Eternal food paradise

Chapter 401 Purification (Part 1)

An eyeball.

Of course, Xia Yan avoided Zhu Qi's sight, reached into his backpack, actually communicated with the system's inventory, and took out a "Complete Eyeball of the Changing Sea Spirit" that had been prepared for a long time.

This is a material with a higher quality than conventional 'magic grade' materials such as carnivorous vines and cockatrice tail meat.

Based on Xia Yan's own experience, the biggest difference between this eyeball and the magic materials commonly used in recent times is... it exudes a heart-stopping aura all the time.

Xia Yan directly grabbed the eyeball with his hands. The palpitations in his heart alone made him feel psychologically uncomfortable.

Obviously, the impact is mostly mental.

This necessitates promotion to the mysterious advancement of [Gourmet Hunter] in advance. As the treasure-level reward unlocked after the mission of 'The Dark Lord of Shoji City', it is precisely with this advancement that Gou Ming has transformed to a certain extent. Xia Yan could just grab his eyes with his current calm posture, without having to worry about sudden fainting, epilepsy, or bad reactions like foaming at the mouth.

Xia Yan's idea of ​​taking out his eyeballs is simple:

"After the actual test of [Yongling Knife], the results show that the scope of this legendary kitchen utensil is not limited to 'aquatic' ingredients. Strictly speaking, it is a butcher's knife of time, the kind that travels back in time." , it is the opposite of a knife that makes a person grow old. With one stroke of the knife, the grapes turn from purple to tender red...the banana turns from soft to the firmness of youth!"

"As for the [Garuda Knife], as a sister knife, its scope of action may not be the 'birds and beasts' in the conventional sense in the original work. Simply put, it can fly in the sky and walk on the ground... Good guy, it covers almost all ingredients. Got it!"

"And purification is the magic of this legendary kitchen utensil!"

Walking to the waterfall, I filled a sheepskin water bag with mountain spring water and returned. I carefully cleaned a slightly flat rock and used it as a natural kitchen table for a picnic.

[Garuda Knife] does not need to be cleaned or sharpened.

Xia Yan took it out from a stone shrine, and now he is holding it in his hand. Under the afterglow of the evening sun, the blade is shining brightly, and the edge has remained as sharp as it has been for thousands of years. It still blows hair and breaks hair, and cuts iron like mud. .

Zhu Qi stopped more than ten meters away, with his neck almost stretched like a giraffe, eagerly observing the 'eyeballs' on the stone slab:

"What's this?!"

He couldn't help but ask, and there was a layer of uncontrollable sweat on his forehead, "Why do I feel that this thing is so dangerous? It makes people's hair stand on end. It is the most vicious hidden weapon and poison in the martial arts world, and it gives me a far greater sense of danger." Far worse!"

"That's right!"

Xia Yan looked around at the Garuda knife and was not in a hurry to try it. Hearing the sound, he glanced at the restless Dark King and said, "This is just a dead thing. A small part taken from the corpse. If it is complete and alive, Indescribable, if he appears near you, I think you will go crazy."

Zhu Qi: "...going crazy?"

He was speechless. He felt that Xia Yan's statement was exaggerated, but he didn't intend to be a bully here. At this moment, curiosity about the 'eyeballs', panic, and a faint fear that he was unwilling to admit, occupied his mind. soul.


He swallowed, his mouth was a little dry.

"What are you going to do?" he continued to ask, staring at the strange ingredients on the stone slab.

"It's simple——"

With a relaxed and calm answer.

"Pfft" sound.

The knife had already been swung down and split the palm-sized eyeball in two from the middle.

It was like cutting open some deep-sea citrus, and a strong umami flavor suddenly surged out.

But strangely, there was no juice.

Not a drop of water seeped through.

Of course, there are reasons for the knife wielder and his amazing knife skills, but the main reason is the strange structure of the eyeball itself. It is obviously a dead thing or food taken from a corpse. And you must know that most of the eyeball is made of vitreous body. It is a colorless and transparent gelatinous substance, filled with mucus and gel. Normally, a lot of liquid will burst out when the knife is cut.


The actual situation is...

Not only is the cut surface as smooth as a mirror, but the transparent gel layer inside is like smooth jelly, maintaining its original shape the moment it was cut.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Zhu Qifei retreated far away, almost to the opposite side of the waterfall.

He looked horrified.

The moment the eyeball was cut open, Zhu Qi felt that every pore on his body was stinging. He was so scared that he quickly moved away. It was not until he exited a certain limit range that the stinging sensation was greatly attenuated, and he calmed down.

His eyes glanced over, shocked!

From the waterfall pool not far away, many dead fish were floating up one after another. These were live fish from the deep pool, mainly mountain carps. They were fat and there was no trace of damage on the surface of their bodies, but their bodies were floating on the surface of the pool.

This scene made Zhu Qi's eyes twitch:

"If I leave too late, will I also be lying dead?"

Thinking about this, Zhu Qi looked at the chef who had cut open his 'eyeball' but was still unscathed and still half squatting in front of the stone slab. The convulsions began to spread to the entire face:

"Hey, why are you okay at all? Don't give me this indifferent air of a worldly expert!"

Xia Yan didn't pay any attention to Zhu Qi's meaning, and carefully observed something, as if counting, " fast, the 'magic aura' has decayed to a slight concentration."

The 'magic aura' is a line of dynamic data that appears in the field of vision and is advanced and captured by Xia Yan's [Food Hunter].

In other words, the current [Food Hunter] advancement in Xia Yan's application is comparable to some god-level appraisal technique, specifically targeting weird and mysterious materials.


There are positive and negative auras.

Positive effects can be buffs such as blessings, which usually appear on those classic magic props in the form of enchantments and gem-setting, forming pieces of powerful krypton gold equipment.

Negative effects, such as confusion, fear, madness, etc.

Now, according to Xia Yan's observation, after the [Garuda Sword] was cut off with one cut, the negative aura lingering in his eyes was dissipated by 60 to 70%.

"Slice further and see!"

Xia Yan's mouth widened into a smile, and he looked so excited. The actual test proved that the legendary kitchen utensil was indeed very good and powerful.

[Food Hunter] advancement can only protect his own survival, and greatly enhance his ability to discover, observe, and identify ingredients. It cannot help him turn indescribable "materials" into delicacies on the tables of ordinary people.

But now [Garuda Sword] gave him hope of quickly purifying the indescribable.

Don't let it sit in the refrigerator for a month.

I just watched helplessly, unable to do anything. I could only let the 'aura' naturally decay over time, and then only when it decayed to a certain level that it was no longer harmful to ordinary people's bodies, could it be cooked and brought to the table.

Next, cut after cut.

Cut the complete eyeballs into a row of sashimi slices and stack them on the picnic stone board.


When Xia Yan put down the knife, Zhu Qi's exclamation came from the near side.

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