Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1042: Advance to the Imperial City



   Outside the central imperial city, there was a fierce battle directly.


   Headed by the ancient **** palace lord, the five heavenly kings, Xuan Lao, born from the seal, and two undead first and fourth heavenly kings, Xuan Lao, add up to eight heavenly kings.


   It seems that there are not as many as the nine heavenly kings of the imperial city sanctuary, but the ancient palace master and even the heavenly kings are almost invincible figures, one can rival several people.


   The first heavenly king Xuan Lao also belongs to the extraordinary powerhouse in the heavenly king realm. It seems that the sanctuary side has the advantage in numbers, but in reality, the fight is likely to be the other way around.


   "You defend the imperial city, the fighting sage king is rushing to pass the heavenly king, there can be no gaps."


Gu Hua Tianwang’s voice transmission, the situation is very tense now, and the fighting sage king is at the most critical moment of rushing to the heaven. Don’t be disturbed, otherwise it doesn’t matter if you fail to rush through, and more importantly, it is very likely to be distracted. , It may even hurt Daoji.




The battle is breaking out. This is a battle of the heavenly kings. Although it is not as powerful as the mighty power in the gods and the starry sky, it is also terrifying. It is not the two heavenly kings fighting each other, but a dozen of them. A big duel in the imperial city where the territory is located.


The nine emperors attacked the heavenly kings and fought together against the eight heavenly kings of the ancient temple. They knew the power of the ancient temple master and directly summoned a large amount of power of faith from the imperial city. , Sweeping to the strong of the ancient temple.


   "The power of faith!?"


   The powers of the ancient shrines have changed in color, a little jealous.


  Because the power of faith in the imperial city is absolutely vast and amazing, too powerful, even if it is the accumulation of so many years in the ancient shrine, it is only so, but it cannot be transmitted across the sea of ​​chaos.


   The Nine Emperor Chaotian Kings are all **** kings in the sanctuary, and each can master a part of the power of faith, which is enough for them to increase their strength and kill the ancient gods.


   "Huh, what about the power of faith?"


   The ancient **** palace master hummed coldly, his eyes flashed coldly, and he raised his hand to slap the past, which contained the power of vast laws, and shook with an emperor. The sky and the earth broke and the vacuum burst into pieces.


   The ancient **** palace lord remained still, but the opposite emperor flew up, the power of faith was boiling, almost collapsed, coughing up blood constantly.


   See you from high to low, you can see the peerless power of the ancient palace master.


But other emperors also came, and they combined to form a terrible big formation. Each of the nine emperors took control of a formation, and the nine stars were one, which temporarily blocked the eight heavenly kings of the ancient temple. Let them Can't advance or retreat.


   This is a magic formation constructed by Ye Chen during these thirty-three years. It is a combined battle formation that can gather the power of the nine emperors and kings together and exert extraordinary combat power.


   "Looking for death!"


   Although the lord of the ancient divine palace was angry and very powerful, it was difficult to break through the battlefield and kill in the imperial city.


   Is it necessary to allow the Fighting Saint King to succeed in the battle against the Heavenly King?


"Everyone, the fighting sage king is rushing to Guan Tianwang, I believe you don't want to see him completely grow up and become a heavenly king, right?" The first heavenly king Xuan transmitted voice to other watching heavenly kings on the horizon, and wooed him. They must deal with the Fighting Saint King together and interfere with his rush.


   Other heavenly kings are also interested, especially the imperial clan and the heavenly kings of the three holy places, all have a sense of movement.


Far from the sky, the few immortal true kings standing on the edge of the sky are the most daunting. All of them are the Supreme Dzogchen, and they have become the tenth heaven, and they are the kings of heaven. They are unprecedentedly powerful and far better than ordinary heavenly kings. There is a powerful Qi of the tenth heaven, boiling and permeating.


   Their existence is even more terrifying than other heavenly kings.


   This makes the nine emperors change the color of the heavenly kings. If these immortal real kings take action, it is definitely the most terrible threat.




  Emperor City, at this moment, there are three graceful and beautiful shadows, it is the Three Fairies.


They also became the kings of heaven. They are all powerful, looking around the Quartet. Ye Chen, who is guarding the imperial city, is used by them. They have the power of faith to be used by them. They can also shock the kings of the Quartet and prevent them Dare to do something.


  Besides, the little golden dragon and Yiyi are there, and the most powerful combat power in the sanctuary is almost exhausted.




In the imperial city, a dull loud noise suddenly came out, and accompanied by it, there was a more and more terrifying Dao Qi mechanism slowly spreading out, making the world seem to be suppressed, and it also made everyone's color change. .


   Because that terrible sense of depression originated in the imperial city, it made the heavenly kings change their colors.


   Under this breath, almost everyone felt a terrible suffocation.


   Even those immortal true kings who have achieved heavenly kings have slightly changed their faces.


   This must be the battle of the Saint King. He is too strong and accumulated too deep. Once he breaks into the Heavenly King Realm, he must also be a very high level of enemy-free.


   has now reached the most critical moment, about to become the invincible king of the world.


   "If you make a move, you must not let the fighting saint king advance!"


   The powers of the ancient shrine were roaring, with incomparable fear. The emperor and the three holy land kings all rushed over, and the other immortal kings all changed and almost shot.


   "Whoever dares to take a step forward, I will kill anyone!"


Above the emperor city, Zhao Jingruo is extremely powerful, she is calm as a goddess, but with terrifying aura, flying green silk, accompanied by wisps of immortal light, possessing the invincible demeanor of the heavens.


A heavenly king was the first to kill He came from the imperial clan. He was dissatisfied with Ye Chen’s attitude at the emperor’s feast. At this moment, he took action and made a murderous plan to succeed in Ye Chen’s rush. Beheaded for a moment, let him fall from heaven to hell.


   The goddess made a strong move, with wisps of flying celestial light between her slender jade fingers, and she used the secret technique of the realm to appear in front of the heavenly king like lightning, shaking her head.


   boom boom boom boom


   The goddess is beautiful in ancient and modern times, she is unparalleled in appearance, but also powerful and unmatched, and the most terrible attacking power is the most terrifying attack. If the female emperor strikes, it will attract the magic of the beginning.


   After more than a dozen rounds, the figure of the emperor's heavenly king flew upside down, and the blood was raining.


   It's not that he is not strong enough, on the contrary, the goddess is too strong. First, the Supreme Dzogchen attained the tenth heaven, and then the heavenly king, who is inherently stronger than the other heavenly kings, the starting point is too high, and the fighting power is terribly powerful.




   Goddess Willow raised eyebrows, with a light squeak, the jade hand slashed, displayed the mark of the avenue aquarium, and shot a beam of destruction, blasting the heavenly king directly into the sky, sprinkling a rain of blood on the sky.


In just a dozen rounds, a powerful heavenly king was defeated. The goddess was slim and magnificent in the void, surrounded by divine radiance, the most divine and holy, but she was powerful and invincible. He scanned all the enemies and said, "You still want to Do you want to shoot?"


   "You are very strong, but today's Fighting Saint King don't want to make it through successfully!"


   The other heavenly kings far away in the sky all strode forward, pushing towards the imperial city.

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