Eternal food paradise

Chapter 222 Faldaniya

‘Swordsman’ Tatsugoro also returned the visitors who called him nicknames or codenames very unceremoniously:

""Curry rice"! "

""Fried Tenderloin Patties"! "

It turned out to be them.

Just by looking at their appearance, it might take them a while to think about it and search hard for information in their memory, but when it comes to code names, Xia Yan quickly found out the impressions of these two people from the memory of the "Different World Canteen" drama.

Regular customers of the 'Cat House' like to give each other a nickname, which refers to their favorite dishes they always order.

"Curry Rice" is a principal naval general named Alphonse, one of the most famous strong men among humans, and a legendary sea monster killer. He was shipwrecked during a hunting trip and drifted to an isolated island. The existence of the "gate" on the island lasted for many years and survived.

And "Fried Tenderloin Patty", this old guy looks like a wizard.

It's even more complicated.

About seventy years ago, there was a war on this land, and this brave man named Aldorius participated in the crusade, causing the reborn evil god to fall into endless chaos again, and Aldorius Leo was also regarded as one of the "Four Heroes" by later generations because of his dazzling achievements in the expedition.

Today, Aldorius has almost become a legend on the continent, and is regarded as a living fossil and a great sage.


Xia Yan knew these two people only from one side.

Although Tatsugoro helped clean up the cooking utensils, as old friends, Alphonse and Aldorius both knew that Tatsugoro, apart from his professional background as a 'swordsman', was actually a mercenary with strong strength. With various entrustments, he traveled around the Eastern Continent, practicing and practicing at the same time.

Therefore, the two old guys only thought that Xia Yan was Chengoro's employer from the beginning.

In fact, Xia Yan is indeed the "employer".

But when they got closer, they smelled the residual smell near the campfire and saw bowls and pans that had not been cleaned in time.


I was caught off guard by the smell!

The two old men, who were originally the oldest loyal customers of the 'Cat House', couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment.


Alphonse, the general of the Kingdom's navy, took a few steps closer and looked up and down at the rather young-looking Xia Yan, forcing a kind smile on his weathered face.

‘Great Sage’ Aldorius noticed more details.

"I smell the familiar 'spice' smell."

After all, Aldorius is a powerful professional with a keen sense of smell. He quickly locked onto one of the empty bowls and said, "Those green vanilla leaves, hey, they look like the daily 'spice' in that Western restaurant." One of them?"

Speaking of that Western-style restaurant.

The eyes of Navy Admiral Alphonse suddenly burst out with burning heat, but this look dimmed in an instant:


This sturdy old guy, who was far older than the Great Sage Aldorius and had many battle scars on his face, said in a tone of reluctance, regret, and sigh:

"Many "doors" disappeared forever because of that mutation! "

Aldorius responded:

"Including the "door" in the king's capital. "

"It can almost be said that it is the oldest door that appeared randomly in the 'Cat House'. However, on the day of the mutation, it disappeared and evaporated out of thin air while I was looking at it. It cannot be saved!"

‘Swordsman’ Tatsugoro was silent.

Of course, he would not tell these two old guys that he had found a "door" that was stable and stable.

Tatsugoro does not deny his selfishness.

Or, it would be more appropriate to describe it as absolute greed and possessiveness for delicious food.

After all, no one knows whether the "door" of the cat house will suddenly return to the previous rules one day. It can only be entered and exited once every seven days a week. If the "door" is shared, such a precious opportunity will be lost once a week. Regarding the dining opportunity, Tatsugoro could simply imagine the brutal food war that broke out and turned heads at that time.

And Xia Yan suddenly understood why he lost these old customers when entertaining guests when he first took office.

It turns out that the "door" they controlled is gone!

"So, you two are looking for the "door"? "Xia Yan spoke.

Hearing this, the ‘Great Sage’ and the ‘Admiral’ nodded in unison:

"At our age, the only thing that allows us to leave the livable and bustling capital and leave our comfortable home is the door to the cat house!"

Female treasure hunter Sarah Gerdo lost no time in interjecting: "No wonder!"

Sarah naturally knows two big guys:

"Recently, there has been a popular rumor in the kingdom that a group of adventurers accidentally 'opened' a certain door and broke into a certain strange space. Sir Alphonse and Aldorius may have followed the rumor. , you want to verify whether that door is the "door" of the cat house, right? "

Both old guys nodded.


At this time, Xia Yan stuffed everything into the "Space Treasure Bag". This time, he even threw in the elf one-handed sword inlaid with countless blue light gems. He found that he didn't need it. There is no need to fight with any weapons, especially after the team will have more 'Great Sage' and 'Admiral'.

Unless an ultimate demon dragon like Ms. Red Dragon comes in person, I am afraid that there will be very few threats to his life on this land.

Before the "team" set off, Admiral Alphonse hesitated to speak, but was restrained by the Great Sage's eyes.

That look means——

Don't worry.

Wait for the opportunity!

You will eat it!

It was about ten minutes after the group set off and left.

The bonfire, which was still smoking even after being watered by the stream, was trampled by a booted foot.

Among the ashes, a slender tailbone with clean flesh was exposed again.

"Sure enough, it's meat!"

"It tastes barbaric!"

The woman who took off her hood to reveal her iconic elf long ears had a delicate and pure face. Her emerald green eyes reflected the white bones of the beast. From the tight corners of her mouth and frowning eyebrows, she could not help but feel... It’s hard to imagine how much the female elf hates the smell of meat.

Elves have always been a vegetarian group.

Even though Faldaniya has been wandering in human territory for more than two years because of chasing the "door", she is still very unaccustomed to this kind of smell.


Suddenly, Fardaniya smelled a familiar scent in the breeze.

It comes from nature, the fragrance of vanilla and fragrant leaves.

Why do you want to wander?

Why stay far away from home and leave the forest?

Faldaniya whispered to herself: "I chase the "door" because behind the door there are gastronomic techniques that are far ahead of this land. "

"And I will control that kind of 'deliciousness', food and dishes that are more delicious than those made by the store manager in that room -" It is to express the belief that high elves are not weaker than humans, Farr When Daniya wanted to see more and learn more behind that "door", the door suddenly evaporated and disappeared.

Just think of this.

Fardaniya looked at the direction Xia Yan's team was leaving and pulled back her hood.

If Xia Yan knew that he had secretly followed a "food" maniac, and that Fardaniya had been wandering for several years chasing the "door", Xia Yan would have muttered——

What kind of collapse is this? Is time distorted?

In the original work, Faldaniya is definitely not a regular customer of the Cat House, and her appearance should be after a certain princess.


Alphonse and Aldorius, both because of Honkai, did not meet each other until this time when they were out. After figuring this out, Xia Yan probably wouldn't be surprised for long.

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