Eternal food paradise

Chapter 498 World Upgrade

[The first ‘Dragon Chef’ appears. 】

[The world is upgraded. 】

After the cat house tea party broke up, everyone in the Yuanyue Department received the same system message after stepping out of the dimensional gate, which came from the Great Paradise instead of the group chat.

The world is upgraded?

The 'Shokuji World Chat Group' has long been hotly debated. Apparently, a group of people outside got the information earlier than everyone participating in the tea party.

"Did you break through from the Lin-shaped ceiling to the dragon?"

"I understand!"

"Numerically, it's from 0 to 1, but in a sense, it's from scratch. The first pioneer opened the way, and those of us who come after will have an easier time..."

"Here's the question, is this first dragon chef the Demon King of Summer?"

"Who else could it be! It's him!!"

Seeing the content of these group chats, the core members of the Totsuki family who had just come out of the tea party all looked strange, but they were surprisingly tight-lipped and did not reveal that the "upgraded one" was actually Nakiri Senzaemon.

at the same time.

The people who feel the most about the upgrading of the world are probably Gin Dojima, Shina Nakiri and Ichiro Saiba.

It was originally difficult for him to get promoted, and it took him a long time to accumulate before he could break through the bottleneck.

But there is nothing to do now. As soon as I step out of the cat house, I suddenly realize that I am only a small step away from the new realm.

You can break through at any time!

Therefore, without the need for anyone else to explain, Dojima Gin and Saiba Joichiro started chatting about this:

"It turns out that when the world is upgraded, everyone in the world will benefit immensely."

"That's right!"

"The original peak of the world was Linchu, but now the end point has been extended to Chef Long. In other words, Linchu has become a passing station, and it is not as hard as before to reach it..."

At this time, Nakiri Shinagi suddenly interjected:

"Why isn't the first person to be upgraded, Demon King Xia?"

Golden Generation Gemini: "..."

Madam, you don’t have an answer to this question? No points?

Both of them gave each other a meaningful glance.

Nakiri Shinagi was stunned for a moment, then gradually thought about it, and couldn't help but murmured: "Because of the existence of group chat, Demon King Natsu was not a native of the 'Shokuji World' from the beginning. Is this just a stop on his journey?"


Gemini's silencing gesture.

Several people exchanged glances.

As for the fact that Demon King Xia is a visitor from another dimension, it is better not to make a big deal about it. Exposing his identity as an "outsider" will only do harm to the Shoji World.

The point is, you don't have to look at his identity, but at his actions.


Demon King Xia has always been running and flying with the Shoji World. This time when the world was upgraded, he reached out and gave Commander Yueyue a firm hand.

If you have a boss to guide you, you don’t have to think so much!

While all the characters benefited from the upgrade of Shoji World, Xia Yan also received the ultimate gift package for developing Shoji Paradise:

[Congratulations, you have successfully cultivated a main paradise (Spirit of the Halberd Eater). 】

[The main world mission "A Shinier Jade Generation" ends automatically. 】

[The reward list has been expanded. 】

【You can choose any two of them. 】

An interface pops up.

Xia Yan couldn't help but take a breath, it was so powerful, everything was shining with the light of golden legend.

Option 1: "Hand of God" (no need to say more about the horse killing the chicken).

Option 2: "God's Comprehension" (same model as Soma Yukihira).

Option 3: "God's Smell" (same style as Ryo Hayama).

Option 4: "Conversation Ingredients" (same style as Si Yingshi).

Option 5: "Intersecting Blade" (same style as Saiba Chaoyang).

There are so many options, a total of 10 choices.

Xia Yan carefully looked at the line and line, and his eyes subconsciously stopped on the "Intersecting Blade".

In the original work, the reason why Yao Ge Caibo Chaoyang is able to lead the mysterious 'Late Night Cooker' organization is undoubtedly due to this divine ability.

In a sense, it is very similar to the super vision in the world of "Chinese Ichiban".


Super vision is a complete theft. It does not require any medium at all. As long as the eyes can see and understand, the gap in cooking skills is not too big. The next second other people's cooking skills and recipes become your own.

As for "Interlaced Blade", although it doesn't have as many bugs as super vision, it is still one of the magical skills of copying and stealing.

The original work describes it this way:

"...The condition for activation is to borrow or steal other chefs' personal kitchen utensils and perceive a chef's style, skills and even characteristics on the kitchen utensils."

But please note that this ability is equivalent to asking a god to take over the body. It is temporarily lodged in the body, rather than the rough learning and permanent understanding of [super vision].

The bug of "Interlaced Blade" is that it can summon the wills of multiple kitchen utensils at the same time. In other words, the reason why it has this name is because a series of kitchen utensils' wills reside in the body, colliding with each other, and fighting each other. Brand new Cooking techniques and styles are born and presented on the plate.

"Just choose this one!"

Xia Yan secretly said.

"After all, this is a god's ability that only appeared at the end of the main series of Shokuki. If King Yao hadn't been so powerful in cheating, he would never have been able to defeat Brother Yao's "Intersecting Blade"..."

Moreover, he felt that adults should do multiple-choice questions.

Since they are all magical skills of copying and stealing directions, [super vision] is also indispensable.

Their functions do not entirely overlap.

At least, the "Interlaced Blade" carries multiple kitchen utensils and can incorporate many painting styles into its body, which is something that [Super Vision] cannot do!

[Selection completed. 】

Chosen for the first time.

The interface refreshed, Xia Yan looked at it again, "Hey, why is the "Interlaced Blade" in option 5 still there and not replaced or disappeared? ! "

[Tip, the host can be selected repeatedly. 】

Xia Yan:? ? ?

Repeat selection...

What does superposition mean?

["Crossed Blade" → "Cross Knife\

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