Eternal food paradise

Chapter 14 The Strong Iron Chrysanthemum

Spicy chicken.

A magical dish that is jokingly known as finding chicken in chili peppers by the masses.

If you encounter a shady restaurant and only eat a few pieces of chicken, you will find dried red pepper flakes all over it when you sweep it with your chopsticks.

“Braised tofu made using spicy chicken!”

Wang Fuquan and several apprentices were sweating on their foreheads.

Chen Zhiyuan looked at the mountains of red chili sauce piled up in the big pot and couldn't help but imagine that if he had recorded this cooking video, edited it and posted it as a submission on Beep, he would have automatically figured it out. How the group of sand sculpture netizens posted barrages:

[Nima, Doubanjiang doesn’t cost money, right? 】

[The hot sauce is the essence of this dish! 】

[I’m here to help the UP owner issue a high-energy warning. The strong ones who are not ‘Iron Chrysanthemum’ should retreat quickly——]

Chen Zhiyuan, who had reached such a state of ecstasy that he had a barrage in his mind, acted as if no one else was around, with a silly smile on his face that was amused by the sand sculpture.

"What are you planning?!"

Wang Fuquan could no longer remain calm, his face was tense, and his mood was much more ups and downs than when he first entered the store.

The proportion and value of bean paste has far exceeded that of meat and tofu.

This old chef has a subtext of saying that his mother sells batches...

You don’t care about the cost, don’t you?

As a store owner, from a business perspective, such dishes are a waste of money. The more customers order, the more money they will lose!

Xia Yan didn't even raise his head, staring at the dishes in the cauldron with a serious face, but silently said in his heart:

An evil system.

In terms of vision, there are still 2 idle skill points in the personal panel that are useless.

In the past two days, he spent 2 skill points to upgrade the basic levels of 'Knife Skill' and 'Huo Huo' respectively. However, Xia Yan was not in a hurry to upgrade the advanced skills he pointed out. He was afraid that he would become fat and difficult to digest in one go. Facts have proved that he The concerns are correct.

Now Xia Yan is facing another situation.

To achieve the mission requirements of ‘score no less than 80 and darkness index no less than mild’, it cannot be said to be absolutely stable.

The tofu dishes I am currently making are considered my strength and signature.

Xia Yan carefully reviewed a series of processes and found no faults in his personal performance.

But it was my first time to use the ‘special grade bean paste’, and it was a special use. It was piled up like a mountain, smoldering with tofu and minced meat...

In other words, when he decided on a whim to serve Wang Fuquan with a new menu, Xia Yan simply had the idea of ​​updating the recipes to improve his cooking skills. It didn't matter if he failed the task, he only lost one chance to open an ordinary treasure chest, but...

Specializing in signature dishes, the recipe for star rating failed.

Shame on you!

If the core and bottom-of-the-box recipes succeed in reaching one or even two stars, then it can be said that the level of cooking skills has stabilized above one star. At this point, the system's evaluation of his cooking skills should have changed.

From now on, I am no longer a rookie.

The one-star chef is still very scummy, but at least it is the first step towards transformation from youth to maturity.

"...Can it shine? Whether it can or not."

Xia Yan heard mutterings from behind him.

Chen Zhiyuan looked forward to it: "Only food that shines is good food. Only food that brings happiness to people is truly luminous food."

Glow? The idea is very brave, Saonian.

Don't forget, in the world of "Chinese Ichiban", those feared "dark dishes" will also shine brightly.

But it is impossible to say that Xia Yan has no idea at all. "Glow" is a daydream in reality, but it is different in the paradise. The rules here are completely different from reality. What if, what if, he is not careful? Just touched the door and pushed it open...

Thinking of this, his heart beat violently, and Xia Yan used his hands and brain at the same time: "Throw all 2 skill points to "Firewood Stove"! "

Allocation successful.

"Firewood Stove" has reached the full level and cannot be upgraded.

"Very good, the first level of advancement is full!"

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

The tofu, minced meat and bean paste in the big pot are in the final stage of smoldering.

He held the iron clamp and threw a few pieces of dry firewood into the earthen stove. A whistling sound came from the already flaming stove vent, and the flames instantly engulfed the new firewood and made a "cracking" sound.

The fire is gone!

Chen Zhiyuan was the first to notice something was wrong. His eyes moved from the mountain of chili sauce in the big pot to the vent of the earth stove. Seeing the burning situation in the stove, he whispered to himself: "Strange, the fire is so strong, why does the smell of firewood change? It’s much more attenuated than it was just now.”

The earthen stove is connected to the chimney, and even so, there is bound to be leakage. There was a trace of smoke from fireworks floating in the store before, and it is still like this now.

The pungent and dry smell suddenly disappeared.


The big iron spoon circled around the edge of the pot, then tapped gently, "Thicken the sauce!"

"The food is served."

With a few swishes, the hot dishes were loaded onto the plate with large spoons. Xia Yan picked up the largest soup basin in the store and placed the sumptuous meal stacked like a mountain on top of Wang Fuquan and his apprentices. before.

Bowls, plates and chopsticks are arranged in a row.

Xia Yan stood at the bar and smiled at everyone: "This is my best and most signature dish. Please enjoy it slowly. If you have any dissatisfaction, just say it. I only have one request -"

"Be sure to eat clean before leaving."

Eat clean?

The young store manager and chef emphasized it again.


Hearing this, several apprentices swallowed their saliva first.

It's not that I want to eat at all, but...



Can Doubanjiang be used like this?

When the tofu is simmered like this, are you eating only the chili peppers, or are you eating the vegetables? !

As a native of Sichuan, I have seen many dishes that emphasize spicy food, but at this moment, I still feel young and ignorant.

Wang Fuquan squinted his eyes and did not comment.

The top of the hill is close at hand, and the heat and spicy smell are mixed together and hitting your face. This is simply the output of riding a spicy mountain.

"I want to try it."

Wang Fuquan just raised his head and glanced at Xia Yan calmly, which made Chen Zhiyuan fall in love and admire him.

"It's amazing! It's amazing. You are indeed an experienced chef. I haven't seen anything like this before!"

Chen Zhiyuan knew that Master Wang was not a simple man. He was not qualified to serve as Shao An's pawn.

Watching Wang Fuquan pick up the spoon, point it at the bottom of the soup basin, poke it in, and then dig the spoon button for a long time before finally digging out a piece of the same bright red tofu from the mountain of hot sauce...

Hold the grass! Chen Zhiyuan's anus shrank slightly.


A chair tumbled to the floor.

"Let's go -" The palms of his hands trembled obviously, and he put down the crimson spoon. Veins appeared on Wang Fuquan's neck, and he immediately turned around and took steps.

ah? Several apprentices also stood up unsteadily, but turned back in unison. In the field of vision, the plate of dishes piled high with spicy sauce, and in the wisps of hot air, vaguely seemed to have the shadow of a devil with horns on its head. Smiling lowly, he seduced them and said - Come on, eat, just take a small sip, just a small sip.

Wang Fuquan, who was walking in front, suddenly felt weak at his feet.

"Master!" The apprentices supported him.

Huh, uh, uh...

Panting loudly and laboriously, Wang Fuquan was carried away by his apprentice. He breathed in the fresh air outside the store, and the burning heat in his mouth, esophagus and stomach became even more intense.

Somewhere in the city, next to a well.

Wang Fuquan looked at a bucket of well water and drank like a whale. After a long time, he raised his head and exhaled heavily: "I'm alive! I'm alive!"

A face was buried in the bucket and then lifted up. Water drops splashed, and the eyes were especially moist.

Apprentices, you look at me and I look at you, don’t dare to go up and get into trouble.

After a while, Wang Fuquan got angry and cursed at these apprentices: "Go back and stand here for a few hours to practice your sword skills."

"Master, then... don't you care about that store?"

With a slap on the apprentice's bare head, Wang Fuquan hissed and gasped to relieve the pain: "What do you care about, you care? Huh, I have to report this to Master Shao'an, our Jinguan City is going A dark culinary world emerged..."

Hearing the words "Dark Cuisine World", the apprentices fell silent.

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