At the store, Ms. Hong saw Xia Yan return. The bowl of blood she had released about a quarter of an hour ago seemed to have been brought back intact, but Ms. Hong had not yet had time to find out why the blood in the bowl was disconnected from her.

Xia Yan took another large container in front of her.

First, I took a hot water bottle, poured some warm water, and sprinkled in white salt grains.

Then Ms. Hong saw her "divine blood" being transferred into this large bowl.

Xia Yan clapped his hands and stared at Ms. Hong seriously, without giving her time to think about the disappearance of the "divine blood" power, and said in a seductive tone:

"Madam, what follows is a very delicious and classic dish."

"I have two routes for you to choose from."

"One is a more homely way. You can call it pig's blood, no, dragon's blood vermicelli soup."

“The other one is the more complex Sichuan style Maoxuewang.”

Ms. Hong was stunned.

Dragon's blood is a precious material. There is no doubt about this. Many warriors' bodies have expanded after bathing in dragon's blood. Therefore, including Ms. Hong herself, they subconsciously regard "dragon's blood" as a magic material and an alchemical material. Not any food.

The key is that this dragon's blood was given by her own hands just now.

This is a bit...

It’s so complicated that I don’t know how to put it.

If it were someone else who was so "blasphemous", Ms. Hong would have opened her mouth and sprayed out a stream of world-destroying flames. But at this moment, Xia Yan was acting as a chef, staring at him closely without a trace of joking or blasphemy.

Ms. Hong still asked in disbelief: "Can this really be made into delicious food?"

Blood, food.

This has exceeded Ms. Hong’s understanding of delicious food and kitchen.


Xia Yan planned to cook "dragon's blood" and "sacred blood" not on a whim, but because he had such a strong idea when he asked Ms. Hong before.

Originally, it was extremely difficult to cook a portion of "Dragon's Blood" normally.

But after all the divine power had been extracted by the god-level props, at this moment, the "divine blood" information was displayed in Xia Yan's field of vision like this:

""Red Divine Blood". "

"Quality/Level: Destruction level."

"Explanation: It was originally a part of the blood of the Pillar God, but the supernatural power has been drained, and the level fell from the legendary thing to this."

Destruction level!

This is undoubtedly a new quality vocabulary, and it is also Xia Yan's first exposure to materials above "weird level".

According to Xia Yan's understanding.

Based on the experience of online games, the alienation level is probably a light blue prop.

Magic level, it is an ordinary blue prop.

The weird level is dark blue.

The "Destruction Grade" must have broken through the ranks and reached the quality of light purple.

On the other hand, the quality of the originally golden-orange legendary item dropped to light purple after the "gourmet cells" were refined. This also shows that the more advanced the materials, the magical cells they contain are the core factor.

Xia Yan flipped through his character panel again.

Under the cooking skill level LV.65, there is a new information column——

"Gourmet Cell·Red" (elite level).

Upgrade progress: 0%.

Unlocked abilities: Dragon Scale Armor, Dragon Bite, Dragon Breath, Red Dragon Power, Bloodline Spellcasting, Dragon Language Proficiency, Special Blind Sense, Dragon Wings, Half-Dragon Transformation.

Elite level ability: [Red Form I].

"Upgrade progress, 0%."

The reason why he went directly to the elite level was because he ate so many ingredients and accumulated a lot of nutrients in his body.

"A "destruction-level" dragon's blood that has lost its cells and magical powers, but still contains a huge amount of nutrients, so you have to make the best use of it and squeeze out the last drop of experience. "

After 15 minutes, the dragon's blood mixed with water and salt had already agglomerated.

Xia Yan was so leisurely that he looked at Ms. Hong in front of the bar and smiled slightly:

"Think carefully, the ingredients are only enough for one route, you can't ask for them all."

"Then, let's eat something more complicated and refined." Ms. Hong decided to ignore the home-cooked Xuewang vermicelli soup route. Well, it is her divine blood after all. Since it is to be made into delicacies, it must be exquisite delicacies.

"no problem!"


Xia Yan cut the caked blood into neat cubes, then poured it into the pot, continued to simmer it with water and salt, and simmered it over low heat.

This is the second step to make the blood clot more compact and coagulate.

It still takes 15 minutes.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xia Yan began to process a large amount of ingredients other than "dragon blood".

Slice lettuce, ham, and cockatrice tail meat.

Put the tripe into a bowl and stir well with the vinegar and starch.

The fungus was not soaked well, and soaking it took a lot of time, so Xia Yan directly chose fresh elf mushrooms and several other wild game from fantasy land instead.

Soon, a large table of abundant ingredients was placed on the bar, a dazzling array of items!

During this period, Erina, Aletta, Fardaniya and others who had already cleaned the store on the ground floor gathered near Ms. Red after finishing their work.

The various ingredients on the table made them so satisfied that they felt an indescribable sense of visual satisfaction just by looking at them before they even got to eating.

at last.

He set up a large pot and heated it up. Xia Yan didn't use any ready-made hot pot base. He was a master of Sichuan cuisine and an expert in spices.

After a while, a pot of red oil soup base appeared in front of everyone.

The ingredients were put in orderly, and the pot was so full that it almost overflowed.


The girl with the divine tongue had already moved an oversized ceramic basin and placed it on the bar. Xia Yan transferred all the cooked ingredients and base ingredients into the basin and poured additional boiled hot oil on it.

I saw the dried red pepper segments, crushed Sichuan peppercorns, and chopped chives sprinkled at the end, sizzling and fragrant on top of a layer of hot oil.

Everyone in front of the bar, including Aletta and Fardaniya, who were originally afraid of Ms. Red because of her status and did not dare to get too close to her, were unknowingly attracted by the aroma and clung to the bar.

Even Ms. Red didn't mind that she was on the left and right, squeezed tightly in the middle by Aletta and Fardaniya.

Ms. Hong looked at the red basin full of delicacies and said with a slight tremor and greed on her face:

"...This is "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang"?"

"Yes! Please enjoy!"

After the dishes and chopsticks were distributed, Xia Yan himself sat down at the bar. Together with Ms. Hong, Erina, Aletta and Fardaniya, they formed a warm family portrait of the current members of the Cat House.

"First take a photo and send it to the chat group, it's done!" Xia Yan held up his scissor hands to the camera, accompanied it with a high-definition picture, and added, "Hey, have you ever tried the authentic Sichuan-flavored Maoxuewang from Blood of the Dragon?"

After sending the message, Xia Yan exited the chat group interface. Xia Yan found that he didn't say hello. Ms. Hong had already led the entire army to rush towards the red basin full of delicacies, like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

He picked it up with chopsticks and went away.

The Xuewang cubes covered with fragrant base were swallowed by Ms. Hong without any hesitation. This was the blood she drained herself. But at this moment, Ms. Hong was not entangled at all, or in other words, her appetite completely overwhelmed the rest of her thoughts.


Numb, spicy, fresh and fragrant, these four flavors flow through the mouth like a torrent.

Xia Yan's authentic Sichuan flavor has already gained the essence of spicy food.

It's definitely very spicy.

The ultimate hemp also exists.

But none of this mattered anymore. Ms. Hong had a mouth full of red oil and her mouth was hissing uncontrollably.

Her body is an extremely evil world-destroying dragon, a red dragon, the incarnation of fire. Logically speaking, she should not have a violent reaction of getting hot and sweating all over her body. But at this moment, Ms. Hong really felt the "unbearable heat"!


Aletta and Erina were also like hungry tigers pouncing on food.

Fardaniya, who just joined the job today, originally planned to eat only vegetarian dishes, but when she saw that everyone was only eating vegetables, she gritted her teeth and uncontrollably changed the target of her chopsticks.

After swallowing the blood clot in one gulp, the female elf's emerald green eyes widened instantly.

It is different from the fragrance of fruits and vegetables.

The rich and fragrant fragrance of this blood made her want to eat suddenly, and she was willing to indulge.

A teardrop fell from the corner of Fardaniya's eye that was so delicious that she cried.


I may not be able to go back.

Why is it so delicious? !



Xia Yan ate quietly, stopping his chopsticks from time to time and paying attention to the progress bar in his field of vision:

""Gourmet Cells·Red" (elite level)...10%..."

Eventually, at 20%, the momentum stops completely.

Xia Yan exhaled, put down his chopsticks, and murmured in his heart: "The elite level corresponds to the special level, and the paragon corresponds to the character Lin. It is indeed not that easy to cross!"

A meal of dragon blood delicacies can increase the price by 20%, which is unexpected.


One of the most important findings is...

Xia Yan looked at the four women in front of the bar. Except for Ms. Red and Fardaniya, who had considerable power, the other two, Erina and Aletta, were simply weaklings.

But they can eat this special dish "Sichuan Style Maoxuewang" normally.

Because of the high quality and high specifications of the material, there was no discomfort, madness or anything like that.

This shows that the removal of "miraculous" is very successful!

The material becomes pure.

Xia Yan glanced at the big eyes, banshee eggs, death cheese and frostworm flesh and blood that had been unlocked in the mall, and seemed eager to try:

"very good!"

"You can try using the Gourmet Cells to control these ingredients without using the Garuda Knife!"

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