Eternal Gate

Chapter 2041: Prescribe the right medicine

I don't know how many days it was before Emperor Xian and Moon God returned to Supreme City.

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There were injuries, of course, but they were far from life-threatening.

"With these two great gods, there is no reason for my **** dynasty to lose."

Like this, many people in the city recited it silently a thousand times.

Especially the gods who fought fiercely outside before, have the most right to speak.

They witnessed it with their own eyes, and the Emperor Immortal fought alone against the masters of the three restricted areas.

As for the Moon God stealing the house, although they haven't seen it, they can imagine the scene.

Mythology of the Ninth World will go out in person, so don't make him turn upside down in the restricted area!

"Have you noticed that her temperament has changed?"

Daoist Shenlong pinched his beard, and the gods also had deep eyes.

The soul of the emperor revived, and the real body of the moon **** was gradually returning.

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Spies, after all, are a minority, and the rest are sincere defectors. Once they enter the court, they are a family. The mountain residence and cultivation resources are clearly arranged by themselves. Of course, they have to work on weekdays.

In general,

The background of the gods has increased dramatically along the way.

Time, what they lack is time to grow.


Since the day he woke up, Zhao Yun's call has never stopped.

Moon God chatted with him in his previous life, probably for a long time, but so far, he has not returned, and his call has not been answered in the slightest. Lost it all.

While waiting, he was not idle.

The heaven and earth still need him to fix it.

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