Eternal food paradise

Chapter 414 Returning to Another World

The world of "Diverse World Cafeteria".

There is a human kingdom, a town on the outskirts of the capital city. This is the outskirts of the prosperous royal capital. Not only is the environment dirty and messy, but business travelers on some remote paths may even be attacked by monsters and undead.

However, the town was different from the past. An elite legion with over three hundred people was suddenly stationed in the town at this time. There were even mages with "flying skills" flying quickly in the sky.

this day

Aletta, the maid of the "Cat House", got up normally.

During the non-business hours of the "Cat House", Aletta's life is very simple. She gets up, makes herself a simple breakfast, and then reads books in the hut, learning cooking knowledge and reading and writing at the same time.

Aletta is very satisfied with her current "comfort".

Compared with the homeless life of being hungry before, she now has a job with high commissions, and now owns a big house in the town. She has become an upper-class person living in a villa in the eyes of people in the slums.


Ding ding.

A magic jewelry on his body suddenly vibrated.

Aletta stood up hurriedly, "Is the door open?" But, today is not the weekend. "

Under normal circumstances, the "door" is only open on Saturdays and Sundays, indicating that the Cat House restaurant is officially open for one week.

But today was not the weekend. Aletta calculated carefully and took a look at the alien calendar.

"Maybe the store manager is back -" the little maid cheered and went out quickly. The "door" has been fixed in a ruins in the town, very close to her house, only a few minutes away. distance.

at the same time.

When the door of the "Cat House" suddenly appeared in the void, it gradually solidified.

A vague humanoid figure observed with the "Concealment Spell" rushed back to the legion camp outside the town, and went straight to the legion commander's camp to report.

“That ‘door’ appeared? "

"According to the great sage's arrangement, we keep our distance and do not have contact."

"Protection is the focus of our work."

"Especially the little maid of devil origin, Lord Aldorius told her to protect her from any harm."

The calm legion commander said so.

Jingle Bell!

A door appeared out of thin air in the ruins. Aletta pushed it open. When she heard the familiar welcoming bell behind the door, Aletta's big, clear eyes suddenly turned into a crescent-shaped smile.


A familiar person, a familiar voice of the shopkeeper, the man turned around.

The little maid said sweetly: "Manager, are you back?"

Asking, Aletta closed the door and saw that her shopkeeper Xia was not alone. Standing next to her was another young girl. Her beauty made the little maid couldn't help but exclaim, "So beautiful..."

It's just that the other party's attitude didn't seem very friendly. When he saw her opening the door and coming in, he looked at her carefully.

"Aletta, have you studied hard recently?" Xia Yan hadn't seen the little maid in the cat house for a long time, with a doting smile on her face.

The maid replied crisply: "I can write a complete note, okay? Well, it's probably no problem. The store manager can leave the bookkeeping work to me in the future!"

Aletta is full of energy and gives people a feeling of motivation, as if she is showing "I am capable" and "I am outstanding" in front of elders.

"Here, let me introduce you."

Xia Yan pointed to Nakiri Erina next to him:

"The other trainee chef I arranged, her name is Nakiri Erina. You two know each other. The restaurant will be handed over to you two some time ago."

Aletta was no stranger to this and had no resistance.

After all, Manager Xia arranged for "trainee chef" not just once or twice.

At first it was a young lady named Tadokoro Megumi.

The second place is the white-haired, frank and lively Alice Nakiri.

The "Gate" connects to the dimensional world, within the territory of the Cat House Restaurant, because the ancient artifact that supports the existence of the Cat House is automatically endowed with a spell similar to 'Language Understanding', so no matter what race it is, or what different planes it comes from The world can communicate without barriers.

"Hello." Aletta bowed in a friendly manner.

Nakiri Erina saw that she was not much older than him, and was of the same age group as him. She seemed harmless and had no intentions, so her vigilance dissipated a lot.

She was both curious and eager to explore the demon goat horns sticking out from Aletta's golden-orange hair: "Isn't this really a decoration? Can I touch it and see?"

Aletta immediately blushed and said a little shyly: "It's true. You'll know if you touch Chef Erina."

Xia Yan left the two of them behind and went to the locked bedroom behind the store.

An ancient porcelain vase still stood quietly on the desk.

After closing the door, Xia Yan walked to the table:

"Are you there?"

There was black mist billowing from the mouth of the bottle, "Yes."

"Did you get any results from the 'wonderful object' I asked you to study?"

The voice in the bottle was silent for a while, and then answered cautiously: "That is an ancient artifact that embodies the highest level of craftsmanship in the former Forest Elf Empire, and even involves the power of God's rules."

"I can't do the 'modification' you mentioned."

"You must be a god who possesses divine status and has not yet fallen, in order to complete your commission."

Hearing this, Xia Yan was not disappointed.

This is the Nth time he has visited the world of "Different World Canteen", and he has long had the idea of ​​connecting this world to the main paradise.

That's right, he just took a fancy to the dimensional restaurant "Cat House".

Think about it.

If it is successfully connected to the main park and the "Cat House" restaurant, which is supported by elven civilization and wonders, can it open a wonderful "door" to the two main parks of "Shougen no Soul" and "Chinese Ichiban"?

A dimensional restaurant that moves at any time, hidden in the depths of the void, and that no one can locate.

You can do whatever you want.

In a fixed place, a certain city, a certain street.

Or in the station shopping district after the train service has stopped.

Or the old town in the dead of night, or the cramped izakaya next door.

A "door" is suddenly thrown in. Are you surprised or surprised?

So that’s it.

The prerequisite for conquering the big world of "Another World Canteen" is that you must first get rid of the strange object in the cat house. To elaborate, it is to modify the "rules" of this strange object to make its setting more suitable for the owner Xia Yan. ’s mind and is directly controlled by his will.

"You can try entrusting the red lady who is the 'incarnation of fire'." The voice in the bottle suggested.

"It can only be this way."

Xia Yan said helplessly that if he could, he really didn't want to get more involved with the Red Dragon Lady and the Scarlet Queen.

Because the character of this female Pillar God is not very good.

Irritable, fond of war, and even very possessive.

Obviously, Ms. Chi responded quickly to Xia Yan, a "big celebrity".

Front store.

Erina was still listening to Aletta chattering about the restaurant and telling some interesting things about the customers.


The door suddenly opened.

A humanoid female demon dragon strode in with great strides. Before she could restrain her extraordinary power, the temperature of the environment rose sharply and the air was filled with the smell of burning sulfur.

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