Eternal food paradise

Chapter 440 Cells evolve for the first time

Cat House, today is the second time to make a perfect non-castrated version of "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang".

Xia Yan glanced at the three pillar gods who were engrossed in eating in front of the bar.

Ms. Bai and Ms. Hong, who are already old gourmets, took off their chopsticks with alarming frequency. They only focused on eating the food, leaving the pointed rice bowls in front of them untouched.

The black girl who had just arrived seemed very quiet, completely different from her incarnation of death and destruction. She ate slowly with chopsticks, stopping and tilting her head from time to time, as if she was surprised by the delicious taste of her own blood.

[Successfully entertained the ‘Black Lady’. 】

[You can choose the following rewards...]

1. "Destiny Roulette·Gourmet Cells"*1.

2. "Gourmet Cell Refining Item" God Level*1.

Rewards for entertaining diners of new gods are delivered to your door automatically.

Xia Yan took a breath and chose 2 without hesitation.

Isn’t this nonsense? Option 1 is just a lottery box with a nicer name. What should I do if I run out of European energy and get the cheapest purple item?

Besides, don’t be dissatisfied with the god-level cell refining items, legendary quality, and top-level prizes.


After selecting it, Xia Yan's heart skipped a beat when he saw the second familiar syringe refining item in the inventory.

Hold the grass.

It seemed like I could try that bold, crazy and blasphemous idea.

Xia Yan stared at the other two copies of divine blood that had been stored in the inventory space at the same time——

"Brilliant Divine Blood".

"Blood of the God of Death".

They come from the white lady and the young black dragon that looks like a girl.

If you take into account that the first blood and food cells that have been refined and injected are red, the red dragon and the black dragon are always similar in camp and have similar power essences, rather than being completely opposite to the glorious and pure holy power.

Well, let's just choose the "Blood of the God of Death" that I just got and am still excited about.

Xia Yan took another look at the three-pillar god who was already addicted to food and planned to sneak away to his bedroom to test whether his idea was feasible.

But just as he started taking steps, the system unexpectedly popped up a new message:

"World Diary Update ("Another World Canteen"): Under your orderly management, the existence of the "Cat House" has been known to Liu Color for a long time, and the six ladies have made different reactions and plans. At the same time, the mysterious The name of the Dimensional Restaurant has truly spread among the high-ranking beings in this starry sky. "

"[Deviation value] +10%."

Xia Yan's pupils shrank, and then he was inexplicably surprised.


This 10% is a huge windfall, more than getting the Yongling Sword or the Garuda Sword. It seems that the system's judgment level on the impact of this incident is extremely high.

"I didn't expect that the fantasy world opposite the door would change dramatically with just one "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang"." Xia Yan thought funny in his heart.

Is it because the recipe structure of "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang" is so innovative and groundbreaking?

No, it is the use of ‘divine blood’ as the main material that is most incredible.

Although it is a material that has lost its divine power and only has a pure blood structure, it may be this "purity" that releases all the vicious greed hidden in the hearts of ladies.

It’s a total kill!

Xia Yan thought to himself, and looked at the bar in front of the bar. Zhu Shen didn't notice his movement at all, and an intriguing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Ms. White, Ms. Red, Ms. Black..."

"Then there are Ms. Qing, Ms. Gold and Ms. Green."

"Or maybe the "Ten Thousand Colors of Chaos" who are seeking resurrection will come here to test? Since the golden main quest is to collect the ‘Seven Colors of Blessings’, the last and most dangerous ‘Ten Thousand Colors’ is also essential. "

Go downstairs and lock yourself in your room.

When he took out two fresh and hot divine blood from the inventory.


The vase on the desk seemed to be disturbed. Black mist billowed out of the bottle, and an incredible voice came out:

"I smelled the divine power of pure radiance and death and destruction. You, you couldn't have gotten the divine blood of the other two dragons, right?"

"As you can see." Xia Yan chuckled.

The 'Staff Advisor' lost his voice and seemed to be watching Xia Yan tinkering with these two divine bloods. After a long time, he said in a trembling voice:

"The idea you had a few days ago may be feasible!"

"Want to try?"

Xia Yan put down the blood in his hand, narrowed his eyes and said, "I've thought about it, even if this test fails, there won't be any big problems."

"After all, when injecting and absorbing red cells, I got a glimpse of the source of the bloodline, confirmed that the dragon mother is real, and learned that she is the mother of dragons..."

"He is the source of the 'power of seven colors'."

"The flames of destruction, the purest radiance, the destruction of death, the highest sky, the blue color, the earth and life..."

"Several kinds of divine power and authority are gathered in Dragon Mother, and she can transcend time and space, be immortal and survive to this day, which means that under the rules of this world, my experiment this time should be no big deal. "

The 'Staff Advisor' heard this and had no objection. Instead, he changed his tone and warned:

"The rules and will of the world will not be against you."

"But I'm afraid you will see the dragon mother for the second time later. Be careful. These powerful bloodline sources are almost not happy to see their descendants have powerful aliens. In the future, they may overwhelm the old source and become the new source. .”

Xia Yan nodded, his face solemn.

This is the battle between "authority" and "right to speak."

If his seven colors merge into one, and the characteristics of the gourmet cells give him unlimited development possibilities, he will definitely become the source of a new bloodline, and he can even command the dragon mother through his "bloodline".

And this is exactly what sources like Dragon Mother are afraid of and cannot tolerate.

Who wants to see themselves kicked off the throne by the new king and forced to surrender?

[Choose the target—"Blood of Death". 】

[Props used successfully! 】


Very similar injection experience to last time.

Blood surges backwards and blood vessels dilate.

Xia Yan could endure all this. He paid attention to the skyrocketing progress bar of food cell upgrades, and there was uncontrollable joy in his eyes:

"20%, 50%, 80%..."


There was a sudden "click" in the ear, and the information from the red cells was refreshed:

""Gourmet Cell·Red" (classic level), 0%. "

Of course, this is just an increase in cell strength.

After the "root" was upgraded, it began to change qualitatively.

The word red was erased by the system.



A faint call came.

Xia Yan's breathing suddenly became rapid, and he was stunned for a moment. The scenery in his field of vision actually changed into a barren meteorite belt.

On the dry, black-gray gravel plain, the huge colorful dragon slowly straightened its slender and delicate neck, and its scales shone with a gorgeous colorful halo against the dark background of stars.

Colorful light enveloped him, giving this giant dragon an air of myth.

Different from the white lady, red lady and black girl that Xia Yan had seen, what Xia Yan felt in this dragon mother was as deep as the starry sky.

The colorful dragon head looked down straight, and the dragon's eyes were the size of Xia Yan's entire body.

The dragon mother lowered her head.

Xia Yan raised his head.

One person and one dragon looked at each other.

Seeing his reflection in the dragon's eyes, Xia Yan also found curiosity, interest and surprise.


Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least now the Dragon Mother was not afraid or murderous.

Perhaps the mixed "power of god" in one and two parts, in the Dragon Mother's view, is the heir created by the descendants of her own blood in some way.

If it were three copies, the meaning would be completely different.

"This child of yours is the most amazing descendant I have ever seen..."

The words that carry a sense of intimacy are like those of a mother nagging, as if they are coming from an unknown dimension across far away time and space.


I can't bear this power and breath.

The scene Xia Yan saw suddenly broke into pieces, and then changed back to the scene of the cat house bedroom.

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