Eternal food paradise

Chapter 451: Barakas’ Cat House (Part 1)

Six ladies, are you all in my trap?

Xia Yan chose reward 2 and looked at the cell needle refining props stacked in the inventory, feeling hot in his heart.

Except for the red and black that have been merged.

The divine blood currently stored in his body is white, gold, green and cyan.

If it is set as a task to collect the Dragon Mother's authority, then the progress has reached 6/7.

Only "Ten Thousand Colors of Chaos" remains.

This is the only evil god in the background of the cafeteria in another world, which is a bit difficult to deal with.

The last battle against the evil god ended only seventy years ago.

No matter how you think about it, 'Ten Thousand Colors' is hidden in the deepest part of the world, accumulating the flames of resurrection. Let's not talk about whether he pays attention to the news from the outside world. Even if he pays attention, it will be difficult for Cat House Food to lure him over.

As for connecting this world to the golden main line mission of the main paradise, in the next few days, if you slowly figure it out, you can also reach 6/7 progress.

Therefore, there is a golden main line of one light and one dark.

At this moment, the progress is seriously blocked by "Ten Thousand Colors of Chaos"!


When Xia Yan was thinking about the clues hidden by the evil god Wanse.

The kingdom of mankind, the royal capital.

There is a foreign traveler from the Southern Continent.

The old bishop of the Wanse Sect, Barakas, used a concealment spell to change his obvious demonic features. In the eyes of passers-by, he was just an ordinary old human being.

Across the endless sea, we arrived at the Eastern Continent and followed the rumors of the "Cat House" that had become popular in professional circles, all the way to the royal capital.

Female treasure hunter Sarah Gerdo didn't know she was being followed by a terrifying big shot.

Thinking about what dishes to order later, she lowered her head and entered the alley.


Open the "door".

Strangely, the welcoming bell seemed to be louder than before this time.

While Sarah Gerdo was wondering, she suddenly felt a gloomy aura coming from behind her. She inhaled, her hairs stood up, and she subconsciously sidestepped and dodged.

An old man wearing a black robe, with a cold face and gloomy eyes, stared at the wonderful "door" that had been opened:

"Is this the cat house?"

Like talking to oneself.

Sarah Gerdo breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "Yes, this is the cat house. Is this your first time here?"

The other party is a strong one.

This is the judgment of the female treasure hunter.

As a high-level elite professional, a person's strength is judged not by appearance, but by aura, which can also be said to be dangerous intuitive senses forged by life and death experience.

Just now, the unknown old man approached from behind. At that moment, Sarah felt like a legendary monster was staring at her.

No, maybe stronger than the legendary monster!

Barakas did not answer Sarah, glanced at her sternly, and stepped into the cat house without saying a word.

Sarah Gerdo, however, was greatly shocked and froze in place.

With just one look, she felt that her mental imprint was almost broken. To put it simply, it was as terrifying as being killed instantly with just one look.

After a long time, the female treasure hunter finally regained her composure, pursed her lower lip tightly, and chose to continue looking for food in the cat house.

Although the cat house rules have been greatly changed, they only apply to the door rules.

If an evil guest makes trouble in the Cat House area and dares to use force, he will be immediately punished by the "wonderful object" of the Cat House, kicked out of the restaurant, and will never be able to open the "door" again, and will be permanently refused hospitality.

Only a certain Pillar God has the right to despise the "wonders" of the Cat House.

Sarah went to the cat house and found that the old man had arrived at the bar in the lobby on the first floor. The trainee chef girl had a nervous expression on her face and was obviously being scrutinized by the old man's "eyes".

"Are you the chef?"

"I am!"

"The owner of this place?"

Erina shook her head, "I'm just the chef, not the store manager."

"Call your store manager!" Barakas said in a gloomy voice.

Following the oracle's instructions, he found the cat house and brought a blessed chalice containing all kinds of divine blood.

However, the sacred artifacts and divine blood will not be given away easily.

Barakas' idea was simple.

He would like to take a closer look.

After seventy years, this person who was selected by the chaos of all colors has something shining.

Erina, who had noticed that the visitor was unkind, was about to turn around and go to the second floor. At this time, a cold greeting came from the stairs:

"The distinguished guest has come from afar, but it is difficult to welcome him from afar!"

This slightly lazy voice immediately relaxed Erina's face.


Time goes back to about a minute.


As soon as he came out of Private Room No. 1, Xia Yan felt his eyebrows pounding, and a breath of the same origin seemed to be calling from beneath his feet.

The "cells" in the body surged wildly, and the blood began to flow backwards.

The trace of divinity hidden in the deepest part of his bloodline emerged from Xia Yan's back, rising into a blurry shadow of a giant dragon that was entangled in red and black.

If it is in the context of the world of "The Prisoner of Food".

Such a "spirit behind" is called the food devil, but now in the context of "Different World Cafeteria", a more accurate term that fits the world's background is the divinity of food.

What is it that attracts me so much?

Divine blood?

Xia Yan quickly went downstairs and happened to see this scene——

Barakas, the archbishop of the Wanse Sect, stood in front of the bar. His whole person exuded a cold and weird aura, which made Erina's pretty face turn pale at the bar.

Yes, he could tell at a glance that Barakas was not a human being.

Strictly speaking, he is not a pure-blooded human race, but a demon with atavistic characteristics.

Compared to the little maid Aletta who is also a demon.

The evil and filth that the blood naturally reveals is almost like a large-scale halo effect.

If it weren't for the "wonderful object" in the cat house that could suppress this kind of aura or aura, Erina would have felt uncomfortable breathing, frightened, and her mind would collapse and become dementia by the minute.

“The distinguished guest has come from afar, but it’s hard to welcome him from afar!”

In one sentence, the focus of the old devil's aura suddenly shifted towards the stairs.

Xia Yan faced the aura pressure of an old stickman who might be at the legendary level or even the demigod level, but he only felt a dark wind blowing on his face, which was almost a similar effect.

As for the feeling of oppression and palpitations at the psychological and soul levels.

That's not even a bit.

Obviously, this is a dimensionality reduction blow based on personality and bloodline!

Xia Yan looked calm and stepped aside to get out of the way of the stairs. "This way, distinguished guest, please go up to the second floor."

As he spoke, he sniffed imperceptibly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It’s really the “divine blood” of a certain person.

Is the container of divine blood in this old demon, or is this demon himself a chosen one and a container of divine blood?


One thing is for sure.

This aura of "divine blood" does not belong to the six ladies who have collected backups.

So, in the world of "Alien World Cafeteria", the seventh known god, and the one who has shown miracles in the material world since the Ragnarok era, can only be that one——

"Ten Thousand Colors of Chaos"!

the other side.

The old Pope Barakas of the Wanse Sect, while following Xia Yan up the stairs, was secretly shocked by the young store manager, who had an aura that made him unable to control his thoughts.

Looking directly at its back is like looking directly at a high-ranking god.

It has the internal flavor of "divine power is like prison".



Even fear.

As a result, thoughts came to Barakas's mind, and he began to think about the profound meaning of the multi-colored oracle. Could it be that the young manager and operator of the restaurant called Cat House here is actually a character from the Ragnarok era? A god favored by fate?

Not only did he not die in the Age of Destruction, but he still survived to this day and became one of the big winners behind the scenes who dominated the starry sky?

My Lord is in chaos and is eager to shorten the time for his resurrection and return. Therefore, he seeks cooperation with the old gods?

A holy vessel with the power of blessings of all colors.

And more than half a cup of divine blood.

I'm afraid it's just a kindness from my Lord.

Just think of this.

Barakas's eyes changed instantly. He no longer dared to look directly at the back of the young store manager, and lowered his head respectfully.

He felt remorseful and prayed to Wanse in his heart for His punishment and forgiveness.

Your humble yet pious servant.

Your oracle should not be questioned.

There should be no suspicion that you have found other chosen ones and those favored by God to carry out a new resurrection plan.

I'm guilty!

Xia Yan didn't know that Barakas behind him was already silently reciting religious prayers ten thousand times. He stopped at the stairs on the second floor and pointed at the menu sign and material vacuum cabinet. He was about to go to Chu Lai as usual. The guests explained the dining rules on the second floor.

With a "bang" sound, the door of Private Room 1 suddenly opened.

""Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang", please serve one more."

"This is divine blood."

"One part is remuneration, and the other part is material."

Ms. Green stood at the door. She transformed into a beautiful woman, wearing a light green gauze with long brown hair reaching her waist.


A loud shout.

Barakas had just stepped up to the second floor when he saw the green lady coming out of the private room. His eyes widened, his legs trembled, and he almost rolled down the stairs.

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