Eternal food paradise

Chapter 406 Dark Horse Winner (Part 1)

"Let's first talk about the handling of player Ryo Hayama..."

After his name was called, Ye Shanliang's hand movements stagnated slightly. The focus of the camera and the convergence of lights did not make him much nervous. However, the first words of the classmate "Xi Shang Xi" who served as the judge after sitting down, His hand almost shook, causing flaws in the current process.

Ye Shanliang took a breath, looked as normal, and continued the process at hand.

"These diced salmon are marinated with spices and have just been taken out of the refrigerator."

Xia Yan's tone is calm and his voice is magnetic.

"Then why are they chopped and then pickled?"

This question guided everyone's thoughts.



Recalling the details of Hayama Ryo's previous treatment, he first picked out the thorns, then used white wine to evenly coat both sides of the fish pieces. However, instead of applying mixed spices, he directly cut the fish into cubes.

So, the diced fish meat was almost soaked in spiced water and put in the refrigerator.

Xia Yan was not in a hurry to talk. After raising the question, he gave the audience time to think. When the whispers in the venue became louder and louder, he continued with a smile:

"This is the cleverness of Ryo Hayama. This step is a foreshadowing for the next main event."

On the broadcast screen above the venue.

Hayama Ryo was facing a deep stainless steel pot. This kind of pot is usually used to cook soup stock, but now there is no trace of water in the pot.

Spread several kinds of peels on the bottom of the pot one after another, mainly orange and orange peels.


Spread almost the entire bag of fine sugar on top.

Ye Shanliang held a small spoon and stirred the ingredients at the bottom of the pot. When the sugar was dyed golden by the peel, he nodded slightly and turned to pick up the dinner plate containing the "special ingredients".

A voice explained at the right time:

"Purple flowers, dust, this is "night sage". "

Watching Ye Shanliang pour the plant dust on top of the ingredients, he did not hold a spoon to continue mixing. Instead, he quickly covered the pot with a click, opened the valve and started the fire. There was praise in Xia Yan's voice. mean:

"Very good. It seems that contestant Ryo Hayama has mastered many of the cooking properties of "night sage" in the past week of trying and practicing. "

“It’s very simple, just know how to heat it to maximize the flavor of the night sage. "

Erina Nakiri stood in front of the judges' table holding a microphone and listened carefully.

At the judging table, Mr. Senzaemon is probably the most serious one.

After all, I think the ingredients will be unlocked quickly in the group chat store, and there will be a senior expert teaching the class in advance. If you don’t listen carefully to such a mysterious ingredient class and make mistakes, you will have to go back and watch the final video and study hard again. .

The wife Leonora was thoughtful and said softly: "So, instead of continuing to stir evenly, let the powder spread on the top layer of the ingredients at the bottom of the pot..."

"Is it to reduce the contact surface between the powder and the pot wall and form a separation wall and buffer zone as much as possible to make the fire less fierce?"

Xia Yan nodded and said a key that was not found in the data files of Shi Jianrun's laboratory:

“‘Night sage’ is flammable and will burn out instantly if the fire is too strong, releasing excessive flavor in a short period of time. "

"On the contrary, if the fire is done properly, the spice powder can even be 'burned' multiple times to release multiple flavors."

At this time, Ye Shanliang put a deep pot on the stove in front of him, and the deep pot that was boiling suddenly made a harsh and sizzling sound.

Since there's no water, just peels, sugar, and plant powder, boiling the pot is predictable.

Ye Shanliang stared at the timer cautiously, his eyebrows trembling slightly.


Timer reminder.

He immediately turned off the heat, opened the lid of the pot, and ignored the large amount of smoke caused by the burnt bottom of the pot. He directly embedded a bracket into the inside of the deep pot, then placed a metal cover with a dense mesh, and then used chopsticks to lift each piece piece by piece. , put the marinated diced salmon taken out of the refrigerator on the net bag.

This time he put the lid on the pot, but instead of using high heat, he used low heat. Within 5 minutes of heating, Hayama Liang completely lifted the deep pot away from the stove.

A rough white wet cloth covered the pot.

Ye Shanliang was obviously relieved.

The applause rang out, and Xia Yan took the lead in applauding: "Wonderful performance, contestant Ryo Hayama told everyone how to flexibly integrate unfamiliar ingredients like "night sage" into ordinary and conventional cooking procedures. "

"The quality of the 'smoked salmon' that will be baked later will be amazing!"

Ye Shanliang's eyes welled up with joy. He had gained a lot from all kinds of judges with similar comments and lines, and his emotions usually did not fluctuate at all after hearing them.

But now, the commentator is "Xi Shang Xi", the proposer of the final topic and the supplier of materials.

Xia Yan did not praise Ye Shanliang to the heavens, but made him feel in high spirits. He glanced at the processing process of "Wangyoucao" that he had not yet started, and guided the camera to the next contestant's kitchen:

"Then, next is contestant Alice."


As soon as the camera focused, everyone was stunned.

Alice Nakiri stood at a kitchen table and stuck out her tongue at the camera: "Hehe, molecular cooking, the third generation smoke gun artifact produced by Nakiri International!"

This, a smoke gun?

Ryo Hayama, who had just spent a lot of effort to complete the "smoking" process, suddenly had a stiff facial expression.

Alice seemed to have been waiting for Xia Yan to comment on her.

Holding the pipe of the smoking gun in one hand, on the kitchen table is a molecular cooking equipment, all metal structure, with a tog layer on the top that leads to the inside of the machine, where the purple flower powder that has not yet been heated is placed.

Waving to the camera, Alice began her molecular cuisine performance.

As soon as the machine is turned on.

Adjust the temperature of the baking ‘material’.

Not long after, pure white smoke without impurities spurted out from the nozzle of the duct. With a pink face and a bright smile, Alice picked up the nozzle and pointed it at the cooked halibut and the shelled king on the kitchen table. Crab meat.


Multiple spits.

Just looking at the appearance and color, the ingredients don't seem to have changed at all.

Xia Yan was embarrassed. He could operate many kitchen equipment and was familiar with it, but he could only use his hands to use the latest model of Nakiri International's smoking gun.

However, at least I can comment on the details of Alice's use of "Night Sage" so that I won't be left in the cold.

Quickly transition to Tazoe's kitchen.

She only used one kind of material——


In a simple lacquerware soup basin, sea urchin and abalone slices are stacked to form an island, with the sea urchin meat on top, surrounded by a slightly milky white soup.

"Berry cooking?"

It's obvious that Tadokoro's dish is almost complete and only needs the finishing touches.

"It's just strawberry cooking." Gin Dojima followed Xia Yan's words, "Strawberries are not used in this dish. The reason why it is named is because the red sea urchins in the soup resemble wild strawberries in the morning sun and mist... …”

The words have not yet finished.

I saw Tazoe grab a handful of blue-green powder and sprinkle it evenly on the soup.

Stir gently with a small spoon until the powder melts and disappears.

The clear soup, which was originally slightly milky white, suddenly had a dreamy and blurry illusion.

"What now?" Xia Yan asked wickedly.


Dojima Gin glared.

Saiba Joichiro said "Huh" with a look of thinking in his eyes:

"Is it used in the same way as chives and coriander? Sprinkle it at the end of the dish before serving it?"

Suddenly, a strange rumble came from the dome "between the moon and the sky".

There was a crack in the ceiling.

The moonlight shines in, directly facing several kitchen areas and judging seats.

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