Eternal food paradise

Chapter 454 The end of the event

A Chinese world.

"The winner is - "Gushan Fishing Man"! "

The curtain fell, blocking out the loud cheers from the venue.

The person with the ID "Lonely Mountain Fishing Man" is of course the old man Senzaemon who has been working as a struggler in the paradise world during this period.

Back to the lounge alone.

Senzaemon checks the log information of the park system:

Defeat the Ultimate Special.

Do you want to exchange the regular 1,000 group points reward for a main park reward of the same level?


After Senzaemon confirmed that one thousand points had arrived, he immediately opened the group chat interface and went to the ranking list of this issue's points ranking event.

Seeing his ID, he instantly jumped from sixth place to first place, topping the list with 1550 points. Senzaemon showed a comfortable smile on his face:

"I, the 'Qianlang', am not too old to move around yet."

"So, how could this first-place exclusive gift package be given up to Houlang?"

At the same time, the changes in the rankings also caused heated discussions in the group chat.

Alice: "The red dot of 'NEW' popped up on the list again. I just refreshed it. @"Lonely Mountain Angler", congratulations to the boss for successfully reaching the top! "

The Nakiri family home.

A pretty white-haired girl rolled around excitedly on the bed. She and Erina were members of Nakiri's family, and they both already knew who the "Lonely Mountain Fisherman" was.

Grandpa is so awesome!

Alice felt that she could not win the first place, and the money should be collected by Nakirimoto's family.

Over the past few days, I have seen the gap between my points and the bosses and graduates at the top of the list getting wider and wider. I feel anxious in my heart and helpless on my face.

Fortunately, Grandpa, who was hovering around fifth or sixth place, really made big moves.

The points instantly soared by a thousand points, and there was a gap of at least 500 points between him and the ranking leader behind him.

This wave is stable.

And grandpa got the exclusive gift package for first place, can I take advantage of the popularity of 'Dragon Eel'?

There was a hint of joyful cunning in Alice's eyes.

Wutongtian: " @"Gushan Fishing Man", the boss is indeed a boss! "

Guan Shouping: "Quietly, I opened a big gap. I knelt down and my knees were broken."

There are also good people who are doing good things. In the past few days, Caibo Chaoyang has been squeezed to the point where he is hovering between seventh and eighth place. He is full of anger and is bubbling up at this moment:

" @Gin Dojima, @Joichiro Saiba."

"Two legendary graduates, the first place you were willing to fight for was taken away by an outsider!"

Xing Ping Chuangzhen saw the words "Yao Ge" and felt speechless.

But it is.

He and his father had quarreled more than once over the past three days over this.

So, it is only natural that my father and his good gay friend Gin Dojima would have a real fight.

I didn't expect "Gushan Fishing Man" to be so strong.

"Who is this person?" Xing Ping Soma muttered, but couldn't help but click on the business card folder of this group member.

Personal profile, none.

No mood, diary or talk.

Graduation school - Yuanyue Sariao Cuisine School.

Location - Neon, Tokyo.

You can find at least dozens of similar business card information in the group chat.

And in these few minutes, it was not just Soma Kohei who rekindled his curiosity to explore the real identity of this mysterious boss. Anyway, the number of views on the business card folder with the ID of "Gushan Fishing Man" increased sharply at this moment.

Except for a very few who know that he is a close relative or direct descendant of Commander Toyuki.

Current students, graduates, Totsuki faculty and staff, and late-night cooks are all talking about——

"Who is this person?"

"as well as."

"How did he get a thousand group points in an instant?"

Dojima Gin and Saiba Joichiro, who were criticized, did not participate in this hot topic.

Reality, Tokyo.

Dudu, Gin Dojima, who was standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling window in the office, glanced at the caller ID of the smartphone in his hand, and after answering the call, he joked: "Why, Joichiro, call me now, because your adopted son is so angry." , do you want to continue talking trash?"

Unlike the original work of Shokuki, Yukihira's public restaurant has already resumed normal business.

But the chef only has the medicine dad.

A small plate of egg fried rice was placed on the bar and asked by a female high school student named Mayumi Kurase to help herself.

Saiba Joichiro held the mobile phone between his shoulder and ear, and held the pan firmly with his other hand under the faucet that had opened the valve.

"Trash talk and verbal abuse? You and I are not fighting back and forth between the first and second place now. There is no need." He curled his lips, and the drug father's voice suddenly became calmer, "Speaking of which, Yin , you must have been avoiding the topic of the identity of the "Gushan Fishing Man", anyway, I have never seen you participate in the discussion..."

Hearing this, Gin Dojima, who was in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, jumped a few times on his forehead and said haha:

"I'm also curious about the identity of this big boss."

"It's just that if you want to hide it, there's no point in exploring it, right? After all, the world is such a big place, so it's not surprising that a few strange people are included in the group chat."

After hearing this, Saiba Joichiro tightened the faucet and changed the subject:

"Silver, something's wrong with you!"

"Something is very wrong!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, let me look for clues." Saiba Joichiro did not hang up the phone, but called out the group chat interface and opened the small store that has been updated every day in the past few days, especially the recipe section. , low-level recipes below the special level are almost full of explosions.

From special grade to the ultimate special grade, the number has also exceeded the fifty volume mark.

This number is not surprising. After all, if you include a group of graduates, Totsuki faculty and staff, each person sells one or two new cookbooks on average.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens, this number will most likely exceed 100 in the remaining two or three days of the event.

Because selling new recipes is the fastest and most reliable way to earn points, many members of the special group are already in the state of reclusive mad scientists.

There are only two recipes that can break through the special level and reach the [Lin Zi] level.

The signatures all show horizontal bars, and they are anonymous.

"There is no doubt that these two Lin-zi cookbooks are either sold by Xia Demon King, or they are this "Gushan Fishing Man". "

Dojima Gin's heart tightened upon hearing this.

Ah, is the identity of the commander-in-chief going to be exposed?

"However, I have paid attention to Xia Demon King's points. He has never appeared on the rankings, even at the tenth place at the end."

"Selling Linzi recipes, I guess the point income is at least double that of the special level, so it starts with 200 points, and now the tenth on the list, the points are 190 points, Professor Shiomi Jun."

"So, Demon King Xia has ruled out the possibility of being anonymous, so there is no need for him to be anonymous."

"Those two Lin-zi cookbooks were definitely thrown into the store by "Gushan Fishing Man"! "

"Looking through the world of Shokiji, there is someone who is older, possesses Linzi's cooking skills, and has a close relationship with us Yuanyue people..."

The words stopped completely here.

The name of the 'Eating Demon King' is almost ready to be revealed.

After hearing this, Dojima Gin sighed: "It's over!"

"If you can reason it out, Joichiro, then so can others. It seems that the commander-in-chief's idea of ​​hiding his identity and being a quiet boss may not work."

Saiba Joichiro's eyebrows twitched:

"Is this really the commander-in-chief?!"

The gay friend personally admitted that the drug father wanted to scold his mother on the spot.

It turns out that the number one boss is actually the commander-in-chief?

Why don't we fight for an egg? We "back waves" can just lie down on the beach obediently.

Of course, if current students and graduates who have just graduated a few years ago knew that drug dads call themselves "post-wavers", they, the new generation of real queens, would be ashamed to the point of shame.

"Ah, I have a headache."

Yao Daddy threw the cleaned pan heavily on the stove: "It seems that the first place exclusive gift package that we are fighting for will be easily taken away by the commander-in-chief."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Dojima Gin's tone was mysterious, and he was just about to launch his plan to steal points for three days after the event. At this time, a system prompt popped up in the group chat that shocked all group members:

"The top ten rewards for this event have been updated."

"At the end of the event, the first to tenth place will be eligible to register in the main paradise world and officially become 'players' of the Zhutian Paradise game."

"Note that if the group members on the final list are already registered players and have a 'pass', then the qualification will be automatically extended and distributed to the group members in the lower position."

Hold the grass!

Dojima Gin and Saiba Joichiro both cursed in their cell phone voices at the same time.

Compared to the material.

This qualification, this pass, is what these graduates and Yuanyue faculty and staff have always coveted and longed for.

Originally, the activity list was not dominated by the younger brothers of school students. The newly added top ten rewards this time are equivalent to adding another fire to the older generation who are fiercely involved in internal affairs.

"Yin, it seems that our plan is going to change. Hold on to the top three, get the qualifications, and get a gift pack of ingredients for the current event. Isn't it hard work?"


"How about we join forces and exchange information on points channels? Let us build a second and third defense line for the commander-in-chief, and firmly hold the first place for him!"

"Joichiro, are you really... no, you are cunning and cunning!"

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