Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1571: Qinggu Great!

Did Emperor Dan really perish?

"Senior, how did I get this group of emperor origins?"

Ye Chen was very eager, but he did not act rashly, because this is the origin of the emperor after all, and you should not take it lightly to avoid unnecessary disasters.

"You just need to step forward and let me contact the emperor's origin." Tianhuang Shendi said.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen rushed forward, although the emperor's origin has the immeasurable pressure and is not escaping all the time, but Ye Chen has the protection of Tianhuang Euphorbia, so that he can rush up smoothly.


At this moment, the coercion between the world and the earth suddenly became terrifying many times, and the emperor's body that lay across the earth suddenly opened his eyes, cold and ruthless, as if the entire ancient universe was buried in his eyes. Ten thousand creatures were burnt, and the heavens collapsed, not to mention that it was Ye Chen, even the Emperor of the Ancients would have a heart trembling in the face. The spirits seemed to explode, unbearable.

Because this is the emperor’s gaze, possessing the most terrifying and incredible power, capable of crushing and annihilating everything, who can truly face it.

The terrifying power rushed towards Ye Chen, and everything fell apart wherever he went.

However, the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia in Ye Chen's hand suddenly exploded with infinite brilliance, accompanied by the imperial prestige, collided with it, and resisted.

"Huh? The Supreme Imperial Soldier, who has such an Imperial Soldier, it's no wonder that you dare to enter here. But having the Supreme Emperor Soldier does not mean that you are the Supreme Emperor, pass away!"

The Great Qinggu snorted, and even more terrifying power emerged, much more terrifying than before.

But at the same time, the emperor's prestige that emerged from the wild halberd was the same, once again resisted, and out of it came out a stalwart and unparalleled figure, majestic and majestic, if it is the immortal emperor, the whole body is golden and bright, bathing With brilliant golden light.

Obviously it is not very huge, the size of an ordinary person, but it gives a person a kind of emperor not smaller than the earth, with the same stalwart.

His whole body is flowing with the supreme great power of the Great Dao, condescending, and looking at the Qinggu Great Emperor on the earth.

"Familiar Qi, are you—"

The Great Qinggu quickly understood, he looked at the stalwart figure at the highest point of the sky in shock, but quickly shook his head, and his eyes became more profound: "You are not a ruler, not that person, although you have an emperor. Dao’s aura, but that person is more terrifying, not inferior to the real emperor, you should be his warrior!"

"As expected of Qinggu Great Emperor, I was recognized by you!"

Tianhuang Shendi did not deny it, but he is exactly the same as the Wuxiang King. He was created by imitating the gods of his lord. There will not be much difference. At this moment, facing the Qinggu Great Emperor, he is fearless. Everything has the charm of a no-phase king.

"Hmph, don't say it's you, even if your Master Wuxiang King comes, you have to retreat. You dare to see the origin of the emperor, do you want the emperor to send you to life?"

When talking, there is a strong murderous intent. If it weren't for the Emperor Dan's creation of the Zhendifeng space specifically to suppress the Qinggu Great Emperor, if it was replaced in another place, it would have been broken long ago, and it would not be able to bear the immeasurable power of the emperor. Killing intent is impossible in the king's world.

In the final analysis, it was actually because the Supreme Great Emperor was too powerful. He had already transcended everything. There was nothing in the world that could withstand the pressure of destruction of existence.

It’s just that the Tianhuang Shendi is full of light, and slowly said: “The Great Emperor Qinggu, you in his heyday, indeed I cannot match, in the final analysis, I am just a warrior god, but the master can, he cultivates. Supreme, you can fight the Great, even if you have to admit it."

Hearing this, Qinggu Great Emperor fell silent in a rare occurrence, shocking Ye Chen.

Although it has long been heard that the Wuxiang emperor is extremely powerful against the sky, and that he is not the emperor, he can fight the emperor, but the rumors are after all rumors, and its sophistication is difficult to confirm. Now it is heard that Tianhuang Shendi personally mentioned it, and it has been the same in the past. The Qinggu Great Emperor who fought also did not deny it, which is surprising.

"Yes, the unphased king is indeed against the sky, otherwise the universe of our world will not do anything to kill this potential first king!" Qinggu the Great admitted that he is as powerful as him, a generation of emperor supreme , The invincible who crossed the eternal time and space, at this moment also had to admit the invincibility of the invincible king.

The entire alien ancient universe is extremely jealous of the Wuxiang King, because he is too guarded against the sky, not the great emperor, but can retrograde to cut down the immortals, fight the supreme emperor and retreat.

It can almost be said that once the supreme emperor is achieved, these characters will probably be the strongest emperor like the second fighting saint ancestor, and it is necessary for the emperors to work together to have a chance to kill.

In order to kill Wuxiang King, the potential future emperor, Alien Ancient Universe paid a very heavy price.

Each of the nine peerless kings is no less than the Seven Heavens, and two of them are the emperors who are qualified to attack the emperor realm. They also brought imperial soldiers and imperial formations, and set many traps, all just for killing There is no king, but the result is that everyone is ruined, and it needs an emperor to give up his majesty to take a shot, and finally the king of the king is killed.

How can such a potential king of kings make people feel at ease and let him grow?

Heavenly Desolate God’s black hair is scattered, and the brilliant golden light is flowing, and said: "You are wrong, the Lord will not perish, and one will return against the sky. Today, I will seize your emperor's origin, let The strongest descendant of our line of fighting saints will also take the strongest step in the future to achieve the road of invincibility."


At this moment, Tianhuang Shendi suddenly acted. He wrapped Ye Chen and directly rushed to the top of the sky to intercept the origin of the emperor.

"Hmph, your master is only here, even a warrior **** in the area dare to lie and seek death!"

The Great Emperor Qinggu roared, although the thick chains of order gods on his body were not binding him all the time, but at this point, it also became his weapon, being brandished by him, shaking the world. , Collapsed into nine heavens and ten earths, rushed to Tianhuang Shendi.

It’s just that Tianhuang Shendi has recovered on its own. Although it can’t truly compare to the Emperor’s Domain, it is absolutely terrifying. He raised his hand and collided with it. Using his own Tianhuang Euphorbia as its main weapon, it directly collided and exploded its brilliance. Beam.

At the same time, Tianhuang Shendi shot a divine light, enveloped Ye Chen, and sent him to the emperor's origin on the sky. The sound transmission said: "Little guy, you can charge as much as you can, and you can reincarnate. Collected by six coffins."


Ye Chen has the imprint of Tianhuang Shendi, which can resist the immeasurable pressure of the emperor's origin, and he took out the six coffins of reincarnation, quickly opened it, and directly ran the ancient coffin, and moved toward the emperor's origin to collect the past.

"You guys are looking for death!"

The great Qinggu roared, this is his origin of the emperor, how can he let others get involved, that thick chain of order is waving even more violently, the whole world is going to be turbulent, and it is about to collapse, causing The extremely huge fluctuations are very terrifying.

"Hmph, if facing you in the heyday, I would still be invincible, but now you only have a remnant soul left, and the emperor body has been sealed, and the origin has been tempered so much, what fear do I have? "

Tianhuang Shendi coldly snorted, he stood on the sky, constantly shot, and constantly collided with these chains of order, if it weren't for fear that breaking these chains of order would make Qinggu the Great Emperor in danger of unblocking, he would have long since The shot was broken, how to make these chains of order and gods dance.


The Great Emperor Qinggu roared, and the entire Zhendifeng shook violently. I don’t know how violently it was. The **** pillars inserted in ten parts of his body shook violently. They were about to collapse and break free. .

But there is no other way, because the ten sacred pillars are all blooming at the moment, with the emperor's law circulating on them, the emperor's machine is flowing, suppressed, so that the Qinggu Great Emperor can't really break free. Come, full of unwillingness.

"Emperor Dan!"

The Great Emperor Qinggu roared, the immeasurable emperor's body was blooming with the most terrifying power, but they were resisted by Tianhuang Shendi one by one, and it was hard to do.

At the same time, Ye Chen threw the six-layer coffin of the reincarnation directly into the origin of the emperor. This is the ancient coffin that ruined the Wuxiang King in the past. It possesses incredible power, even the Emperor Wuxiang, who is comparable to the emperor. Can bear it, let alone the origin of the emperor.

Now it seems to be revived, the emperor origin, which is larger than the stars, is quickly being swallowed by the six coffins of reincarnation, and it is much smaller in a flash, and there is a stream of emperor origin that is constantly being reincarnated by the six coffins of reincarnation. To devour, to charge.

The Great Emperor Qinggu below watched all this, full of unwillingness, but helpless!

Because Tianhuang Shendi blocked Now he is not the peak of the emperor. He watched a junior arbitrarily collect his emperor origin, but he was so helpless.

"This is what you want to force me!"

At this time, the Great Emperor Qinggu suddenly calmed down, and spoke coldly, filled with the calmness of a storm. Even Tianhuang Shendi couldn't help but condensed slightly, and said: "Little guy, be careful. "


Ye Chen was concentrating, every supreme great emperor was a supreme and stalwart existence, with incredible means, even if it was lost, there was only a remnant soul left.

"Bansheberger stomach and Kang San from Winnie--"

Suddenly, in the mouth of the Great Emperor Qinggu, a series of special mantras were recited, with special syllables, profound and unparalleled, Ye Chen could not understand, but he clearly saw the expression of Tianhuang Shendi completely solemn Going down, the Tianhuang Euphorbia in your hand has fully recovered, blooming with billions of golden light, pointing to the Qinggu Great, and speaking softly: "Qinggu Great, why bother? In this way, if you are not successful, you will definitely Perished."

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