Eternal Gate

Chapter 2030: To fight or not to fight?


A dark world filled with thunder and lightning.

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It was the coercion of the holy demon that was too strong and collided with the universe.

The one who was collided with him was also the old Zhao Yun. He had been injured badly enough in the previous tough battle. He was so weak, how could he withstand the might.

"This time, what are you fighting with?"

The faint smile of the holy devil is more serious than that of the ghost.

In order to open this extreme state, he sacrificed 80,000 years of life, not for anything else, but to suppress Zhao Yun. Compared with the disciples of the Moon God, 80,000 years of life is nothing. Go back and sleep for a few more years, take more pills, It can always be made up.

"Senior is very courageous." Zhao Yun said calmly, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Desperate?" Still saying these words, Shengmo smiled ferociously.

"If you want to fight so much, this junior will have fun with you today." Zhao Yun said coldly.

words fall,

Then he saw a bright ray of light rushing upwards from his Tianling Gai.

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Afterwards, his white hair turned into gold, and in no particular order was the center of his brows, which carved an ancient divine pattern at a speed visible to the naked eye. Because of the divine pattern, he was sluggish, and he was stunned all the way. The peak, and the dried up divine power, also rolled wantonly at this moment.

"That's... the reincarnation contract?"

Shengmo said in his heart, and he saw the source of Zhao Yun's power at a glance.

I heard that Zhao Yun is the reincarnated person. In the game of literary battle in Shencheng in the past, he even defeated the Seven Absolute Demon Lord in the previous life who was the son of Shenxu. The borrowed power is so domineering, how terrifying it would be if the real body came.

"who is it?"

"Which god?"

He was puzzled, and he couldn't help asking questions in his heart, wanting an answer.

He has basically seen all the gods who can be ranked in history, and even if he hasn't seen them, he should have heard of them, but he has searched his memory and experience, but he can't find one. The traces are similar to Zhao Yun's previous life. lookalikes.

Even him is like this, let alone Yumo and Dark Sea Tianzun.

These two also have question marks, is there really that great **** in history?

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Yes, there must be, otherwise Zhao Yun's previous life appeared out of thin air?


Zhao Yun's muffled groan carried a hint of pain.

It was the first time I took the initiative to borrow the power of my previous life, but I seemed a little unable to hold on.

It's also because he was seriously injured and his life was exhausted. When he was extremely weak, he drew this powerful power into his body, and it was the power of his previous life.


Seeing that Zhao Yun was in poor condition, the holy demon attacked across the sky.

Suppressing the eternal body is the kingly way to take advantage of people's illness to kill people.


His sword soared to the sky, and his unparalleled power of the sword destroyed the sky and the earth.

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The golden blood light followed, and Zhao Yun was chopped off half of his body.


As soon as Zhao Yun drank clang, Jin Jin's energy and blood surged violently.

Around him, there is an illusory dragon hovering out.

Just when the holy demon arrived, Banban was hit by a divine dragon sway, and was thrown across the starry sky for eight hundred feet. Looking at the illusory dragon, it lost its dragon shape and changed its shape, forming a long illusory river , wandering around Zhao Yun.

It is the river of falsehood, and it is still the appearance.

However, it is much stronger than before.


The holy demon stopped in one step, crushing half of the sky.

His muffled snort was even more drowsy than Zhao Yun's.

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Zhao Yun is not in good condition, and he doesn't seem to be doing well.

Even opening the extreme state, he also touched the taboo, and also suffered backlash. What is more disgusting than this is that his current extreme state has become unstable. For a few moments, there is still nothing, In addition, there is a time limit. Previously, it could last three days and three nights. This time, it may take two days.


It was agreed to fight, but there was no movement for a while.

Both of them swayed there as if they were drunk.

"These two... are funny."

Rain Demon, who was watching the play, couldn't help but think of such a sentence.

Because the two people who made an appointment to fight, at this moment, are all very embarrassed. Besides, the holy devil insisted on doing it even though he knew it was impossible. However, the injury is serious, and the lifespan has been exhausted. There is not enough foundation to control it, and it is uncomfortable to be forced. In such a situation, should we fight or not?


"Must fight."

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"Quick battle."

The holy demon became ruthless, aroused the monstrous demon, and once again attacked and killed across the sky.

Zhao Yun is also a lunatic. He has just had a wave of Extreme Realm, and he will have a second wave.

boom! boom!

If the two don't fight, it's all right, and the war will be a catastrophe.

It was still the flame of destruction, once again blooming proudly.

As the battlefield for the two of them, this different world is dedicated enough and strong enough. It's the third round of the battle, and the movements are getting bigger and bigger every time, and the remaining prestige is also being destroyed every time. It still doesn't see any broken corners.


The sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded, and the holy demon turned into a dragon shape, circling nine days.

He is black and black, like a dragon, tossing the river and the sea.

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Compared with him, Zhao Yun's dragon form is particularly dazzling.

It was a golden dragon, and its whole body was burning with flames.

The two dragons fought, all the way from the eastern starry sky to the western sky. The overbearing thunder and lightning, the withered sword light and sword light, all followed like a shadow, shattered and exploded in the flying, forming a bright galaxy that hung across the sky for nine days.

"Weakened so quickly?"

As spectators, Yumo and Dark Sea Tianzun both muttered this sentence.

The so-called weak refers to the extreme state of the holy demon, which is already showing signs of defeat.

According to what they thought, they would have to do 800 rounds no matter what.

Taboo backlash?

The two thought so.

If so, it would be terrible.

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Eighty thousand years of lifespan! It was hard to make up the time limit.


Someone was wilting, but Zhao Yun's strength remained undiminished.

One ebbs and another, the holy demon can't stand still when he hits it.

"Damn it."

Gritting his teeth, the holy demon tore apart the starry sky and escaped.

While the extreme state is still there, it is the kingly way to escape early.

If you really wait for the extreme situation to dissipate, if you want to go again, the road ahead may be a ghost gate.

outside world,

It is no longer the original world, but a barren desert.

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