Eternal food paradise

Chapter 427 The Good God’s ‘Soft Knife’ (Part 2)

That's right.

In the world of "Another World Canteen", the only person who can occupy the body of a young priest in white and walk in the material world is Ms. Bai herself. Because of the special nature of the "container", it is impossible for other gods to occupy it, and Ms. Bai will not just watch important believers being manipulated by external gods. That would be an extremely bad tauren drama!

"Ahem, please sit down."

Whatever you have to do, do it.

Xia Yan walked around to the open bar, and his smiling face met the smiling face of the girl in white. Their eyes collided, and he saw that in the other's clear golden eyes, there was a warm smile that could make people let go of all their dirty and evil thoughts. meaning.

In an instant, the thought of converting from an unbeliever to a devout believer arose in my heart.

The eyes are divided at the first touch.

However, Xia Yan took several deep breaths before suppressing the weird and uncontrollable "thoughts" in his heart, and he almost couldn't help but scream out.

Damn it.

Who said good gods are easier to deal with than evil gods! come out!

This is a "soft knife".

In a sense, it becomes more difficult to resist after people relax their vigilance.

The priest girl in white was obviously surprised by the sudden change in Xia Yan's face and eyes after they left.

Next to her, Ms. Hong, who had never intervened, sneered:

"How about it? Don't worry, this bad boy is not your cup of tea, and there is no way he can become a believer in your Religion of Light."

"Stop trying to confuse me like that."

"it's useless!"

"Even if he leaves the "Cat House", he can look directly at you and me without being suppressed by the majesty of God. "

In this last sentence, Ms. Hong’s tone was meaningful.

The 'Ms. White' who occupied the body of the young believer shook her head slightly, and the disappointment and astonishment in her eyes disappeared in an instant.

She sat back in the bar chair.

Xia Yan had already adjusted his mentality at this time, looked at her with more vigilance, and simply made it clear on the "title":

"Ma'am, this is the Cat House, a restaurant, so would you like to order something?"

"...You can call me 'Sumoya' now."

"Okay, Sumaya?"

'Ms. Bai', who insisted on using the name of the girl believer, raised her finger with a smile and pointed at the flesh and blood of the frostworm on the bar, "Is this the monster I just hunted? Can I eat a food made with this ingredient?"

Xia Yan shook his head:


‘Ms. Bai’ was shocked again: “Why?”

"Did you see the sign at the top of the stairs?"

"On the second floor of Cat House, only one extra dish is provided every day, and the payment method is clearly written! Be sure to read it carefully!"

'Ms. Bai' was silent for a moment and said, "What if I just want to eat the flesh and blood of frostworms?"

Xia Yan said with a smile:

"That's private hospitality outside of the daily menu. Such hospitality, well, you can understand it as a one-to-one exclusive special service. The price is equivalent to a one-to-one exchange/transaction."

Hearing this, 'Ms. Bai' just looked directly into Xia Yan's eyes, with a deep and wise look that could read people's hearts:

"You want something from me?"

A sentence that makes no sense.

Xia Yan's heartbeat, which had just calmed down, suddenly accelerated again.

He only dared to complain in his heart:

"Nonsense! Our main paradise's territory expansion mission, if we want to connect to the "Alternate World Canteen", we have to trick you gods and get the 'Seven Colors Blessing'..."

Ms. Bai, the blessing of the pure and glorious dragon is of course one of the mission goals.

Xia Yan was silent for a second or two.

'Ms. Bai' suddenly said: "As long as you can please me, I will accept all payment transactions within a reasonable range."

to please…

Xia Yan suddenly looked serious, looking at the gentle and friendly smile on the girl's face that seemed to last forever.

If this face breaks down due to ‘drugs’.


No matter how you think about it, it's all the fault of his evil chef, the fault of the dark cuisine.

"Ma'am, I have a question."

"What level of 'pleasure' do you want?" Xia Yan decided to take a shot of vaccination to avoid being suspected of blasphemy later and being beaten into pieces by the goddess's wrath.


It wasn't just Ms. Bai who was asked.

Next to her, Ms. Hong, Faldaniya, Aldoius and the group chat friends who were watching his live broadcast were all stunned. Inexplicably, they felt that the momentum of Xia Yan's words had a terrifying sense of danger. .

"To what extent..."

Ms. Bai was silent for a long time.

"Let's do this. Madam, you just need to say 'delicious' later, and the dish made of frostworm flesh will successfully please you."

tasty? Ms. Bai's eyes flickered and she nodded.

With her status, no one can force her to say "delicious" as long as she is unwilling and unsatisfied.

Xia Yan heard a "ding" in his ears.

The mission log has been updated:

[Option 3: Hunt and 100% control a "weird grade" material randomly designated by the system. 】

[… Treat ‘Ms. White’ with frost insect meat dishes with 100% material control, and please the pure and glorious dragon! 】

Content and objectives are supplemented and added at the same time.

The reward bar has also undergone major changes.

"Reward: Destiny Roulette·Gourmet Cell (golden lottery prop)*1."

Grass (bilingual)!

Xia Yan's breathing suddenly became rapid.

From an extraction and refining tool to a finished cell lineage? Shocked, that’s not the rhythm of taking off on the spot!

To know.

Gourmet cells not only help hunters capture and control those rare ingredients.

Why is it said to be a bloodline-like ability?

It means that once you have gourmet cells in your body, you will naturally awaken the special abilities corresponding to the cells, which can be regarded as magic-like abilities and supernatural abilities.

For example, the god-level "NEO" can devour, regenerate, teleport, split and create daughter bodies...

"Sure enough, it is worthy of entertaining the gods."

"What kind of hospitality and gifts can be brought to a guest of any caliber!"

He began to carefully examine the pieces of frostworm flesh on the bar.

When he dug out the flesh and blood from the giant insect corpse, he probably came into contact with it, and he had a visual inspection and appraisal of the characteristics of the flesh and blood.


The flesh and blood inside the frostworm's thick carapace is undoubtedly rich in protein.

The specific texture is so slender and delicate that one cannot associate it with the image of a giant insect-like monster.

Even the smell of "pollution" is very thin.

After all, frostworms inhabit the frozen plateau areas of the North, which are inaccessible to humans. The monster's neighbors are also some ice tribes, and the food they prey on comes from here.

Therefore, from the analysis of the habitat environment, the flesh and blood of frost bugs is, in a sense, as clean as ice and snow.

The only problem is...

In the blood, the inherent magical cold penetrated into every inch of flesh and blood.


Xia Yan tried to use the Garuda knife to cut off a piece of flesh and blood. The material data fed back by the system showed that the "frozen aura" in the flesh and blood did not change at all.

It's other parts of flesh and blood, such as smell and flesh fibers.

More pure.

After Erina hung the "Closed" sign at the door of the store on the ground floor, she turned back and stood not far from Xia Yan, staring at his every move.

At this moment, I realized that he seemed to be encountering a problem, so he couldn't help but step forward, folding his arms and body to endure the magical cold that filled the kitchen, and asked softly: "Didn't the Garuda knife work?"

"It worked."

"But the function is not to weaken or erase the 'magic halo'..."

"It's not in the service area where Garuda knife handles pollution!"

at the same time.

Xia Yan's voice also fell clearly on the ears of the group chat friends watching the live broadcast.

Then a barrage of discussions and suggestions floated by.

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