Eternal food paradise

Chapter 410 The dark-faced Nakamura Thistle

The Nakiri family home.

Xia Yan has been here as a guest not once or twice, but this time, as he was led by the old housekeeper to walk along the garden path, he always felt that the atmosphere in front of and behind the house was very strange. The servants walked cautiously and did not dare to breathe. When he met two people, he quickly stopped and lowered his head.

"What happened to the house?" Xia Yan asked casually.

The old housekeeper who had been serving Senzaemon whispered: "The lady is back."


He noticed that Xia Yan's steps behind him stopped.

The old housekeeper hurriedly explained: "It's Miss Erina's mother, Miss Managi."

Oh I got it.

That aunt named Nakiri Shinagi is back.

Xia Yanke knew her identity.

The only special executive of W.G.O international organization, the queen of gourmet food entrenched in the continent of Europe.

This organization is equivalent to the headquarters of the Kitchen Alliance in the World of Light in "Chinese Ichiban". It brings together elite personnel from all provinces, almost single-handedly holds the highest say, and has the qualifications to formulate a cooking skill ranking system.

It can be said.

In the neon area, there is a food demon king, that is Senzaemon.

Beyond neon.

The only "Demon King" in the Shokugeki world can only be Nakiri Shinagi.

Father and daughter together form the BOSS duo.

As for the ghost father and crooked son-in-law, the god of war, Nakamura Itsuki.

Then you have to defeat the former twin stars Dojima Gin and Saiba Joichiro before you can be qualified to talk about BOSS status.

"I understand." The corners of Xia Yan's mouth curled up slightly.

This time Mr. Senzaemon invited him to his family's house. It might not be as simple as an ordinary family dinner.

He is the so-called ‘God’s Tongue Savior’.

It will truly be a big test.

The key is to satisfy Managi Nakiri...mother and daughter...cough!

The old housekeeper brought Xia Yan here to the large living room, the inner room where the main family activities took place, and then quietly retreated.

Xia Yan stood at the hall door and suddenly noticed a scrutinizing and curious gaze directed at him, and then a sweet and magnetic mature female voice said:

"Oh yeah."

"The new generation son-in-law of the Nakiri family..."

"Shut up!" A cold voice interrupted.

This is Erina's voice.

Xia Yan looked with interest and saw Erina with a sullen face, standing far away from Nakiri Managi, glancing coldly at her mother sitting on the tatami, with no trace of admiration or warmth in her eyes.

This is really a scene of "a loving mother and a filial daughter".

It’s normal to think about it.

Nakiri Shinagi couldn't stand the curse of God's Tongue when Erina was very young, so she left her hometown and left Neon.

Therefore, Erina's cold attitude towards this mother who gave birth to her but failed to fulfill her educational obligations is completely normal.


From Xia Yan's outsider standpoint.

Nakiri Shinagi is just a poor man burdened with a curse.

Possessing the "God's Tongue" that may have been developed to the extreme, there is no material or food that can truly "make full use of" this god-level talent in the entire world of "Spirit of the Halberd".

It's no wonder that Nakiri Shinagi is irritable, lonely, and finds the cooking world too boring. She has rarely eaten in recent years and almost only survived by injecting nutritional fluids.

In a sense, she was tightly bound by the "barren" world. She had amazing perseverance and determination without depression and suicide.

And Xia Yan feels that he should be able to be that...

The one who unlocked her chains?

"You came."

The old man with a calm face sitting directly opposite his daughter turned his head seriously and greeted Xia Yan at the door, his eyes gradually showing some kind of pleading.

Xia Yan waved his hand and sat down at the desk on the tatami, "Old man, you don't need to say more, I understand everything."


He looked at Nakiri Shinagi on the other side and left.

This aunt is very beautiful, but her hair style is a bit weird. There are no bangs hanging down her forehead. Her eyes are the same color as her daughter Erina's, but she looks long and narrow, with a cold and charming look like red and phoenix eyes.

As for their facial features, they are indeed a mother and daughter, and there is no fault to blame.

The problem is, the reason why Nakiri Shinagi doesn't have enough to eat all the year round and his appetite cannot be satisfied is that his figure is not as plump as Leonora, a wife.

Well, maybe not as good as her daughter Erina.

But it seems that she gave Erina a massage treatment carefully?

Xia Yan coughed slightly in his heart and suddenly straightened his face:


"What do you like to eat? What do you want to eat?"

The sudden question stunned Nakiri Shinagi.

It seems to be a daily polite question from the chef, but it seems that for a long time, no chef has dared to say it so boldly in front of her who has the fate of "God's Tongue". Nakiri Shinagi's moist lips curled slightly, showing a touch of excitement:

“I don’t have a particular favorite dish or dish.”

"As long as it can bring 'enjoyment' and 'satisfaction' to my tongue, it's fine!"


Xia Yan's vision expanded the task options box:

[Option 1: Make a normal ‘drugged’ version of Lin’s dishes that conforms to the worldview of the Spirit of the Shokiji. Award 10 skill points. 】

[Option 2: Break out of the world framework, not limited to the ‘drug’ trait, and make a ‘double trait’ or ‘triple trait’ dish with the word Lin. Award 20 skill points. 】

[Option 3: Continuing from option 2, under this condition, control the Garuda sword and use the "Spice Inequality". 】

[Reward "Weird Grade Ingredients Lucky Bag"*1. 】

The difficulty goes up layer by layer.


Xia Yan glanced at the reward column: "Lucky bag of weird ingredients? Damn, there's no need to think about it!"

You must know that the only 'weird level' he has unlocked so far is the complete eyeball of a larval sea spirit. However, eyeball ingredients have their own cooking limitations. Simply put, they are not versatile enough.

"The function of the Garuda sword is to 'purify'."

“The essence of the spice inequality lies in ‘seasoning’.”

"There is no conflict between the two!"

Huh! Got it!

An idea flashed in Xia Yan's mind, and he thought of a recipe that naturally carried "dark" qualities.

He didn't do it.

But that doesn't stop it from being recognized as dark cuisine.

Just right, the 'eyeballs' perfectly match the dark appearance of the dish. You don't even need to put in more effort. You can hollow out the hard-boiled eggs and stuff them with grapes or longans to act as false dark eyeballs. Now you have real and complete eyeballs. material.

Well, one of the dark qualities is equivalent to what the recipe naturally carries.

The eyeball material has an indelible magical quality.

This is already a dual-character foundation.

As for the 'three qualities', they can be luminous or medicinal.

But even if there is a "spice inequality", shining depends on metaphysics and probability, which is an operation based on character and reputation.

If drugged.

The only thing that can guarantee the Lin-character indicator is the "Crown of Ice Blue" on this deity.

These conditions are all the same, seemingly harsh and extremely difficult.

Xia Yan acted confidently and easily moved to the back kitchen of Nakiri's house.

The dishes were not complicated, so no help was needed. Even Erina was blocked outside the locked kitchen door.

Not long after Xia Yan entered the kitchen.

The old housekeeper walked hurriedly, "That man is back!"

Hear the report.

Erina, Senzaemon, and Nagi Nakiri, the whole family, all frowned with disgust.

"Father-in-law, are you in good health?" Not long after, a handsome middle-aged man in black clothes and black gloves, with a fake smile on his face, said hello to the old man who was sitting on the tatami with his eyes closed.

Senzaemon: "..."

Nakiri Shinagi: "..."

Erina: "..."

This adopted son-in-law is simply a destroying machine for family warmth.

Nakamura Thisi had no such consciousness. When he found that Senzaemon didn't open his eyes and responded, he looked at his wife whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Nakiri Shinagi simply put one hand on the desk, resting his head on his hand with an incomprehensible expression. He looked at her husband intently, with a hint of ridicule in his half-narrowed eyes:

"Nakamura Ji, do you still dare to come back?"

"In my eyes, you are also a member of this mediocre food world. Don't think of yourself as a super elite. At least you have never satisfied my tongue or filled my desire for wonderful taste... To put it bluntly, I have no interest in you at all, and I no longer fantasize that you can be my savior."

She is worthy of being a wife. Although they have been separated for many years and are almost divorced, Nakiri Managi's words hit Nakamura Thisa in the foot.

A single label of "mediocre."

Thistle Nakamura couldn't stand it!

His smile, which was polite just now, gradually turned gloomy.

"Erina?" Nakamura Thistle breathed and looked at his precious daughter, trying to find a bond about this family in her daughter.

But Erina Nakiri is no longer the princess in the original work who grew up under the doting of Senzaemon without any training.

She is afraid of the 'Ghost Father' because of her experience training the God's Tongue when she was young.

Long gone.

Erina had no expression on her face and opened her mouth, just when she was about to say something.

At the end of the corridor leading to the main kitchen, there was a sound of approaching footsteps. At the same time, there seemed to be an invisible but actual delicious typhoon field, roaring, following the footsteps towards the neat family in the house. People, shrouded down.


Just a leaking smell, a breath.

Nakiri Shinagi, who was deeply cursed, suddenly noticed a nerve that had been dormant for many years and was about to die, and started to tremble violently.

The person was still sitting on the tatami, and for some reason, his body felt chilly. The clothes and dresses on his body seemed to have been shattered cleanly by the storm of smell. Nakiri Shinagi took a deep breath, and tightened her legs tightly together while sitting on her knees, especially the inner thighs.

His eyes were blurry and water vapor was rising.

Her eyes, which were already narrow and cold, only had the charm of a mature woman.

"enjoy your meal!"

Xia Yan put down the dinner plate and seemed to be able to finish it with ease. He finished cooking a delicious Linzi dish with several special characteristics, without even taking a breath or even a drop of sweat.

He discovered what he was trying to endure, and Nagiri Shinagi, whose sitting posture was on the verge of collapse. This mature aunt, Erina, who had been raised to a large size, had surprisingly red cheeks.

As for Nakamura Thistle…

Xia Yan glanced over and found that this "son-in-law, God of War" had a face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Xia Yan expressed his understanding.

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