Eternal Gate

Chapter 2073: experience life

The sea is covered with ice and snow, but the small mountain village is full of spring flowers.

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In order to have a little romance, Mr. Zhao also specially borrowed two red candles.

"I see how you two are sleeping." Tonight's Lin Zhihua was very interesting. He didn't even look at the big universe, but just stared at this side. The queen had recovered her memory. When they had an in-depth exchange, the two of them had to change places. !

She was in a hurry, as if she had forgotten that there were other matters before going to bed.

What's the matter! ...wash your feet.

At this moment, Mr. Zhao has stretched his waist, found a stool to sit there, and smoothed up his trouser legs, thinking about beautiful things in his heart, after washing his feet, it is time to go to bed, let the wife do something How about good posture?

After thinking about it, he laughed. He didn't sleep with his wife in his arms for many days.

Look at the queen, but it is a squinting look, someone is really self-conscious! Just wait for me to wash your feet! Let me show you some more poses!

Speaking of posing, she blushed again.

Her integrity seems to have been shattered.

"Daughter-in-law?" Seeing the queen sitting there motionless, Zhao Yun called out.

This book~.First release: Tower Reading*小@说-APP&——千.Novel. app

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