Eternal food paradise

Chapter 470 Find Mira

Yan Xian is like this.

The same goes for Zhu Qi.

Xia Yan has become immune to these kings of darkness suddenly jumping from the wall or the eaves. Compared with Liu Keling, who is beside him, he is very calm:

"Looking at your situation, you've been looking for me this month?"

Zhu Qi’s eyes were filled with resentment:

"What do you think? Let's go out together and find the sealing place of Garuda Knife, but you disappeared before we returned to Jinguan City. I've been plowing through the Kingdom of Heaven for a while, but I still can't find you. A trace of..."

Xia Yan was speechless.

I moved in time and space to another main paradise. It would be surprising if you could find it!

Zhu Qi also had a weird temper that alternated between bad and bad. He vented his depression with just one sentence, then he would smile with his arms akimbo:

"But it's not just me looking for you."

"Prince Jiang and Lan Feihong are looking for you."

"There are two other beautiful girls. You will never guess who they are. They are simply more diligent than me!"

As he spoke, Zhu Qi glanced at Liu Keling and deliberately emphasized the word "pretty girl".

Xia Yan:


The black lines on my forehead were stretched straight, and I wanted to slap this guy on the head.

"It's "Blue Eyed Tiger" and "Yizhang Qing"! Zhu Qi coughed, "But they are not in the same group. You may not know that Xiang En has been sent a treasonous recovery order by Liang Shanbo Headquarters. Any disciple who takes her back to the mountain gate will meet with Kaiyou." and received generous rewards. "

"As for the Spice Queen, you know, this is the first time she has gone down the mountain to carry out Kaiyou's mission. However, such a maiden mission was blocked. She can't lose her face and can't easily return to the mountain gate."

"Blue Eyed Tiger" Mila was entangled endlessly. Xia Yan could predict that it was related to the legendary kitchen tool Garuda Knife.

However, Xiang En's defection is abnormal no matter how you think about it.

This does not appear in the original work.

Compared with the Zhu Qi in front of her, this rebellious young man, Xiang En has always been the biggest fan of Liang Shanbo and even Kai You. After Kai You died, she had no hesitation in seeking cooperation with the Tai Chi cooking industry and Liu Pleiades. The protagonist group headed by the leader seeks revenge.

Of course, people's hearts will always change. Unlike the world in the book, Paradise is in a state of real-time evolution after all.

Xiang En was unhappy with his boss and realized the cruel reality that he was just a tool no matter what, so it was not difficult to understand why he decided to break off the leash.

"But the question is, why is Xiang En looking for me? What's the matter?" Xia Yan thought about it.

Zhu Qi continued leisurely:

"Do you think this is the end? I guess you have also heard some rumors. The "Phoenix Chef Eight" is heading south. There are two of them. I bumped into them secretly a few days ago. They are all old acquaintances..."

It’s this “Phoenix Chef Eight” again!

In the Chen Mansion, I have checked a lot of information and roughly know what kind of group the "Phoenix Chefs" are.

But files belong to files, Chen Longtou is dead, and Zhu Qi in front of him is undoubtedly a famous person who can confirm the information, so Xia Yan deliberately provoked him:

"Oh? You seem to be afraid of these old acquaintances?"

Suddenly, Zhu Qi jumped anxiously as if his tail had been stepped on:

"Dragon Chef and Phoenix Chef, there is no difference in rank. Why should I be afraid of them?!"

Sure enough, in the final analysis, is it just a difference in title or title?

Or maybe it's a different route or a different direction of mysteries.

“Chef Long’s origin points to the ‘ingredient’ from which everything begins.”

"So, where is the origin of Phoenix Chef? What is it?"

Xia Yan pondered.


Realizing that Xia Yan had aroused his anger but made no next move, Zhu Qi's eyebrows jumped wildly and he said with extreme dissatisfaction:

"How do I feel that after hearing the accurate news that Chef Phoenix has appeared in Shu and Jinguan City, you still look calm and calm?"

Xia Yan glanced at him, "Isn't it true that you, the Feitian Great Sage, are still here? "

Zhu Qi:?

"I...what the hell!"

Xia Yan waved his hand and said, "Since you said you are not afraid of the Phoenix chef, then I don't have to worry either."

Zhu Qi's face was twitching.

Just listen to Xia Yan's next sentence: "Do you want to continue to unblock or treat your 'taste'?"

Zhu Qi huffed.

"The vegetarian grilled white roasted pork slices I just made, to be precise, those ingredients, may help you recover further."

Zhu Qi couldn't help rubbing his hands with a red face, and his eyes were full of anger: "Okay! Get familiar with it, business is important, I guarantee that those phoenix hairs will not disturb your peace!"

All the bastards are calling...

Xia Yan was speechless, paused, and added meaningfully:

"But you are alone. You may not be able to cope with many people. In this case, go and call the "Blue-Eyed Tiger" Mila for me. During this time, I will stay temporarily in Juxiastairs. "

Zhu Qi was stunned.

Looking for Mira?

He thought he heard wrongly. That person was looking for the Garuda Sword under Kaiyu's secret order.

However, when he looked up, he saw the amusement in Xia Yan's eyes.

Zhu Qi suddenly realized.

In the Jianghu story, the sword slays the dragon and commands the world, and no one dares to disobey.

In the world of gourmet cuisine, probably no chef can resist the banner of ‘super ingredients’ wherever he goes.

He, the "Flying Great Sage", could not resist.

The same goes for the "Spice Queen".

He is also the King of Darkness and a top dragon chef.

Zhu Qi coveted and extremely longed for those materials. He believed that after Mila saw this door, she was destined to embark on a path of no return.

Think of this.

Zhu Qi suddenly felt a moment of silence for those two old acquaintances, the two Phoenix chefs.

Sorry, it's probably not just me.

You also have to face the "Spice Queen" who bursts out of a small universe.


With mixed emotions.

Zhu Qi turned around and left Ju, went downstairs, and within an hour, he touched the vicinity of Mila's foothold in the city.


In the secluded house, undisguised unfamiliar footsteps were heard nearby, and the woman's vigilant voice suddenly sounded in the house.

This voice had an obvious intimidating effect. Zhu Qi couldn't help but feel his blood surge after hearing it. He raised his breath to suppress the terrifying energy rising in the other side of the room, and chuckled: "It's me!"

With a "click", the door of the cabin opened.

A tall woman appeared at the door.

Zhu Qi was eager to go back and recover, because Xia Yan had promised when he assigned him that if he successfully brought Mila back to Ju downstairs, he would have the first vegetarian barbecue slices to eat.

Therefore, Zhu Qi said straight to the point:

"Myra, come with me, I will take you to meet the guide of the new world."

Mira's blue eyes were filled with shock.

"New World? Guide?" Usually Zhu Qi must be the most frivolous among the "Five Tiger Stars", but now, what Mila saw was a solemn and extremely pious believer in the New World.

Her heart beat violently, as if she had a premonition that the trajectory of her life would take a strange turn when she met Zhu Qi today.

Seeing the change in Mila's expression, Zhu Qi did not continue the trick, but directly took out a pouch similar to a spice bag and opened the mouth of the bag.

Inside the bag, there was a dry flower that was dark purple and almost black.

A hint of coolness at night.

Along with the faint but audible smell of smoke, it filled the house area.

Mira's nose twitched slightly, and in those clear blue eyes that opened to a pure and blank heart, a certain color of desire gradually became thicker.


Xia Yan clicked to submit the task of suppressing Lu Yi and Lan Feihong, and saw a new item called "Heart of the Master" entering his backpack.

"With two more props like this, a cooking skill can be advanced to the "Master" level, and it will naturally be equipped with the characteristics/index of a dragon chef. "

Xia Yan couldn't help but smack his lips. He felt that the advancement of "Master" was becoming more and more boring.

I know that the chefs of Dragon Chef may all be pursuing the original point of "the ultimate in ingredients".

And he might be in charge of this origin again.

There is a paradise of ingredients that the world’s indigenous chefs cannot imagine...

Turning around again, it seems silly to seek the ‘Dragon’s Heart’ or the ‘Dragon’s Mystery’?

But when Xia Yan thought about it carefully, it wasn't right. Who said Chef Long was the end of this world? There were also extreme antiques like Liu Maliu's master, Master Yuxian.

In short, it is not a bad thing to have more ways to develop in an all-round way. If it is too single, it is often easy to be extreme and lead to a dead end.

In this case, I put it on my agenda to collect the other two pieces of "Master's Heart" and see if the upgraded Master's cooking skills are useless or whether they can help him unexpectedly.

Just as Xia Yan was about to close the mission log, a new message popped up:

[Option 1: Use special spice materials to suppress the majestic spice empress Mira in the ‘Spice Application’. Reward "Master Level Understanding Crystal"*1. 】

[Option 2: Focusing on the "Spice Inequality", supplemented by mysterious side spice materials, Mila will be ashamed of herself in the way of spices. Reward "Heart of the Master"*1. 】

[Option 3: A real showdown between cooking skills and dishes. Yes, you will face a Dragon Chef with the title of King of Heaven and win. Reward trait/title "Spice King". 】

Xia Yan said:? ? ?

The first one, a simple summary, pays attention to the successful use of spices.

The second one is the integration of technology and materials, and the two will win.

Article 3...

That is what Lu Yi calls "materials, cooking skills and secrets", the trinity, a competition of complete dishes.

Xia Yan was a little ashamed.

It's true that he can suppress or even defeat Lu Yi and Lan Feihong with his ingredients, but if he can defeat any of the "Five Tigers", then it's a bit out of reach.

The Five Tiger Stars are all heavenly king-level dragon chefs, and in this field, only the very best can have this honorary title.

As for options one and two, if you put aside the titles of Five Tiger Stars and Spice Queen, if you think about it carefully, it is difficult but not impossible.

Bang bang!

There was a knock on the door, and Liu Keling's voice came:

"Mr. Xia, Zhu Qi is back with a woman from the Western Regions."

A woman from the Western Region, uh, no wonder Liu Keling said so, Mila has Indian ancestry, brown skin, and blue eyes.

Just like Hayama Ryo from the Shokuki World, you can tell your bloodline just by looking at your skin color.

Xia Yan suddenly remembered something:

"How did they get back? I mean, over the wall or through the main entrance?"

"You just entered the inner house through the door..." Liu Keling replied.


Prince Jiang and Lan Feihong may not have left yet.

And also temporarily living on the road downstairs in Ju.

Don’t you know everything...

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