Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1038: Great move!



   Far away in the ancient gods continent, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and a huge trembling sound of nine heavens and ten earth exploded, and the entire vast ancient gods continent was in turmoil, with bright brilliance rushing into the sky, shaking the world.


Everyone on the Ancient God Continent was shocked. They looked at the beam of light far in the sky. It was so big that it penetrated nine heavens and ten earths, shining on the 33 layers of the sky. The heavens and stars were trembling, and even more stars exploded, like It is like destroying the world.


   That is the most terrifying Forbidden Land Demon God Ruins. It has always been silent during the day. At this moment, there is such a terrible momentum that erupts, and it really shocks everyone's hearts.


   "Did the strongest Lord of the Demon God Ruins in ancient and modern times finally wake up from the eternal sleep?"


   "That is the rumored existence of the invincible Gedai in the early days. I hibernated and slept for eternity. I thought I would have sat down a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be alive. It was amazing."


   "The Lord of the Demon God Ruins has awakened, what is this going to do?"


   Shocked all over the world and attracted much attention.


   This day, like the end of the world, the world on the entire ancient gods continent is extremely nervous, even the strong in the ancient temples are affected by the most terrible pressure.


   This kind of atmosphere is too depressing, it is almost suffocating, unable to breathe.


   In the Demon Ruins, a figure suddenly appeared.


   That was an old knight, old and obliged to behave, with sparse white hair, wrinkled face, wearing broken armor, holding a broken stone gun in his hand.


   The old knight rode a lame horse, also looking thin and feeble, and appeared with one foot and one lame.


   Change to ordinary, this is a very inconspicuous combination, too ordinary to be more ordinary, but in the eyes of the world, it caused the world to shock.


  Because some ancient forces have recorded the past. Fifty thousand years ago, there was a generation of Terran King Aoling who wanted a horse to step on the Demon God Ruins, but was killed by an old knight.


More detailed information shows that it was the old knight who just threw out the broken stone spear in his hand, and then pierced the strongest human heavenly king and nailed it to a sacred mountain cliff in the Demon God Ruins. The blood of the road was stained red. That cliff.


   The corpse of the human heavenly king is still on that cliff, warning the world that the demons and gods are inviolable.


   If the guess is correct, this old knight is at least an ancient power, otherwise how could he easily nail down a strong heavenly king when he is old and weak?


   "An old knight who has been immortal for fifty thousand years is born, and there is also a more terrifying Lord of the Demon God Ruins. What is the cause of all this?"


The world is speculating, and at this moment, although the old knight is old, lame or lame, he has exploded with the power that shocks the past and the present. The majesty is 100,000 miles, and it has already restrained part of the spirit, but it is still terrifying. Awe-inspiring.


   The whole world is shaking, this kind of energy is spreading, overwhelming the sky, making the sky and the earth tremble, the avenue is also rumbling, and all beings are trembling.


   After a long time, the old knight rode a lame horse to leave the Demon God Ruins and disappeared.


   "Go and search, where is the old knight who walked out of the Demon God Ruins?"


Soon, the world discovered that the old knight came to the ocean. At the edge of the chaotic sea, he looked a little hazy, entwined with the avenue of vitality, and the path marks were permeated. It became more and more shocking and terrifying, and the dormant spirit. All are recovering.


   "The change of heaven and earth has really begun..."


   The old knight fainted, and Yan became clear, but he became deep again, as if he could penetrate the vast sea of ​​chaos and see the ancient emperor continent on the other side.


   Then he turned to look at the Yaoshenxu, and let out a complicated sigh: "The Lord has been sleeping for so many years, just to wait until this time."


   After a long time, the old knight suddenly brilliance, pierced the barrier of the sea of ​​chaos with the incomplete gun in his hand, walked in and disappeared.


   But in the Demon God Ruins, the bright beam of light that completely illuminated half of the ancient emperor realm did not disappear, but continued to flourish, and the sky in the sky completely dimmed.


   On the other side of the sea of ​​chaos, in the unattainable starry sky, a vast God Realm is emerging, no longer blocked by the rule of the ancient emperor continent, no longer hidden, and now completely penetrates the outside world.


   There are continuous heavenly palaces and temples ups and downs, there are one after another majestic and unattainable fairy mountains, and there are gods and gods suspended in the sky, as well as gods, and caves, which are extraordinary.


   There are even more powerful figures appearing in the shadows, all of them are real strong, there are no lack of gods in the kingdom of heaven, and the number is very large, beyond the imagination of the world, it is amazing.


That is the immortal realm of the ancient emperor realm. It is the gathering place of all the heavenly kings of the ancient emperor continent since the ages. It also has their descendants, and there are several terrifying auras in the mighty, not weak The owner of that beam of light outside.


   "The power of the rules has finally dissipated, and this life has come after all. The road is one foot high and the magic is one foot high. They all won. I just hope that the common people are not involved. They are innocent..."


   Between heaven and earth, there seems to be a misty voice, full of regret, full of helplessness, and sadness.


   "In this life, I slept for one era after another, waiting for eternal years, and finally waited for this life. The **** realm has come, and the ancient gate of Tongxuan has also appeared, and it should be the best time for us to enter."


   On the Ancient Emperor Continent, there was a huge voice oscillating between the heavens and the earth, full of majesty, but also with infinity, making the heavens and stars tremble, and the mountains and valleys were cracking.


The human race, the monster race, the beast race, the vast and uninhabited border areas, and the vast starry sky, the beams of light became more flaming, dazzling a large part in an instant, and accompanied by the most terrifying Dao Tianwei, permeating, It started to erupt.


   The eternal chess game will be fully revealed on this day.


In the loud bang, accompanied by fairy lights, divine glory, laws, and Dao marks, etc., they flew horizontally and tremblingly between the heavens and the earth, and there were also different kinds of heaven and earth visions up and down, like the ghosts of the heavens and gods. , The One Million Demon is roaring and waiting, the vision shocking the world.


   In the Demon Temple, from the majestic pillar of light, an indescribable figure appeared. It was the Primordial Demon God Snake, completely resurrected and born, with a length of thousands of miles, covering the sky.


   In the Beast Territory, there was also an extremely huge figure appearing, tearing apart the vast ground and rushing out. It was a white tiger, equally huge, capable of swallowing stars, and incredibly powerful.


   At the same time, in other regions and in the starry sky, several most terrifying figures appeared one after another.


Each of them is an invincible standing on the top of the world, not to mention the ancient emperor realm. Even if you look at the heavens and the universe, they are all ancient powers that truly dominate the rise and fall of the universe. Shocking the sky, towering into the starry sky, the heavens and stars will be swept along with it.


   Everyone is like a big world, filled with unparalleled coercion, tearing the sky apart.


   The invincible aura of Primordial Power burst out, sweeping across the vast world, and the heavens and stars would be crumbling.


   They are all quickly resuscitating themselves, repairing the invincible Dao Guo, and want to appear in the most impeccable state, attacking the ancient gate of Tongxuan.




The ancient powers swallowed the vast essence of the ancient emperor world, and the endless essence of the entire ancient emperor continent swept over. The aura between the heavens and the earth was suddenly weakened by many times, and even the auras of many caves and blessings were dried up. , Was swallowed.


   Many spiritual veins deep in the earth have completely dried up.


   Even in the vast starry sky, there are countless stars that have dimmed, and the essence of the stars has been swallowed by them. Since then, the starry sky has dimmed forever.


   And one after another ancient powers spewed on the avenue, with their avenue branding, spread all over the sky, suppressing the ten thousand ways of the ancient emperor realm.


   Everyone in the world seemed to feel that the Ancient Emperor Continent seemed to be stepping into the Age of Domination, with the suppression of the Great Dao, and it was no longer difficult to cultivate.


   And all beings feel a terrible sense of depression, the world is about to suffocate, and the road wailes, as if the end is coming.




In the demon temple, the snake and demon **** first rushed into the sky and submerged into the starry sky. It could have been thousands of miles long. It showed the dharma image and was even more terrifying. The heavens and stars were surrounding the body of the dharma image, and the demon was shocked. World, rushed to the gods.


   but didn't rush in, but stopped in front of the **** realm, staring at the **** realm indifferently.


   On the other side, the gas in the Beast Territory rushed into the starry sky, and the White Tiger Beast God broke into the starry sky.


   boom boom boom boom——


  Between the heavens and the earth, there appeared one figure after another with ancient powers, Qi Qi came to the front of the **** realm, each of them was trembling with the divine scars, and the divine might shocked the world, but still waiting, did not immediately break into the **** realm.


Moreover, there are several horrible figures in the gods. If the heavenly kings are gods, then they can be called true gods, not the nine gods entrusted by the sanctuary, but everyone has ancient powers. Unmatched combat power, truly qualified to be called the great power level existence of the **** king.


   Behind him was a group of powerful gods from the Heavenly Kings realm. They were all gods who had ascended from the ancient emperor realm through the ages. There were also some gods who survived the age of the gods. They were sealed, and they were all released in this life.


There are a lot of god-level powerhouses in the God Realm, close to a hundred. This number is beyond imagination, but it is reasonable to think about it. After all, it is also an accumulation since the ages. It has a part of the age of the gods. The survivors also have rising talents who have grown up in the gods.


   And most importantly, the God Realm is different, the cultivation environment is far different, and there are several great God Kings here to guide.


   It can be said that the God Realm is almost equal to another age of the gods.


   Several great **** kings led the gods to the portal of the **** interface to the ancient emperor continent, blocking the portal of the gods.


One of the white-haired **** kings spoke. He was very majestic, with a little cinnabar on his eyebrows. He scanned the ancient powers gathered in the starry sky, especially the ancient monster gods and beast gods, and said: "Snake, white tiger, innocence, I didn't expect that the three of you were still alive and not perished in the final battle of the gods. It really surprised me."


The Primordial Demon God Snake snorted: "Nine Void God King, I did not expect that so many years have passed, you are still not dead. You were seriously injured in the First World War, almost dead, and now you seem to be injured. It seems that the fountain of life in the God Realm is really effective. It has actually nourished you, allowed you to completely recover, and saved the other people from perishing."


"But you are quite cruel. You should know better than anyone about how the fountain of life is condensed. The old man of the barbarian king was seriously injured and dying and was unwilling to use the fountain of life. You actually used it. The above is righteous, but in private it is just a group of hypocritical old guys."


   Hearing this, the great **** kings of the God Realm were silent, their expressions were slightly complicated, while only a few of the other gods showed their enlightenment, and the others were a little at a loss.


   The snake demon **** just sneered, but stopped talking, did not expose it.


   "All this is just a last resort, I believe they will forgive us even if they know it." The white-haired Nine Void God King shook his head, with a hint of helplessness.


Then he looked at other ancient powers and said: "You should all know that the ancient gate of Tongxuan is a seal left by the Supreme Sage Emperor. It is immovable. It may not be against the nature, but may be a terrible evil. Otherwise, The Supreme Sage Emperor will not personally seal it, so why is it so persistent after eternal separation."


"It is not clear to you or me whether the ancient gate of Tongxuan is against the heavens, only the Emperor Taisheng really understands. But there are records in the ancient monuments of the early days, which proves it is possible. Behind the gate, the land of good fortune, it is rumored that Tongtian, Tongxuan, Psychic, through the past and the present, can be eternal and immortal, and can also bring people back to life. We must try."


The white tiger beast **** is indifferent, with a hint of contempt: "Nine Void, Gu Xuan, Langya, and you, the newly promoted **** king of the gods, the four great **** kings are here, and there is a group of gods here. It is indeed one. It’s extremely powerful, but you should all know that you can’t stop us at all with you.”


  Because it is not only the three ancient powers, but there are several other terrifying ancient powers behind, the shadows are dim and shocking, and the number is far more than the gods in the gods.


   Even in the starry sky, even the power of the emperor and the three holy places have come.


   The number of the opponent's overlord power is amazing, beyond imagination.


There are many powerhouses in the God Realm, but there are only four real great-power level figures. The other powerhouses are the strongest, but the kings of heaven. When they are a big difference, they are like a world apart, as the White Tiger Beast God said. Can't stop them at all.


   Now that they are not doing anything, they are not afraid of the gods of the gods, but they are waiting.




   A strong figure appeared in the sky and landed in the God Realm, surprisingly an ancient barbarian god.


He was burly and sturdy, with a mace in his hand, extremely powerful, not weaker than any power, standing side by side with the four great kings of the God Realm, looking at the Primordial Demon God, the snake, and sighed: "The snake, you really are It's terrible. I lived another life, beyond my imagination."


"Mutual each other." The snake demon **** coldly said, "But now you, without the Nine Voids and they use the fountain of life to nourish, most of them just use the half of the world heart to seal this life and forcibly recover to the peak state. That's it, it will be lost after a while, do you still want to stop us?"


   The ancient barbarian **** is silent, he also knows that he can't stop these ancient powers, everyone is so terrifying.


   And as the ancient demon **** said, he can't live for too long.


   "Sorry, we used the fountain of life." The Nine Void God King sighed lightly.


   Taikoo Barbarian God shook his head: "You have guarded the God Realm and Tongxuan Ancient Gate for eternity. You should, and those who died will not blame you."




   At this time, another figure appeared, strode out from the edge of the chaotic sea, and came to the starry sky, very burly and tall, with awe-inspiring power.


   "I didn't expect you to come too, Gu Changsheng."


There is ancient power speaking. If Ye Chen were here, he would be shocked to discover that this was the same as the ancient temple he killed in the past, the strongest Tianjiao in ancient times. More mature and majestic, more powerful and unmatched, you can tear the endless starry sky easily.


   He is peerlessly powerful, surpassing the heavenly king, and is the ancient power of the ancient temple. He has not yet been sitting and transformed, and has lived to this life.


   In the past, this powerful ancient longevity once crossed the sea of ​​chaos, visited the ancient emperor continent, and successfully returned, and said some very mysterious things.


   Such as the legend of true longevity, the immortal medicine of immortality, the supreme heritage of the emperor and the emperor, the supreme existence that overlooks the past and the present, and there are also rumours of sleeping mysterious creatures, suspected to come from the immortal world and so on.


   All of this came from his mouth, and it also made the ancient God Continent full of fascination for the Ancient God Continent. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many ancient God Continents followed the past.


   Now he has also appeared. Really speaking, he is also one of the initiators of the Eternal Chess Game, because he was in the same era as the era of the gods. He was one of the worldly overlords that appeared in that era, and he has made plans.


   Now everything is over.


   "Longevity ancestor!"


At this time, someone in the God Realm suddenly exclaimed that it turned out to be the two heavenly kings of the ancient temple that had escaped from Ye Chen in the past, and both recovered and saw the ancient power of the ancient temple. My ancestor was born, and I was very excited.


   Da Neng Gu Changsheng's expression slightly moved and nodded at them, and led the two back, broke the void, and sent them to the other side, where the ancient **** palace lord and other heavenly kings were on the **** ship.


   Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed slightly, because they saw an old figure in the distant horizon, an old and frail knight, and a lame horse, looking at this place.


   "It's that person, even he came across the sea of ​​chaos, does it mean that even the supreme being will be born in this life?"


   is that the ancient powers have changed color, because that was the truly invincible who had participated in the First Battle and the World Destruction Battle in the past. The powerful-level old knight is just the old servant of the supreme existence guarding the demon god's market.


   The old knight didn't come over, just staring into the starry sky, motionless, but no one dared to attack him, all knew what he represented.


"Don't wait any longer, they come from the heavens and ten thousand domains. It is difficult to enter the ancient emperor realm. It will take a certain time. I will take action first and remove all obstacles." The ancient demon **** said, suddenly, the starry sky aura Wei shocking.


   can move!


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