Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1036: All heavens come


Far away in the battlefield of gods on the edge of the ancient emperor continent, the core of the world of harmony.

This place is totally inconsistent with the outside world. There are fairy mountains, **** islands, enchanting spiritual energy, and many heavenly treasures and elixir.

A piece of mountain is moving, and the smoke is rushing into the sky. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that a huge giant tortoise is carrying the mountains and it is astonishingly big.

In the sky, the clouds shattered, and a huge figure was winding and hovering in the sky. It was a peerless demon dragon that could be thousands of miles long, soaring and roaring.

If Ye Chen were here, he would be surprised to find that whether it was the giant tortoise carrying the mountains or the peerless demon dragon soaring in the sky, they were the two demon kings who first entered the ancient emperor continent and found them, and they actually appeared in the world of harmony. in.

By the pristine lake, the unknown old man was fishing by the lake as always. He saw the stunning light beams gushing and exploding everything in the pristine lake. Under the pristine lake, he could find a magnificent ancient palace and temple. .

That amazing light beam originated from the temple, pierced the primitive lake, penetrated the peaceful world, and sank into the starry sky.

The face of the unknown old man was no longer calm, but complicated, and murmured: "When the world is changing, you finally can't stand it. If I don't need me to fish to lead you, will you be born? Granny Galo."

The anti-natural creature he was fishing was the so-called old woman in the pristine lake.

Then he stood up suddenly, waving his sleeves and waving his hands. There were endless green light spots emerging in the whole peaceful world, and finally a light ball with a diameter of only one foot was condensed in his hand.

It is said that it is a light group, but it is actually a group of aquamarine liquid, but it is a square meter, but it is full of endless majestic vitality.

If anyone with knowledge is here, they will inevitably be shocked to discover that this turquoise liquid is the life source liquid, which belongs only to the legendary treasure, and it can not be found.

It is said that a little bit of the life source liquid is enough to make people live and die, but now there are so many, it will inevitably shock the heavens and domains if it spreads out.

The unknown old man collected this group of life source liquid into his body, and then collected the thousands of powerful soldiers on the battlefield of the gods and the world of harmony into his body. This place was restored to a dead land of vitality and dying, a piece of red land, Only the pristine lake is still there, and there are wisps of ancient chaos up and down.

He sighed softly, and for the first time actively entered the mysterious primitive lake...

The sea of ​​chaos outside the ancient emperor continent was submerged and covered by endless chaotic storms all day long. It separated the ancient emperor continent and the ancient gods continent from the two worlds, and separated from the earth from the starry sky.

For countless years, whether it is the strongest of the Ancient God Continent or the Ancient Emperor Continent, it is difficult to pass the past. This is the most terrifying barrier. Throughout the ages, only a handful of them have successfully traversed, and the rest have fallen into the chaos. region.

At this moment, the barrier of the sea of ​​chaos was torn open, and a mighty divine ship appeared, wrapped in majestic brilliance, coming by wind and waves.

A majestic middle-aged man stood on the bow of the ship, with black hair and shawl, wearing a crown and black armor.

If Ye Chen were here, he would definitely feel that he was the Lord of the Ancient God Palace.

No one can imagine that the ancient palace lord on the other side of the chaos sea has successfully crossed the chaos sea.

Behind him, stood a group of top powerhouses, all of them above the hero level, and there were five powerful heavenly king powerhouses.

Obviously, the seven great heavenly kings Xuan foreigners were abandoned, and the ancient temple also concealed a part of the shocking background, and the immortality of the heavenly kings was sealed in ancient times and revived in this life.

In addition, on the ship of God, there was an unparalleled coercion of the great avenue, which was overwhelming the heavens, like the ruler of the heavens, making the heavenly kings all surrender, and making everyone on the ship of God look in that direction, full of awe.

The ancient **** palace master turned around and said seriously: "Ancestor, I have already reached the sea of ​​the ancient emperor continent."

There was a long silence on the **** ship, and then there was a majestic voice that made the heavens ups and downs: "Is it finally here? After waiting for eternity and sleeping for so many years, it will finally begin to change."

In the chaotic sea, the waves are turbulent, endless storms are sweeping, destroying the sky and the earth, it is like this all day long, the king of heaven rushes into it, or it may perish.


An ancient giant ship appeared, unimaginably huge, shaped like a skull, stained with celestial blood, and it was driving a broken universe with countless broken stars and the corpse of a real dragon lying in the wrecked space.

This is the famous Tuxian Ship, once attacked the prehistoric immortal world, buried the entire universe, wandering in the chaotic sea all day long.

Now, the position of Tuxian Boat has changed, and it is facing the direction of Ancient Emperor Continent.

At this moment, a mysterious figure stood on the Tuxian Ship, looking small, but it was so eye-catching. He also looked at the Ancient Emperor Continent, his eyes flickering, hoarsely said: "The door, about to open..."


Right in the deepest part of the sea of ​​chaos, there is a roar of earth-shattering roars, the chaotic storm of millions of miles retreats directly, and there is a huge figure of the most terrible ups and downs, entangling the black mist of evil spirits, with a pair of scary huge scars Eyes, staring at the location of the Ancient Emperor Continent, roared: "Damn the beginning!"

The roar shook nine heavens and ten earth, but behind this huge figure, a pair of dark and huge bat wings were spreading out, really covering the sky and the sun.


The endless void, located outside the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, is full of violent spatial turbulence, and ordinary people cannot set foot, because once set foot, they will be destroyed directly by the endless spatial turbulence, and nothing will exist.

However, at this moment, UU read www.uukanshu. Coming appeared one after another, each of them seemed so stalwart and invincible, like the lord of the heavens, standing in the endless turbulence of space, like a god, unshakable.

Among them, there is a man who is majestic and majestic, with a bright eye and a dark eye, with the cycle of life and death, and he is the master of the heavenly gate.

He is unparalleled, standing next to the other Xeon Ten Thousand Realms, and right in front, there is an incredible ancient world, exuding a majestic air machine that makes all the powers awe, with threads of thread. Emperor Tianwei——

Ancient Emperor World!

"Everyone, it shouldn't be too late. The world change of the ancient emperor realm is about to begin, and the anti-natural destiny that has been planned for eternity will also appear. I will go together and try to seize it together." An ancient power said, watching I don't know what it looks like, but its sound trembles endlessly.

"it is good!"

A full nine ancient powers rushed to the ancient emperor realm together.

The world is changing and it is about to begin! </p>

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