonic form.

She did it very meticulously, and all the hair of the doll was sewn out one by one.

In such a stay, an hour has passed.

Sheng Xian'er was finally tired of playing, and she entangled Xu Wuzhou to hold and chase the butterfly. Xu Wuzhou held her helplessly for a while, but when he looked down, he saw that she was asleep in his arms.

Only then did Xu Wuzhou hug her and enter the pavilion. Seeing Xu Wuzhou's arrival, Princess Xin poured Xu Wuzhou a cup of tea: "Drink some water to quench your thirst."

Speaking of this, he said to the maid beside him: "Go and send some freshly made desserts. These are already cold. Take them back."

"It's okay!" Xu Wuzhou is not a particular person, picking up a piece of ice-cold pastry and feasting on it. However, he immediately realized that his movements were a bit big, and he was afraid of affecting the Saint Xian'er in his arms, so he took a small bite.

Xu Wuzhou ate the cakes and his eyes fell on Princess Xin's female celebrity. Seeing the leather next to her, my heart trembled slightly.

The best way for human warriors to leave the demons is to make them pretend to be demons. His art of painting the skin can do this. However, what is needed is human skin.

The human skin of hundreds of people is too cruel. Although Xu Wuzhou was not a good person, the Human Race and the Demon Race were enemies of the world. But he can't kill innocents just to strip people.

In fact, even if he was an enemy of the Demon Warrior, Xu Wuzhou didn't strip everyone of his skin. In this battle, many warriors died in his hands. But Xu Wuzhou, there are only so many people who strip the skin and paint the skin.

Xu Wuzhou is not a pedantic person, and will not give up stripping because of cruelty. But what he can do is to do as little as possible.

If there were only dozens of people, Xu Wuzhou gritted his teeth. The warrior who came to kill him, who was killed by him, could use the art of painting skin to get his human skin. Just to send the human race back safely.

Compared with kindness, human life is more important.

But hundreds of people can never be provided by the warrior who chased him down.

The art of painting the skin on human skin is of course the best, but there is no human skin. Being able to find the right materials and perform the art of painting the skin is just a lot more troublesome. Let's not talk about the real need to paint, the most important thing is to seal the spirit of the demon martial artist, so that it can barely form a painted skin that pretends to be a demon.

Whether it's painting the skin or sealing the Mozu's energy into the leather, it is extremely troublesome and extremely energy-consuming.

Moreover, the effect of painting the skin in this way is far worse than the real peeling. It's a thankless thing.

But for Xu Wuzhou, he prefers this way. Although it is more troublesome, he feels at ease.

And the leather in front of it is the material suitable for painting.

"What kind of leather is this?" Xu Wuzhou drank tea, pretending to ask Princess Xin casually.

Princess Xin said: "This is the leather of the cicada. The cicada is as big as a cow, but the skin is like cicada wings, and it is as delicate as human skin. The hand feels and the sense of appreciation are excellent. Princes and nobles like it. Make leather objects."

After that, Princess Xin took out several more cicada skins, each of which was huge.

"No! That's it!"

Xu Wuzhou drank the tea, looked at it and nodded, thinking about how to get this kind of cicada skin.

Thinking about this, she saw Princess Xin yawn.

"A little tired! Give Xian'er to me, and I will take her back to sleep for a while."

After speaking, Princess Xin stretched out her hand to embrace Sheng Xian'er from Xu Wuzhou's arms. Her hand touched Xu Wuzhou's body inadvertently, and her hand was a little cold, as if the ice mat touched her skin in summer.

Sheng Xian'er turned a direction in her arms, just nesting on the softness of her as a mountain, and frosted a few times, sleeping with a sweet smile.

Princess Xin loved her and hugged her and left, and took the rag doll with her when she left. However, those cicada skins forgot to take away and remained in the pavilion.


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