Eternal food paradise

Chapter 446 Pillar God Salesperson

Six colors come together.

Ms. Hong specially invited a few friends to enter her private room No. 1.

Screens, tatami and kotatsu.

Erina opened the door carefully and put the tea on the low table. She glanced at the ladies who were enjoying playing Ludo around the kotatsu table, and her confusion grew:

Ah this.

Are they really the lofty pillar gods, the demonic dragons who dominate the material continent?


After closing the door, Erina held an empty tray under her shoulder.

"How?" Xia Yan asked with a smile when he saw the girl lowering her head all the way back to the open bar.

Erina snorted and her eyes flickered:

"I feel like my illusions about gods have been shattered." She whispered, looking back in the direction of Private Room No. 1.

Xia Yan is not worried about the gossip behind his back being overheard by several ladies. Not to mention the 'wonder' device in the cat house, which has its own rules and can even suppress the power of the godhead to a certain extent. Otherwise, the incarnation of the Black Dragon Lady will die and be destroyed. , when they appeared in the cat house, weak chickens such as Aletta and Erina might have died of old age and illness on the spot.

And even if he is heard, Xia Yan is not afraid that these non-"righteous" dragons will cause trouble for him.

There are enthusiastic gourmets like Ms. Red and Ms. Bai leading the way.

Oh, no, Black Dragon Lady and Ms. Qing also have the tendency to be crazy fans of Cat House. In contrast, Ms. Gold and Ms. Green, who have just arrived, have become a vulnerable group.

"Click, click!"

Cut two large pieces of freshly grilled dragon eel steak into equal pieces.

This time it was not eel rice, but a side dish served as a gift.

Moreover, compared with the previous sauce-colored "Kabayaki", this time it is "Shiro-yaki". A simple explanation is that it is a plain grilled salt grill. Only salt is added as a seasoning. Therefore, when the eel is grilled, except for the grilled surface, Lightly burnt brown, the inner meat is still white.

On two dinner plates, stack small plates of Shanghai salt, soy sauce, and wasabi puree.

Xia Yan tapped her chin to Erina, who had nothing to do, and said, "Send this side dish over too."

The store on the ground floor has been closed, leaving only Aletta and Fardaniya cleaning.

Immediately, Xia Yan looked at the guests in front of the bar.

Master and disciple of Master Fa.

and Admiral Alphonse.

"That." Alphonse pointed to the soup pot that was steaming after the lid was removed. "What kind of soup is this?"

"Eel liver soup."

After a pause, Xia Yan added: "In some restaurants, this is the standard accompaniment to eel rice."

Alphonse, who had just finished a dish of "Sichuan Style Maoxuewang", immediately put down his tea cup. Instead of drinking tea to relieve his tiredness, he asked Xia Yan for a bowl of free eel liver soup.

The soup was clear in color, with pieces of liver boiled until rotten at the bottom of the bowl. There were unknown vegetable leaves floating on the surface of the soup, and a few vegetable stems that were still fresh and crisp.

Alphonse took a sip.

The taste is rather bitter, with a hint of aroma.

The greasy feeling that had filled my mouth after eating and drinking so much food was instantly gone.

"Hey, this kind of soup is perfect for having a bowl after a meal!"

Ignoring burning my mouth, I finished the drink in one gulp, and the old man wiped the wet corners of his mouth.

Later, Master and Apprentice Victoria, Aldosius, and his disciples were also treated to a free bowl of eel liver soup. Master and Apprentice Fa Ye felt warm all over because of the hot soup, and couldn't help but hum in comfort. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind:

After a bowl of rice, I feel as happy as a god.


Suddenly, the sound of grilling came from the store again.

In front of the bar, the three guests who had just finished drinking the hot soup and entered the "sage state" suddenly had sharp eyes.

This roasting sound is like a button opening the door to appetite.

They all looked up, curious about what Xia Yan was tinkering with with his back to the bar. They saw Xia Yan taking a few skewers and placing them on the grill grid of the charcoal stove, and the "sizzling" sound quickly started coming from the newly idle stove. movement.


In Ms. Hong’s private room No. 1.

Two plates of grilled eel dishes were served to the table. Several ladies looked at them intently, seemingly focused on the flying chess game.

Erina took away the empty tray and carefully retreated to the door. When she closed the door and her perspective was about to be blocked, she chose to pause for a second or two.

Then, there was a scene inside the house visible through a crack in the door.

Led by Ms. Red and Ms. Bai.

Ms. Qing and Black Dragon Lady followed closely behind.

The chopsticks began to rise and fall at an extremely high frequency.

The extremely greedy appearance and method of eating surprised Erina, who was observing through the gap.


Ms. Jin and Ms. Green, who came here for the first time and were incarnated in their own bodies, were obviously affected by the atmosphere of the table. They started eating without much hesitation with chopsticks.

Ms. Jin covered her mouth with her hands.

His true form is a golden dragon.

Authority is the sky.

The divine power manifests as thunder of punishment.

Therefore, Ms. Jin and Ms. Bai obviously belong to the camp of good gods. The woman he incarnates is a sassy female knight wearing light golden armor, with short dark purple hair and a flawless heroic face.

"Is it delicious?" Ms. Red had the food in her mouth, slurring her words, and moved closer to observe the tasting reactions of Ms. Gold and Ms. Green.

I noticed that my best friend and friend, who had just arrived, had an uncontrollable blush of satisfaction on their cheeks.

Ms. Hong was immediately relieved and the corners of her mouth raised:


The "Cat House" is the strangest place under the starry sky.

Pillar magical power to kill.

"I feel like my tongue is spasming." Ms. Jin said in surprise.

Ms. Bai looked at her other best friend, Ms. Green, with a holy smile.

He is the demonic dragon with authority over life and the earth.

At this moment, the image of the body incarnates is that of a plump, round-faced beautiful woman, wearing a light green gauze dress, with earthly tawny hair.

If you compare the figure, the green lady may be the most spectacular among the six pillar gods, the kind that can make the red lady look up.

Seeing the 'green' eyes rippling, their eyes were as lazy as a cat's, showing a look of enjoyment.

Ms. Bai said softly: "This is a new dish of Cat House. It is also Cat House's unique delicacy made by Chef Xia who cut the eel meat from the 'dragon eel' he just hunted. Don't you feel like you have opened up a new world?" The gate to the world?”

While chewing, Ms. Green smiled lazily and said with a magnetic voice: "Yes, it's delicious. I finally understand why a certain type of food is called 'delicious food'. This beautiful word is wonderful."

"It's beautiful."

"It's a compliment to something exquisite."

Staring at the smile on 'Green''s face, the corners of Ms. Bai's mouth raised. This subconscious change in expression was very similar to that of Ms. Red sitting next to her.

It can also be said that the two people who formed the alliance of "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang" just today are now splitting up their forces to attack, each targeting a close friend and starting business, and it seems that the business situation is very good!

Ms. Bai sighed deliberately:

"Unfortunately, this grilled eel is not considered Mr. Cat House and Mr. Xia's signature dish."


The green lady, who had just swallowed a big mouthful of eel meat, was a plump and beautiful woman. Her mouth was slightly open, with a look of surprise on her face: "Is there any more delicious food than this 'grilled eel meat'?"

Ms. Bai nodded affirmatively and said: "If I were to rank it, grilled eel, or "Classic Eel Rice", would be ranked one higher than "Banshee Egg Fried Rice", but it would be on the same level as "Frostworm Sashimi Feast" ."

"And the complete version of "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang" is more than one level higher in quality than the previous dishes, but that's..."

The words that were spoken slowly and with a certain allure suddenly stopped here.

The green lady's soft eyes widened, "But...?"

Heart itches.

The eel meat has whetted my appetite, and my heart is burning at this moment.

"The ingredients are not easy."

Ms. Bai sighed and said: "The only soul ingredient in the complete version of "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang" is a bowl of divine blood from our sisters."


The green lady whispered.

At the same time, Ms. Jin, who looks like a sassy female knight and has short dark purple hair, also looked at the strong red color of Amway's "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang" and said in disbelief:

"Can our 'sacred blood' be used in food?"

Hear the words.

Ms. Bai and Ms. Red exchanged a vaguely proud look without leaving any trace.

Oops, I took the bait, I took the bait!

When two relatives and friends who had just arrived heard that the food required their blood, their first reaction was shock, rather than resistance and anger.

What does this mean?

It shows that the desire for delicious food like grilled eel has already occupied a certain position in their minds.

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