Eternal food paradise

Chapter 489 Sheji Artifact

In the evening, it was still under the drum tower where Sun Erniang and Shopkeeper Lan gathered.

The two of them went to look at Ju Xia downstairs, shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun, with solemn expressions on their brows.

"How long ago did he get promoted to a special level?" Sun Erniang said slowly.

"About, half a year ago?"

Shopkeeper Lan had already taken off his mask, and on the face of a thin middle-aged scribe, there was a look of surprise and uncertainty: "Yes, it was the last one, the special examination in the arena in Guangzhou City, the dark arena outside Guangzhou City, This son begins his journey to fame..."

Sun Erniang's tone became even lower: "Don't you think it's a problem?"

Shopkeeper Lan hesitated, "The problem is huge!"

"However, the son of Fairy Bei, Liu Pleiades, is not necessarily rising much slower. Recently, there was news that he defeated Chef Lin during his travels..."

The two of them were stunned into silence at the same time.

How old is Liu Pleiades?

In a private school, he was still a naughty kid who was whipped with a pointer by an old scholar.

In contrast, the story that happened to Xia Yan, well, didn't seem that extreme.

After a long time, Sun Erniang rarely showed a little sadness, and said with a sigh: "Maybe a new era has really come."

Even though Shopkeeper Lan had a genius son like Lan Feihong, he still felt like he was being forced into the grave. He nodded fiercely: "Really, times have changed, and the future generations are scary!"

After saying that, the two continued to look at each other in silence.

Another long while.

"I'm back." Sun Erniang breathed out and cleared away the depression in her heart, "It's no longer meaningful for me to stay in Shu when I go back home. If I stay here forcefully, it's impossible for the two of us to defeat Xia Yan head-on. He It’s very difficult to be a dragon and have those strange ingredients!”

Shopkeeper Lan did not dissuade him, and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"I admit it, this time our plan for the "Garuda Sword" not only failed completely, but may also attract a terrible enemy to the Tai Chi world. "

A terrible enemy...

Sun Erniang stopped breathing.

But I thought about what I saw and heard while eating "Panlong Cai".

That big ship, representing the new era, carries countless people.

It’s self-evident who lives in the captain’s cabin.

Sun Erniang took a deep breath: "He and Ju went downstairs and have a close relationship with the Liu siblings. We have to prevent Liu Maliu, who has retired to Chang'an City, from coming out at any time!"

Shopkeeper Lan couldn't hide his shock and shouted:

"The former Emperor of Sichuan cuisine, the "Jade Unicorn" Liu Maliu, and a pioneer of the new era, the momentum may be more terrifying than the twin stars of the dark world twenty years ago! "

Sun Erniang walked in a hurry:

"I'm going back to Chang'an right away! Make sure to keep an eye on Liu Maliu!"


The day after Sun Erniang left for the north, in Chang'an City, among the inconspicuous contiguous houses, a middle-aged man closed the door of his house, carrying classic ancient travel baggage on his body.

The journey was smooth and smooth. However, when passing through certain road sections and forks, the middle-aged man would raise his head and glance around casually, with an occasional sparkle in his eyes.

After successfully leaving the city, I guess I have passed through the surveillance network set up by the Tai Chi world.

Walking on the fields in the countryside, as he walked, the bones in this middle-aged man's body crackled, and his originally short and sturdy figure became tall and majestic.

He raised his hand again and rubbed under his ears. Soon the entire human skin mask was taken off, revealing the face of a handsome middle-aged uncle.

"Sichuan..." murmured, "Jade Qilin" Liu Maliu, who had restored his original appearance, looked to the southwest, and his eyes seemed to see the fertile fields thousands of miles away, the chrysanthemum downstairs, and the voice and smile of his late wife.

With the pain that could not be completely suppressed appeared in his eyes, Liu Maliu took a deep breath and looked at the capital in the north, only calmness remained.

Ten years to raise hope.

Everyone said that he took off his armor and went into seclusion.

However, there are legends about him everywhere in this land and the entire Chinese food industry.

"Master!" Arriving at a small mountain village, the seemingly peaceful atmosphere suddenly turned solemn.

A hunched old man stepped forward with a cane.

Liu Maliu supported him with both hands, "Uncle Zhong, thank you for your hard work these years!"

The old man's wrinkled face smiled happily: "Master, you have always had high aspirations. The dark cooking world, or the light world, is too small for you. Your eyes should be on the entire land of China. Now, the time has come, China should return to Xia, and the most important thing is to build a food paradise without oppression or slavery!"

Liu Maliu's eyes became more and more profound.


Lan's ancient house.

Lan Feihong bid farewell to Prince Jiang and chose to stay in Shu instead of immediately heading north back to the capital.

Arriving at the main hall of the ancient house, the owner of the Lan family, who had received the summons from his servant, was already waiting for his son in the hall.

As a father, he stood under the main hall and stared at the plaque with golden characters for a long time.

As a son, when he went home to see his relatives, he stood at the doorstep and the first words he spoke were not a greeting between father and son, but seemed aggressive:

"That masked phoenix chef, is that you, right?"

Shopkeeper Lan in the hall was silent for a moment and replied: "It's me."

Lan Feihong clenched his fists, "Then the family troubles I had when I was a child were also fake? You have never been coerced by any dark world. You took the initiative to join the Tai Chi cooking world, so you designed an accident to escape?"

Shopkeeper Lan sighed:

"It's not entirely false, but it's not entirely true either."

"The Dark Realm really came with the momentum to destroy the city. I dismissed my family, but what I didn't expect was that the Tai Chi Realm suddenly stepped in and took me away."

Lan Feihong didn't question it, nor did he believe it. He sneered and said: "In my opinion, the world of Tai Chi cooking is the same as the world of darkness."


Shopkeeper Lan suddenly turned around and smiled at his son: "The Dark World, or Kaiyu, is also chasing the 'Eight Legendary Kitchen Utensils', but Kaiyu just wants to use the legendary kitchen utensils to perfectly perform his cooking technique "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" , and then control the noble man in the deep palace."

"In the Tai Chi world, it's good that we are also chasing legendary kitchen utensils and want to collect them all, but we are not using them, but using them rationally."

"Let's put it this way, Kaiyu doesn't care about the authenticity of the secret of immortality behind the 'Eight Legendary Kitchen Utensils'. He only cares about the concept of cooking that controls people's hearts."

"And we people in the Tai Chi world know a lot of secrets..." After a pause, Shopkeeper Lan revealed his deep meaning to his son, "The secret of immortality is true, but at the same time, the 'Eight Legendary Kitchen Utensils' are also the property of Shenzhou Sheji. Authority, do you know Jiuding? Those eight kitchen utensils, plus the last person who can control them, Jiuding is gathered together!"

Lan Feihong's pupils shrank sharply when he heard this, "So what your Tai Chi community is pursuing is... the country itself?"

"Then your plan for Liu Maliu——"

Hearing the name Liu Maliu, Shopkeeper Lan suddenly said solemnly: "This dragon must be allowed to stay quietly under the abyss. If he comes out of the abyss, it will bring disaster to the world!"


The world of Shoji.

Xia Yan rarely returns to Totsuki Academy, and Nakiri's house is in the back hill of Totsuki.

Since the old man has sincerely invited him, it doesn't matter if he takes the time to attend the appointment. The key is that the old man's promotion to the dragon level itself is worthy of Xia Yan's attention and investment.

He really wanted to see what would happen when the old man broke through the highest limit of cooking power in the world.

Xia Yan went straight to the depths of the inner courtyard without the need for a servant to lead the way.

As a result, Xia Yan was startled when he saw a group of Yuanyue people almost filling the old man's exclusive teahouse.

"I said, what are you doing with all these people?"

Everyone looked serious:

“To witness with your own eyes something big for this world!”

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