Eternal food paradise

Chapter 474 The Restart of ‘Mr. Qin’

On the other side of Wanfu Bridge, from a high point where you can have a panoramic view of the entire Chen family's ancient residence, a man and a woman look down at the courtyard below with expressionless faces.

The age of the woman is unknown, but her charming face and hot figure are not inferior to the recognized femme fatale Xiang En. And judging from her aura, she seems to have a bigger background and more dangerous than Xiang En.

She is the "Mother Yaksha" Sun Erniang who came from the ancient capital of Chang'an.

A female Phoenix chef.

"If Chen Longtou was still alive, we wouldn't show up in this city so arrogantly." Sun Erniang said in a sigh.

"Haha, we are both women, what if it was Fairy Bei? If she hadn't gone downstairs with a chrysanthemum on her shoulders before her death, and single-handedly controlled the fertile land of this land of abundance, we in the Tai Chi cuisine world would have sent people to seize the sealed treasure. Treasure map and take away the "Garuda Sword". "

Another male Phoenix chef, his origin is obviously not from the Dark World.

He wore a human skin mask, hiding his true face. When he smiled, his face was stiff and lifeless.

Sun Erniang raised her eyebrows, "Hmph, it's ridiculous to be able to make "Jade Qilin" abandon the first position in the dark world and run here incognito and be the emperor of Shu Sichuan cuisine! In the final analysis, it is still because of this woman..."

The man in the human skin mask said meaningfully: "Liu Maliu is the previous head shopkeeper above Juxia. He is known as the "Emperor of Sichuan Cuisine" and has an official status, not the "Jade Qilin" in the dark culinary world. "

"Moreover, Liu Maliu's only disciple, the young talent who may have already half-stepped into the Dragon Chef, has returned to Shu in the past two days to worship him."

"You mean Lu Yi?" Sun Erniang said with a hint of disdain, "He can't stop us and can't pose any threat."

"Yes, he is just Admiral Li's eyes and ears, so there is nothing to fear."

"But what about Zhu Qi and Mila? They two live downstairs in Ju!"

Hear the names of the Feitian Great Sage and the Spice Queen.

Sun Erniang's charming face suddenly darkened: "Zhu Qi's temper has always been unpredictable. But what happened to this woman Mi La? According to the tip, didn't she follow Kai You's order to seize the legendary kitchen utensils in Shu? Why did she enter Ju? Go downstairs?"

The male Phoenix chef smiled but said coldly:

"In any case, the current situation is that if we want to enter the chrysanthemum and go downstairs to seize people and treasures, we must first get past Mira and Zhu Qi."

"Are you afraid?" Sun Erniang said lightly, "In terms of seniority, Kaiyou and I are of the same generation. Both of them were trained by Kaiyou. I am not afraid of Kaiyou, let alone them."

"Then just knock on the door?"

"That's no problem. There is no giant in Shu."

"Okay, then let's start a bloody storm!"


Ju goes downstairs.

After Zhu Qi and Mila settled in, two kitchens in the back house were allocated for the use of these two dark kings without interfering with each other.

Liu Keling delivered two quantitative packages of ingredients to the two kitchens before returning to the main courtyard.

"I have sent all the ingredients." Liu Keling looked strange and said to Xia Yan, who was sitting by the pond and looked like a fisherman. "It's just as you said. They haven't taken a step out of the kitchen in the past two days."

Xia Yan held the green bamboo fishing rod and just smiled: "If it were me, I would have spent so much time looking at the magnificent scenery behind the gate of the New World."

That's right, as he gradually narrows the gap with Chef Long, he can now let go of some things he was worried about before.

For example, two days ago, Zhu Qidi was asked to talk to Mila, and temporarily roped in the "Empress of Spices" so that she could stand on our side in the upcoming food war.

The conditions for alliance or cooperation can also be said to be an employment agreement.

It means providing mysterious materials on a regular basis.

In other words.

Zhu Qi and Mila, the world-famous kings of the dark realm, have not escaped the fate of working as workers.

But compared to gold, silver, wealth and silk.

Their salary is the rarer 'high-end material'.

After signing an agreement recognized by the paradise system, as long as it is within the agreed time, Xia Yan is not worried about Zhu Qi and Mila turning back and stabbing him in the back.

"Shokuji World, there is a communication group for Shoji World."

"It seems that preparations for a group chat in the Chinese Ichiban World are about to begin! Are Zhu Qi and Mira the first batch of closed beta group members?"

There are many benefits to developing these ruthless characters into group chat members.

From the perspective of group chat tasks, the ceiling of the worker level that can be driven is from Nakiri Senzaemon, the half-dragon, to the top of the dragon chef, the king level.

In addition to Zhu Qi and Mila, the other two members of the Five Tiger Stars are Yakan and Yan Xian.

Xia Yan plans to use the 'Mr. Qin' vest again.

Even famous chefs from Guangzhou and Shu, including Madam Leihua, Master Luo Tian, ​​etc., were also included in the group chat in Zhonghua.

In short, this first batch of test group members formed a network of influence secretly. According to Xia Yan, it was simply a small Tai Chi cooking world.

Xia Yan doesn't know whether the Tai Chi world is still developing, but the group chat power he created must be growing rapidly.

"Isn't it boring to fight alone?"

"So, this will be the group chat cooking world VS the Tai Chi cooking world︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿!"

Just do it if you think of it.

In the Xia Yan Jing Paradise system, first create a sub-section in the built-in forum as a dedicated group chat area.

Then, the main account of the Lord was semi-detached, and the other half of his consciousness was poured into the trumpet 'Mr. Qin' who was still settled in Guangzhou Lei Mansion.

"Mr. Qin?"

As soon as the vest-shaped trumpet opened the door and walked out of the bedroom, a maid from Lei Mansion said: "Madam has ordered that after you come out, you must go to her place to discuss important matters."

So Xia Yan went to the main hall and saw Mrs. Lei Hua frowning as she read a letter.

"The culinary world is in turmoil again."

Mrs. Leihua said, raising her head and staring deeply at 'Mr. Qin'.

This month, she had tried to check this person's origins several times to no avail, so she had no choice but to give up.

"Mr. Qin, do you have any opinions about the world of Tai Chi cuisine?" Lei Hua asked calmly.

'Mr. Qin' said softly: "A group of cooks who do not pay attention to etiquette and general order gathered together, so the dark cooking world emerged."

"Darkness is inherently opposed to light."

"Beyond the two opposing realms, there are smaller circles like the Tai Chi Cuisine world that are more secretive and have more streamlined personnel."

After saying that, 'Mr. Qin' suddenly smiled and grabbed a document out of thin air in front of Mrs. Leihua.

Mrs. Leihua's pupils shrank sharply when she saw this, and she almost fell down on the Grand Master's chair behind her.

"Well, the small circle I am in, Madam, can be called a 'group chat'."

"Of course, you can also think of it as the so-called group chat in the cooking world."

group chat?

Group chat about the culinary world? !

Mrs. Leihua took a deep breath and stared at the letter handed by 'Mr. Qin' on the desk in the main hall, with a big word invitation on it.

Madam Leihua is no stranger to this method of retrieving objects out of thin air, and has often heard people talk about it.

This is a characteristic of aliens.

"Are you a stranger?" Lei Hua raised his eyebrows in surprise.

'Mr. Qin' couldn't deny it, "You can call me administrator."


Under the instruction of the other party's eyes, Lei Hua tentatively touched the invitation on the table.


In my mind, a voice popped up for no reason.

Immediately, a line of prompt text appeared on the field of view:

【Do you want to join the "China Ichiban World Chat Group"? 】

It’s the end of the year, and updates have returned to an unstable state. Please forgive me. I will try my best to write if I can.

Then the plan for the next chapter is to break through "Chinese Ichiban", and then we will see which world to go to. Currently, there are more prisoners who prefer food. After all, there are contents that were not written in the previous book, and I can also write them by myself. Feeling interesting~

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