Eternal food paradise

Chapter 495 Golden Legend

"Golden Legend!"

A gold-framed card was automatically installed in the inventory. Xia Yan couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster when he saw it.

He handles quite a lot of purple-quality mysterious ingredients, and almost every item corresponds to a classic dish.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and clicked on the information:

"Chichimok's Pair of Flesh Wings"

Brief description of the original ingredients:

Chichimok, a legendary creature from a fantasy world, looks like an aggregation of countless messy wings. These wings are large and small, with different shapes. The color of the feathers tends to be orange and white. It is said that the only way to completely tear Chichimok apart is to tear them apart. Only after Chimok discovered its mouth, eyes and other organs among the layers of chaotic wings...

"Legendary creature's meat wings?" Xia Yan looked at the unplucked meat wings that emitted a faint light in the inventory, and his foodie attribute suddenly exploded. He couldn't help but complain in his heart, "So, the legendary Coke Chicken Wings are about to be born?"

Not to mention, although the pair of fleshy wings are complete, including the wing tips and wing legs, they are generally about the size of a palm, not the kind of scale that can cover the sky and the sun.

Or it can also be said that it is the part where the essence of ‘Chichimok’ is located? The most essential and smallest wings?

After all, just like 'frost bugs', 'dragon eels' and other otherworldly creatures, not the entire body can be turned into food, and the quality of each edible part is very different.

Xia Yan thought of "Cola Chicken Wings" and then looked at the pair of meaty wings. His eyes changed, full of burning desire for food:

"But, wouldn't it be too wasteful to use legendary ingredients to make Coca-Cola chicken wings?"

Never mind it!

Fat House Happy Water, cooking the wings of the complete essence of the legend.

Damn it, isn’t it a divine match?

["Chichimok's Flesh Wings" (Legendary, Gold) has been unlocked in your store module. 】

Switch to the store interface and take a look at the clearly marked prices——

A complete pair of exquisite meat wings.

Selling price.

Cannot be purchased with gold coins.

Any piece of legendary quality alchemy/cooking/equipment, etc. props can be exchanged for an equal amount.

Or, the essence of flesh and blood (organs) of any legendary creature can be exchanged for an equal amount.

Xia Yan: "???"

It’s outrageous. The gold coins are no longer collected, and they are replaced by legendary props and legendary materials.

But after thinking about it, Xia Yan quickly let go.

Don't worry, his bunch of workers are not flower vases, Tatsugoro, the great sage Aldothios and the pope of the Radiant Sect, these are all genuine old legends.

What's more, there are still a few ladies waiting for food upstairs. It's not too easy for them to find materials for legendary creatures. After solving the problem of source of power, no matter how salty the goddess is, she has to be his tool!


Xia Yan really planned to make this legendary version of "Cola Chicken Wings".

Without any reservation, in front of the Yuanyue family, Xia Yan took out a piece of "Chichimok's Meat Wings" that he got for free by unlocking the ingredients.

Then, a pair of palm-sized wings with pale orange feathers appeared on a white ceramic plate.

The cut was very clean, not only was there no blood, but no bones were visible.

This pair of fleshy wings seems to have no skeleton at all!

What’s even more weird is that the fleshy wings are still squirming on the dinner plate, and the feathers are changing in and out like breathing!

Nakiri Senzaemon: "!!!"

Everyone in the Yuanyue family:

"Kneel down!"

"( ̄ェ ̄;)!"

In everyone's mind, Demon King Xia is the most mysterious member of the entire group chat organization. For him, he brings out strange and novel mysterious ingredients from time to time, and everyone may have developed an immunity to it.

But this time it's different.

When Chichimok's meat wings were displayed on the Cat House kitchen counter, even if they had not unlocked any combat templates, in this fantasy continent, the students of Yuanyue, who had no combat power at all, noticed the sudden strong presence in the air. The nameless rhythm that comes out.

It is a kind of fluctuation of Qi.

Although I don’t know the specific and essence of the mysterious power, it is enough to know that this power is due to the appearance of the ‘flesh wings’.

"—Chichimok's wings?"

At this time, a surprised voice came from the stairs.

Several ladies were alarmed by the sudden appearance of mysterious power, and among them, 'Ms. Jin', who was in charge of the authority in the sky, blinked: "This kind of strange beast is difficult to find in the mainland today. It is actually the darling of heaven and earth, belonging to Air spirits carry weak fragments of 'sky' and 'air' authority, so there have always been high-level legendaries hunting them..."

"The most common way Chichimok fights is to summon endless air elements. They can even summon powerful vitality elders from the elemental world."

Hearing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but stare at the pair of wings on the dinner plate, his eyes filled with astonishment.

The spirits of heaven and earth are born with the aura of authority of 'sky' and 'air'?

Isn’t that a divine creature!


Xia Yan's head was slightly numb, but there was also a strange excitement in his heart that became stronger and stronger:

"Such amazing pairs of wings are used to make "Cola Chicken Wings". I'm afraid it's unprecedented and unprecedented?"

Well, since it is very likely to become the ultimate swan song in the food world and the foodie world, it is impossible for Xia Yan to give up this idea.

let's move!

Quickly walking to the open kitchen on the first floor of the cat house, Xia Yan turned on the faucet and ordered without looking back: "Tie my apron for me."

As soon as he spoke, Xia Yan, who was still filling the kettle with water, noticed the fragrant breeze behind him. This familiar smell made him chuckle and joke: "Erina, you are very fast. In other words, we should have done it early." Are you just in tune with each other?"

The girl who was helping him tie the apron tied behind him said a gentle "hmm".

Xia Yan, who had his back to the store, might not have seen Erina, who was wearing a belt, casting her eyes on Tazoe, Alice and other girls who had just made a move to squeeze into the kitchen, especially her little sister Alice. Gone is the glimpse of the winner's smile.

Alice's head was covered with veins on the spot, her fists were clenched, and she looked like she was about to explode with anger.

And outside the kitchen.

Seeing that her own daughter had the advantage, her mother, Mana Nakiri, also took advantage of this offensive, and said with a chuckle to Leonora Nakiri, whose face was gradually turning serious next to her: "Alice who grew up abroad, With her enthusiasm and openness, there shouldn’t be any boys she can’t win, right?”

Wife Leonora: "..."

Summer Demon King is not an ordinary boy.

Unexpectedly, the family fight in the Nakiri family was still going on. Nakiri Munei quietly took several steps back. Even the commander-in-chief's own son was like this, and the others did not dare to say anything.

"Cola Chicken Wings" is not a complicated dish.

Soon, the dishes were plated.

Until they saw the steaming dishes being brought to the dining table, everyone in the Yuanyue Department was still confused.

A lot of question marks.

For example, why can ordinary hot water successfully scald the magical meat wings and successfully pluck the hair?

For example, why did the chef Xia Yan take the stainless steel pot lid and cover the wok tightly when he was pouring Feizhai Happy Water to stew the meat wings, and then there were constant dull knocks under the pot lid? Clicking sound.

Those meat wings have always been quite restless?

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