Eternal food paradise

Chapter 25 ‘Three peppers in one’ (Part 2)

"Everyone, pay attention!"

On the big screen in the venue, tender white fish fillets were stained with some spice particles.

“Many people regard the particles in hot pot base ingredients as ‘Sichuan peppercorns’, but this is very wrong in the field of cooking.”

Dojima Gin explained calmly and carefully picked up one with a spoon, "This kind of red or reddish-brown particles are 'Sichuan peppercorns' in the strict sense."

Then came the second and third pills.

"They are 'vine pepper' and 'horse pepper'..."

Dojima Gin looked at Kuuga Teruki and praised him without hesitation: "You used three different kinds of peppers in one pot at the same time. It's very impressive. Many Totsuki students don't even know how to use the less popular vine peppers and sesame peppers." Cooking.”

The close-up shot moved from the bowl and fish to Kuaga Teruki's face.

Facing the camera, his dead eyes are still lifeless.

Kuaga Teruki said calmly in a calm tone: "This is my original three-pepper sesame pot base. I call it...'three peppers in one'!"

Three peppers in one?

It looks great, but is it just that?

The audience held their breath and stared at the red oil pot that appeared on the screen. They always felt that there were still many secrets that had not been revealed in the deep and steaming pot.

In an unknown corner of the venue, an old man wearing a kimono and with a hairstyle that looked like the Japanese Golden Retriever stood in the shadows with his arms folded. Half of his face was illuminated by the lights of the venue: "Totsuki students don't know, outside the school Chefs who have been in the industry for many years may not all understand the differences between 'Zanthoxylum bungeanum', 'Ma pepper' and 'vine pepper'..."

"Ma pepper, emphasizing hemp, has a strong and long-lasting taste. The locals in Sichuan call it 'green peppercorn'!"

"The vine pepper is the mildest in flavor and has a refreshing flavor!"

"As for the Sichuan peppercorns, it has both numbing and numbing aroma..."

Nakiri Senzaemon, the commander-in-chief of Totsuki Academy, surprisingly also arrived quietly.

Looking at the deep red oil pot bottom on the screen, Nakiri Senzaemon obviously understood the secret in the pot, and there was a smile on his face: "Butter..."

At the same time, there were exclamations from the judges who tasted the fish fillets one after another.

"It's the bottom of the butter pan!"

There was only a piece of fish left on Dojima Gin's chopsticks. His pupils were slightly dilated due to surprise. The freshly imported fish fillet that he hadn't had time to chew was releasing the flavor of beef.

The bottom of the butter pan, which I thought was full of greasiness, turned out to be a whirlwind of freshness the moment I took it into my mouth.

"Such a taste..."

Next to him, graduate Taki Kadozaki, who also took a bite, felt his shoulders shaking.

"It's like a dense, sticky rainy day suddenly shot a dry and refreshing magic arrow at me. It was so fast that I was caught off guard -" The reaction of the outside critic was even more exaggerated, holding his hand The hands holding the bowl with chopsticks suddenly stretched out to the extreme, as if to embrace the magic of cooking in surprise.


The fourth judge suddenly groaned, and the veins on his neck were exposed.

"Here it comes -" Dojima Gin said in a low voice, with sweat all over his forehead, "the numbness and spiciness are beginning to invade the tongue."

As a result, the judges in the close-up were in a surprisingly consistent state. Their mouths kept hissing and puffing to relieve the irritating taste in their mouths. However, the frequency of picking up fish fillets with chopsticks became faster and faster. It was like a whirlwind. After finishing the bowl, It's not enough, there is a second bowl, a third bowl...

In just two or three minutes, a pot of fish fillets was divided up.

Dojima Gin's vision was a little blurry.

Perhaps the sweat seeped into the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Or maybe it's the overly exciting 'numbing' and 'spicy' that cause the mind to have wonderful hallucinations.

His ears seemed to hear the sound of rushing water, the sound of heavy rain, and the roar of typhoons. Then he lowered his head to look at the red oil hot pot still placed on the charcoal stove. He saw that the deep bottom of the pot was still the same, with a long shadow faintly there. While swimming, I caught a glimpse and saw that it had beards and horns, and its body was pure black with a powerful and beautiful appearance.


A dull dragon roar.

Gin Dojima smiled: "Haha, it's great. The charm of 'Three Peppers in One' is here. It's truly integrated into one pot. No matter what 'Japanese pepper', 'vine pepper' or 'Ma pepper' were before." What characteristics? Now, in this pot, they have condensed into one, very good, very good. The numb, spicy, and violent aesthetics you created, Kuga-san, now seems to me to be the invincible power of the black dragon! "

The powerful and invincible black dragon...

Through the broadcast screen and listening to the comments from the venue's speakers, the audience was speechless.

Although it cannot be said that every Toyue student and faculty member has rich experience in eating halberds, the experience of the people watching and eating halberds must be full, so they witnessed the scene of the judges all feasting and eating the pot of fish and meat quickly. , the shadow of the winner has been engraved in their hearts.

You know, the defeated side of the food often makes it difficult for the judges to take another bite.


And it received rave reviews.

How to lose?

“I don’t know if Jiuga Teruki can make other recipes like ‘Saliva Chicken’, ‘Red Oil Dumplings’, and ‘Braised Water Spinach’, as well as the ‘Three Peppers and One Red Oil Pot’…”

Nakiri Erina's eyes showed fear, and Isshiki Kei's face was tense next to her.

"The situation is clear."

Nito Hisako was behind the two of them and whispered: "If the Shokugeki are equal in strength, go up first and then go up. There is no advantage or disadvantage. But if the strength is not equal, let the stronger opponent finish first. And submit the dishes to the judging panel..."

"Then, the powerful dishes invaded the judges' mouths first and firmly occupied them..."

The three people in the room automatically added the next sentence in their minds.

The weak, the last.

Defeat is inevitable.

On the shokuji platform where lights gather.

Kuaga Teruki watched the judges carve up the catfish fillet, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He gave a few instructions to the bald men in black standing in line behind him, and then these club boys successively served other ingredients.

Tofu, beef, mushrooms, meatballs and fresh vegetables.

They are all well-known hot pot ingredients.

"The fish fillet is just an appetizer, and the bottom of the pepper and sesame pot cannot be wasted. You can eat whatever you like." Kuga said as instructed, and saw the judges happily picking up the ingredients and dipping them into the pepper and sesame red oil pot. At the bottom of the page, he whispered to the people around him and kept giving thumbs up.

Seeing this, Kuaga Teruki's mouth moved slightly:

"5 to 0."

After the judges finished eating these ingredients, their stomachs were full and bloated, and they still had some interest and appetite for the dishes submitted by the next contestant.

This is my last hit and ultimate move!

Jiuga Teru Jixin said, when his ears suddenly heard the sound of wheels that was so subtle and easy to ignore, he turned around suddenly, almost reflexively, "It's a dining car!"

A tall, pointed red hill crashed into his field of vision, getting closer and closer.

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