Eternal food paradise

Chapter 419 Live broadcast at a restaurant in another world

In this way, the layout of the "Cat House" now becomes two floors.

The main store on the lower floor is in charge of trainee chef Erina Nakiri, while the upper floor is in charge of Xia Yan, who may have nothing to do all day long.

These days.

In the kingdom's capital, rumors of a magical restaurant are prevalent among commoners, nobles and professionals. Everyone is looking forward to finding the legendary "door" and entering the restaurant to taste the real food in the world.

And some people, who have already mastered the specific address of the "door", frequent the cat house and wish they could have three meals a day in the store.

Therefore, he is different from Mr. Xia of Xianyu.

Erina, who was sitting in the lobby, was very busy at work.


A mercenary at a certain table held up a full glass of beer.

"No other restaurant in the royal capital can produce these exquisite lunches." Two nobles in silk robes exchanged words in a low voice.

"Waiter, another plate of barbecue!"

shouted the generous lieutenant uncle.

Outside the busy scene of the main store, Xia Yan suddenly appeared at the stairs leading to the second floor, half-leaning on a wooden pillar, looking around with satisfaction at the business in the store.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as making a fortune every day, but don’t underestimate the silver and gold coins that are constantly arriving at the main store, because this is the main currency used to purchase ingredients in the system mall.

As the number of people in the group chat increased dramatically, the demand for materials among the group members also increased rapidly, and the amount of money deducted from Xia Yan by the system was getting larger and larger every day.

But now that he has a stable financial source, Xia Yan is not worried about a deficit in his accounts. In his plan, it is not just Erina.

In the future, the "Cat House" must have a trainee chef permanently stationed there, and he made a list in his mind:

Let the jade generation cycle be completed first.

Then to the current top ten members.

Then came the graduates.

Then, there are group tasks and group rotations.

After entrusting the Red Queen to modify the rules for the existence of the "Cat House", Xia Yan has many plans to start implementing.

For example, right now, the reputation of "Cat House" should be really promoted.

This is also the first step in his strategy for the main paradise's territory expansion mission. After all, once he has gained a reputation, he can grab the rhythm. He can contact the "Five Color Pillar Gods" other than the red ones faster than the original track, and even defeat the suspected ones who have been defeated. The "Ten Thousand Colors Chaos" that was accumulating strength for resurrection was attracted.

Thinking that the "Cat House" would be a tool for attracting money in the future, Xia Yan couldn't help but glance at the group chat to see what his reserve Cat House employees were talking about recently.


"Erina, Senior Natsu, have been missing together for several days!"

Xia Yan took a look at this ID with an angry expression and thought, oh, no wonder it's Alice.

Yise Hui appeared very cleverly, not taking it too seriously, and added more words:

"Ah, they must be on their honeymoon. Alice, you must be prepared to take over the affairs of Yuanyue for your sister who may be in confinement..."


Yise Hui's speech caused the group chat to explode.

"Tour for two, honeymoon?"

"I understand! Isshiki, you are a good friend of Demon King Natsu, so you must have inside information!"

"Then the question is, will the Natsu Demon King marry Miss Erina, or will Miss Erina marry the Natsu Demon King?"

"There's no fucking difference between you, they're all married to each other!"

"In my opinion, it's impossible for the Xia Demon King to change his surname when he gets married. Our Yuanyue's reputation is not that great——"

Seeing that Yise Hui's rhythm was causing the group chat topic to go astray.

Xia Yan took a breath and glanced at the remaining 4% [Deviation Value] resources. Okay, bear with it for now!

If you don't have enough resources, you will immediately hire Yisekhui as a black slave, with a 996 work system, working more than ten hours a day, for a year and a half, and squeeze this guy out of his energy. !

the other side.

In the world of "Zhonghua Ichiban", in Shu, after completing a mission, Yisekhui smiled and said something in the group chat interface, and suddenly felt a chill on the back of his head, and a bone-chilling sense of danger.

Hey, the rhythm needs to be wiped out. Xia Yan was bored and there were no distinguished guests on the second floor.

["No Martial Arts - Demon King Xia" started the live broadcast. 】

A group message pops up.

Instantly, the group chat box stopped scrolling, and the number of real-time viewers of Xia Yan's live broadcast interface in the group surged to more than one hundred in just two or three seconds.

In Totsuki Campus.

First-year group members taking classes.

Tadokoro was in the big class, clicked on the live broadcast, and was immediately shocked by the picture unfolding in her field of vision.

The restaurant store with modern decoration was actually filled with guests with strange paintings.

There are battle-experienced mercenaries who wear armor and hold weapons.

A handsome half-elf professional with pointed ears.

There are also some strange ethnic groups that clearly have human bodies but bear beast heads.


Hey, hey, hey!

Isn't this the "cat house" where she worked during her rookie nightmare?


Alice, who had been gritting her teeth and thinking about her dear sister, immediately saw the figure busy at the open bar on the far side of the screen.

Other group members also discovered it and posted comments one after another:

"Hey, is the chef Erina?"

"The person running the live broadcast is the Summer Demon King. In this case, it is really what Isshiki said...a husband and wife team?!"

"Leonora Nakiri rewarded the anchor with 1 point (real name)."

"Caiba Joichiro gave me a reward..."

"Dojima Gin rewarded..."

When Alice saw the first tip message, she angrily posted a message: "Mom! Why should I tip you? You should give me a brick or a weakling to help me step on Erina hard!"

"Alice, the one who started the live broadcast is the Summer Demon King." Leonora responded to her daughter's barrage, "Don't openly make such a shameful statement. Look, this is not a honeymoon. You still have a chance, Alice." Si, come on!"

Everyone wisely ignored the internal conflicts of the Nakiri family and discussed the existence of the "Cat House" and the interesting background of the world they live in.

Jingle Bell!

During the live broadcast, you can hear clear ringtones.

There is a new guest.

It’s an old customer who looks like a ronin swordsman, the ‘Swordsman’ Tatsugoro.

However, when Tatsugoro entered the store, the door did not close immediately behind him, and two more customers came in one after another.

One of the guests was a tall man with a majestic lion's head.

Obviously, this was a lion man, a very powerful professional. Tatsugoro subconsciously pressed his hand on the hilt of the tachi hanging at his waist.

The third place is the elf gourmet, Fardaniya, who has been here several times before.

"Please upstairs -"

Xia Yan suddenly became energetic and greeted the three people.

Regular "magic-level" materials can be purchased with gold coins, but the reserve "funds" for "weird-level" materials depend on the wool of these distinguished customers.

To his suddenly sunny smile.

Tatsugoro, a lion warrior named Lionel, and the beautiful elf lady Faldaniya.

For some reason, I felt a sense of crisis coming over me.

The three of them gritted their teeth, and under Xia Yan's greeting, they went to the second floor and stood in front of the board with today's signature dish:

""Banshee Egg Fried Rice"?"

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