Eternal food paradise

Chapter 429 Final Chapter (Part 2)

"Forget-the-worry grass!"

"The spice combination is so simple, just salt and forget-me-not powder?"

"That's not the case..." Ye Shanliang posted a barrage under his real name, "Don't forget the magical cold that comes with the frostworm meat."

"Magic freezing, chilled breath?"

There was a burst of astonishing reactions from the barrage.

"Hayama-san, can this also be regarded as a part of the spice formula?"

"Why isn't it possible?"

Ye Shanliang insisted on his point of view: "To create a perfect and sacred aroma, every link and variable in the formula must be taken into consideration."

Shiomi Jun came out to smooth things over:

"To say it's a 'chilled taste', it's more appropriate to call it the original flavor of the ingredients."

When Xia Yan handed over the plate, he glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Chilled = original flavor?


For him, "chilled breath" actually equals blue heaven.

But don't forget the special title "Ice Blue Crown" he has unlocked.

This is a mysterious title with the characteristics of Lin.

The conditions for activating it are quite simple and not harsh. First of all, the keyword "ice" cannot be missing. It does not have to be the freezing of materials, but also the cold given by external objects, such as using the Beichen Sirius Sword.

Secondly, the dishes are limited and must be served to the table in the final form of "cold dishes".

What a coincidence.

Frostworms are monsters that inhabit the frozen soil areas of the northern plateau, and have nothing to do with seafood or fresh food.

But it comes with its own inherent magical cold.

It is naturally an excellent ingredient for activating the "Ice Blue Crown", even more suitable than aquatic products.

Therefore, Xia Yan's recipe is simple and straightforward.

It is "Frostworm Sashimi Feast".


Can frost bugs also sashimi?

If you limit the way of eating "sashimi" to aquatic products, it would be a narrow perspective. There are also many sashimi delicacies on land, some of which are relatively famous, such as horse meat sashimi.

Moreover, compared to horse meat, the specifications and grades of frostworm flesh and blood are infinitely higher than those of Xia Yan.

Ms. Bai and Ms. Red ate the second plate of simply seasoned meat slices one after another.

Delicate meat cut thickly on purpose.

Bite down.

The saltiness of the grains of salt and the mint flavor provided by the forget-me-not spice.

Salty and chilled.


Ms. Bai's breathing was rapid, and she felt like she was falling into a blue heaven filled with the smell of mint.

Originally, given her status, the so-called magical cold of frostworm flesh and blood was a joke, but at this moment, against the backdrop of this mint smell, it actually had a mind-breaking impact.

"Simple salt, a minty herb."

"It actually makes Bing Han Bing Xian greatly strengthened... What kind of magic is this?!"

Xia Yan looked regretful and observed Ms. Bai's reaction to the taste.

The gentle and holy face is still a long way from collapse.


Far from enough.

Xia Yan sighed in his heart, but explained with a smile on the surface: "Because I added a 'lock' composed of two spice formulas on the dinner plate."

"Salt and freshness."

“Mint and cool.”

On the second floor of the Cat House store, everyone except Erina and Faldaniya looked confused.

What, salt can enhance the flavor and freshness?

Isn't the mint flavor just cool? Why can it be combined to form the so-called "lock"?

Unlike the silent store, in the live broadcast room.

Ye Shanliang exclaimed: "Salt and forget-me-not grass powder have made the 'frost insect flesh and blood' double evolve!"

Shiomi Jun said: "Don't forget that 'chilled' has also become a condiment on the plate. Why not triple evolution, or even multiple geometric evolutions of each other?"

After the authoritative professor of spices spoke, the barrage came in unison:

"It's scary to think about it!"

"Awesome and terrifying technical content!"

"Xia Demon King's basic skills, don't sit down!"

Erina, as the person Xia Yan chose to accompany him on his trip to the canteen in another world, was free after the "Closed" sign was hung on the door of the store, and she had time to follow the only live broadcast room of the group chat.

Different from the perspective of her friends across the screen, Erina noticed carefully that the classmate "Xi Shang Xi" did not seem to be in a high mood.

It seemed he was still not satisfied with his taste reaction to the first two frostworm sashimi.

"Do you need my help?" Erina came closer, covering her mouth with her hand, and whispered, "My "God's Tongue" may not be strong in other areas, but when it comes to tasting and studying new dishes, it's definitely a first-class one. artifact. "

Xia Yan didn't answer, rolled his eyelids, and smiled awkwardly at the two ladies in front of the bar.

Hello, girl.

There is no such thing as whispering in front of the Pillar God.

Besides, after having used "Ice Blue Crown" and "Spice Inequality" successively, the cooking progress is displayed on the retina like this:

""Frostworm Flesh", 86%..."

This is the usage rate and control of ingredients.

The entire dish, tentatively named "Frostworm Sashimi Feast", is less than 60% complete.

Xia Yan simply became cruel. Since the system judged it like this, he had to bite the bullet and reach the MAX completion level.

He looked at Erina, who had a worried face and caring eyes, and felt a little warm in his heart.

The reason why he was so determined to drag this girl to "Another World Canteen" was nothing more than another way of training, well, to be precise, it was to further develop the girl's magical tongue.

The more mysterious and magical ingredients you taste, the more experience Erina has as a host as a chef.

"In the future, I will feed you magic ingredients until you vomit."

Unable to resist, she raised her hand and scratched Erina's pretty nose.

Xia Yan said with a smile: "But not now. If you taste the frostworm meat, your tongue will be destroyed. The magic cold is no joke."

"The "Frostworm Sashimi Feast" recipe I am currently developing has a specific target audience."

"Only powerful professionals who are immune to magic cold are eligible to enjoy it!"

Hearing this, Erina retreated outside the open kitchen. It was difficult for her to endure the cold breath escaping in the air. Thinking of the close contact between her tongue and flesh and blood, and freezing to death, her pretty face turned pale.


An impatient guest bangs on the table.

Ms. Hong did not hide her greedy appetite and shouted impatiently: "Is there more, is there more!"

"Just two thin pieces of meat! It's not enough! I feel like I can swallow a whole frostworm now!"

Xia Yan had already figured out this person's temperament and did not indulge her. He simply ignored her and looked at Ms. Bai who was occupying the body of the young female believer with a smile.

"and you?"

The female believer pursed her plump lips, her eyes showing more appetite than confusion, "I also want... more!"

Xia Yan's smile became brighter and brighter, and he thought to himself:

Hold on.

This increases the "dose"!

He faced the chopping board and continued to hold the Yongling Knife, cutting the frostworm flesh and blood.

No more than three times.

This is the third course, the third set.

He plans to make it the final chapter of "Frostworm Sashimi Feast".

"The "Spice Inequality" needs to be strengthened and more variables added. It seems that night sage needs to be added, and death cheese is also indispensable. "

"As for the "Ice Blue Crown". "

"The time-tracing of the Eternal Sword's delicious heaven, and the "Ice Blue Crown"'s blue heaven..."

Here, Xia Yan's thoughts started to change.

Perhaps this is the breakthrough point for the 86% material control degree to rise sharply?

The second heaven.

The Yongling Knife, one by one, returns the flesh and blood of the Frostworm to the "freshness" of its origin.

The characteristic of ice blue is the "freshness" that seizes the golden moment and the most stunning moment.

Past and present, yes.

What about "the future"?

It can only be interpreted as...

A brand new kingdom formed by the collision and fusion of the two heavens!

"This brand new country of freshness is the Big Bang-like super variable of the "Spice Inequality". Seize it! "

Xia Yan was slightly excited.

The golden lottery props related to food cells are about to be obtained.

He was different from the previous two times. When he took action this third time, in the live broadcast room, everyone on the second floor of the Maowa store saw Xia Yan suddenly say to Ms. Hong:

"Please lend me a ray of elemental fire."


As a result, the magical cold covering the frostworm's flesh began to dissipate.


Xia Yan shouted when the surface dissolved.

In the pan, the cut pieces of flesh and blood were lined up together. He moved quickly and sprinkled some chopped red wax-colored cheese.

"Keep the fire going!"

Elemental fire bakes the bottom of the pot.

The minced red wax was visible to the naked eye and melted into the classic cheese layer, covering the flesh and blood. Xia Yan shouted at the right time:

"You can let go."

Lady Red removes her Immortal Flame.

Because I made it clear in advance, Ms. Hong's "divine flame" did not roast the frostworm flesh to ashes, nor did it completely eradicate the magical cold in the flesh, but only removed the top layer.

Therefore, after stopping, a fierce cold breath came out of the flesh and blood, and the "tip" including the cheese layer formed ice crystals.

It has ice cream flavor.

During the process of re-freezing and freezing, Xia Yan had evenly sprinkled many spices on it.


The cooking log pops up.

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he saw the good results displayed by the system.

Ms. Bai, who was the key to dialogue, blinked her eyes, spoke in a dangerous and mischievous tone, and let out a devilish chuckle:

"Ma'am, this is the final chapter of overdose."

"You're in for a treat."

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