Eternal food paradise

Chapter 416 The mission of opening up and expanding territory (Part 2)

""World Mission—Opening up Territory and Expanding Territory" (gold). "

"Content/Description: On the other side of the door, there is a vast fantasy world, but if you want to make it a paradise, you must first break down the hostility of the world's will and become a foreigner protected by this world..."

"Goal/Condition: Collect all the blessings of the 'Seven Colors', progress 0/7."

"Remarks: 'Seven Colors' means six pillars of god + ten thousand colors of chaos."

"The gods usually only give blessings to the creatures they are extremely optimistic about. These creatures are either already the agents of the gods' will, or they are candidates..."

I have chosen to travel to the "Different World Canteen" plane several times, and this time it was a two-person trip, spending 10% of the [Deviation Value] resources in one go.

Facts have proved that Xia Yan's hard work on several visits was not in vain.

Hiss, after glancing at the mission information, Xia Yan took a breath. This difficulty is no less than "The Shining Jade Generation". You have to be prepared for a long-term battle.

"The seven colors are six pillar gods plus an evil god!"

"First get rid of the 'Incarnation of Fire' that's almost in the bowl in front of you... Well, use the Arrancar!"

If the female pillar god across the bar read Xia Yan's inner teasing that she was almost in the bowl, would she be angry?

But this really can't be blamed on Xia Yan.

From the perspective of Aletta and Erina, when the chef Xia Yan placed the steaming latest masterpiece in front of the Red Queen, this pillar god transformed into a human woman wearing a luxurious dress, showing His appetite and greed are no better than those of normal human diners, and he has no self-control that a godly person should have.

And from the lady’s own standpoint.

What, Pillar God?

Sorry, now I am just an ordinary eater who is addicted to delicious food.

Moreover, it is true that he is a pillar god, but he is essentially a demonic dragon.

The Red Queen is not as particular as other gods of the old system. She puts on hypocritical airs all day long. For example, she is a dragon by nature and loves treasures, so she will build a nest with treasures generously. The Kingdom of God is also full of gold coins. sea.

For example, right now, she felt that the smell coming from her was so wonderful that it immediately aroused her appetite. So what the lady showed was to swallow hard, grab a spoon, and devour the food.


The mature woman's breathing was rapid, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she moaned: "It's delicious~~~!!"

The first thing is a big mouthful of soft egg crumbs.

This is the egg product of the "Harpy Witch". In fact, Xia Yan's guess is very accurate. The egg that has melted on the dinner plate is not the egg of some harpy. It has noble blood and can be regarded as one who believes in and follows the Red Queen. A strong ethnic group.

You know, although the harpy is a half-human creature, its habits are very different from humans.

The characteristics of "egg laying" determine their bloodline strength and life habits, which are more like wilderness monsters.


The red lady didn't like the smell of her army of servants.

Because, although they like to build nests in the mountains, don't think that they are a pure group of flowers of the high mountains. On the contrary, the "recipe" of the harpies is very complex, and they are not afraid of cold and raw food, which is a barbaric and primitive kind. The smell made Ms. Akazhi dislike it.

It is true that she is synonymous with war on the mainland, but war is not chaotic and disorderly. Lady Chi is more happy to see her believers organize batches of iron-blooded armies with strict discipline and tear them apart with mighty power on the battlefield. enemy.

But harpies have nothing to do with strict discipline.

That kind of "chaos" and "barbarism" that seems to be engraved in the blood is exactly what Ms. Akazhi doesn't like.


At this time, on the dinner plate, there are egg drops that have been swallowed.

Totally pure!

"How is this done?" After eating several mouthfuls in a row, Ms. Chi couldn't help but ask with her beautiful eyes wide.


Xia Yan put his chin on his head and observed the lady's expression with interest. He didn't answer but asked lightly: "Is this the taste you like? What do you think?"

The Pillar God, transformed into a mature lady, nodded hurriedly, writing happiness and pleasure on her cold and noble face.


“Very, very delicious!”


He even patted the table excitedly.

“So, this dish has officially replaced beef stew as my favorite dish—”

"From now on, you can use the name of the dish to refer to me - 'Ms. of the Hot Spring Egg Mansion'."

Xia Yan:? ? ?

Madam, stop your smug and joyful expression!


The female Pillar God quickly ate all the eggs, leaving only the 'eyeball' in the center of the plate. She couldn't scoop it up with a spoon, so she grabbed it with her hands, even forgetting that she had extraordinary powers to grab it from a distance. .

Bite the palm-sized eyeballs.

It's like biting into a watery fruit.

There was strange juice on his mouth and cheeks.

Her red lips became hydrated. After taking two bites, the red queen nodded in admiration with "hmm", her eyes were bright, and she looked up from time to time to glance at the chef standing with arms folded at the bar, showing a beautiful smile:

"Is this Hai Ling's organ?"


"To be honest, I don't like these shape-shifting monsters in the sea either. I think they always have a fishy smell, but you can achieve 'complete purification' by cooking their core organs!"

The woman didn't care about the superior air of the gods at all, and her pink little tongue poked out to lick the juice on her lips.


After eating, he spread his arms and said, "It's incredible. The boredom and irritability accumulated during this period are suddenly gone."

A voice next to me said:

"Food does have this invisible power that can bring happiness to anyone, even..."

"Even what?"

The woman was in a good mood and blinked at Erina who was suddenly stuck.

"Even if you are a god." Xia Yan continued, "Please allow me to say something that may be blasphemous to your heart. Observing your eating, madam, also made me understand that the life of a god is actually quite monotonous, empty and boring?"

"That's right!"

Without paying attention, she maintained the posture of raising her arms and stretching her body. The size of her chest became more and more shocking. The woman's lips slightly curled up and she said: "As for me, I'm doing pretty well. Some of the six pillar gods are hiding outside." People live autistic lives on the space moon, and some simply fall into endless slumber. Maybe sleeping is the only fun way to kill time?"


His arms suddenly dropped, and a wave surged in his chest.

"You've succeeded in pleasing me once again."

The Red Queen put on the deep and mysterious tone commonly used by deceivers, and wore an elegant smile:

"Do you want to come to my kingdom of God? I can give you the status of a divine servant and enjoy eternal life from now on. Well, if you can continue to please me, maybe I will help you get closer and become one of mine. The name comes from God.”

Xia Yan: "..."

The words were serious and solemn, as if a female god was trying to pry a corner.

But the problem is, after just enjoying a meal that makes her soul feel happy, the red queen's tone cannot be serious at all, with a sense of coquettishness, and there is an astonishing red glow on her cheeks that makes people unable to take their eyes away.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like...

The Queen is looking for a face-to-face interview?

Next to her, Erina's gaze could kill someone.

"Ahem, madam, as long as I please you, let's talk about the specific content of the 'commission'."

The Scarlet Queen did not hide her disappointment, but the possessiveness in her eyes became stronger: "Very good, you are one of a million interesting souls who are indifferent to the terms of being a divine servant and serving as a god. Hey, you are really A chef with big ambitions.”

Xia Yan smiled slightly: "After all, my goal is to cook all over the world."

Then, he explained the content of the ‘commission’ in detail.

The lady was surprised.

Modify the ancient artifacts that support the existence of "Cat House"?

Moreover, it is to modify the specific rules.

Change the fixed opening time of two days every weekend to anytime and anywhere, as the restaurant owner wants.

The "door" no longer appears randomly.

Under the direct control of the owner.

Once a "door" is opened somewhere, there will be no entry or exit restrictions or time restrictions until the restaurant owner removes the rules and makes the "door" disappear.

"An ancient rare object from the Forest Elf Empire? This is not a problem for me." The Red Queen readily agreed.

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