Eternal Gate

Chapter 1907: take me


The night was quiet, and the screams like killing a pig were extraordinarily loud.

Since he was an old man with a white beard, he thought he was very good at it, but he was beaten instead of robbing him. At this moment, Mr. Zhao had already pressed him down, and he was locked tightly with hundreds of iron chains of laws.

"You are Zhao Yun?"

The old man spoke in a daze.

It's also to blame a certain guy for being too ruthless, and he directly deceived people.

"Seniors have heard of me?"

Zhao Yun held a magic bead, and it shined again and again against the moonlight.

Well, it's a treasure, just snatched from the old Taoist.

After he got the divine orb, he made another move to give the old man's treasure, and he took it all away. He came to the God Realm to find his wife and children, and he didn't intend to make trouble, but someone was polite and insisted on giving him a gift.

Look at the old man with white beard, he is not well.

How can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river.

Tonight, he kicked the steel plate.

Eternal body! Disciples of the Moon God! It has long been popular in the fairy world, and its legend is also spread in the **** world. It's hard to know. What he doesn't understand is that the passage to the fairy gods has been broken, so where did this thing come from.

"This sword also belongs to me."

The thief Zhao Yun consciously stole the old Tao's natal weapon by stealing immortality.

No matter where you look at it, a genuine magic weapon is dazzling.

"It's me, an old man, I can't see Mount Tai with my eyes, my little friend, please forgive me!" The old man no longer had a high-ranking posture, and his words were so pleading that he was afraid that Zhao Yun would slap him to death.

"I've seen her before." Zhao Yun took Luoxia's portrait again.

"I've seen it, I've seen it." The old Taoist seemed to have grasped at straws, and replied positively, "She is the ancient **** of Chuyao, and she is also called the queen of Chuyao, a descendant of the sun god."

"Where can I find her?" Zhao Yun didn't look sideways.

"This..." The old Taoist was stumped, and smiled coyly, "She has retired many years ago, and I really don't know where she is."


Zhao Yun didn't talk nonsense, and casually swung the Evil God Spear.

The old man trembled for a while, and hurriedly said, "Someone may know."


"Buddha Lord of Lushan Mountain."

"Buddhist family?" Zhao Yun frowned slightly.


The old Taoist first calmed down, and then he spoke,

"The two of them used to be in the same school when they were young. Later, due to the war in the God Realm, they went to the Buddha in delusion. Qishan, talk about scriptures and Taoism."

"Take me to the Buddha Lord of Mount Lu." Zhao Yun put away the spear.

"If you find it, can you let me go, little friend." The old man chuckled.

"Let's talk when we find it." Mr. Zhao waved his hand and opened the teleportation domain door.

Although the old Taoist was unwilling, he had to be obedient.

Can you not listen? Zhao Yun has a great reputation for being vicious, and he may be wiped out at any time.

I can't blame others for this, it's because he has no eyesight...he deserves to suffer.

"Don't be idle."

As soon as he entered the domain gate, Zhao Yun threw a set of talisman outfits.

The journey is probably very long, and free labor is not in vain.

Sophisticated mood, that melancholy! Not to mention that Bao Bao was beaten up, and even became a prisoner. He had worked hard for most of his life, but he fell into the hands of a demigod.


Draw as you say.

As long as this old life can be kept, not to mention drawing amulets, eating **** is fine.

Zhao Yun was not idle either, he was holding a map and looking at it. The map was a map of the starry sky, which was also obtained from Lao Dao's sweep.

"The Eternal Lineage is indeed a peerless ruthless person."

When the old way draws amulets, he doesn't forget to mutter.

While muttering, he still did not forget to secretly look at Zhao Yun.

This kid is incredibly strong, he is a **** anyway, he suppressed it if he said it was suppressed, you know, this is the God Realm, there is no universe to suppress him, he is so powerful that he can't lift his head even if he is beaten.

If such a monster is given enough time to grow, it will definitely become another eternal ancestor. If it is not complete, it can kill a Twilight of the Gods.

"The God there a sanctioner." Zhao Yun, who was looking at the picture, said suddenly.

"Of course there are." The old Taoist said while dancing on the talisman paper.

"You have seen the ruler of the God Realm."

"Don't say you met, I don't even know who he is?"

The old man smiled awkwardly, and he was telling the truth.

Master! Whoever wants to see can see it, even if they meet, they may not know that the other party is the punisher.

Zhao Yun didn't ask any more questions, but subconsciously glanced at Cang Miao.

The sanctioner has the perspective of God, maybe he is looking here.

He doesn't expect the master to help him, as long as he doesn't make trouble for him.

"One thing, can my little friend clear up the old man's confusion." The old man asked in a low voice.

"Speak." Zhao Yun had already put away the map, sat cross-legged, and carried the flagon with him.

"Luna...really dead?"

"That's... not what you should ask."

When Zhao Yun said this, his tone was a bit more cold.

The old man was so frightened that the hand holding the pen trembled.

It's because he's too bad at chatting, so he can't lift any pot without boiling it.

"The direction of the Taoist heart comes instantly."

Zhao Yun had nothing in his mind, and kept murmuring.

So far, he still didn't know who was pointing him, but these few words opened a door for him to enlightenment. Through that door, he seemed to be able to see a new world.

"This son is really courageous."

The old man was still muttering, marveling at Zhao Yun's courage.

There are countless enemies of the Eternal Lineage, and there are a lot of big bosses who are in the sky, but even in such a situation, Zhao Yun dares to come to the God Realm, so he is not afraid of being wiped out halfway?


Suddenly there was a thunder, which disturbed Zhao Yun's meditation.

Then, the passageway shook and collapsed.


Zhao Yun escaped in one step, and brought the old man into the Zifu.

Before he could stand still, he saw a flash of blood, followed by a mournful howl.

Some people are making trouble here, devouring souls with evil methods.

The huge starry sky seemed to have been shrouded in **** mist.

Look at the perpetrator, it is a man in black robe, with withered divine light flying wantonly.

That's right, that's a **** with a decent background, with a sea of ​​blood raging under his feet.

The reason why his domain gate collapsed was because the sea of ​​blood cut off the starry sky.

"How cruel!"

Seeing it, the old man with white beard kept clicking his tongue.

Although he is not a good bird, but he has only been engaged in robbing activities. This guy is so ruthless that he even murdered the creatures in a domain. If the gods are like this, aren't they afraid of karma?


The man in black looked sideways, looking down at Zhao Yun from the sky, with a glint of light in his eyes.

After seeing it, he narrowed his eyes again because he couldn't see through Zhao Yun's honor.

Why can't you see through it? It's just because there is a mysterious cover on the opponent's body.

"Victorious divination."

"Taoist heavenly secret."

A word in the heart of the black-robed man revealed the clue in an instant.

He was surprised by the two deduction methods to cover up his real body.

"A lineage of the undead."

Mr. Zhao was also watching, and by the aura of the black-robed man, he recognized his origin.

Lu Chang is a person of the undead lineage, and the origin of the two is exactly the same.

It's better to come early than to be in time. If you can't find Lu Chang, you will take this guy first.

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