Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3128: The secret of the **** tree

Everyone knew that Yun Tianjun was mostly perished and obliterated.

Although I don't know what method Emperor Tonggu used, there is no doubt that this method deeply shocked all the powerhouses of the two camps.

From now on, even if you want to fight for the supreme inheritance, you have to weigh a few points whether it will affect the creatures of the Weiyang Great World.

"What a King Tonggu, hahaha."

Ye Chen looked up to the sky and laughed. He didn't intend to interfere too much in the Weiyang big world. This way, it fits his mind.

As for the Saint Emperor Realm camp, he is pleased to see its constant weakness.

In this way, it is conducive to him to obtain the supreme inheritance of Weiyang Great World.

As time passed, three months passed.

After Emperor Tonggu took the initiative to kill Yuntianjun, and the thunderbolt swept the powerhouse of the Saint Emperor's Domain, the Weiyang Great World returned to calm.

The world is no longer in such awe of the superpowers from outside the world, because of the existence of the Tonggu King, these superpowers from outside dare not take it easily.

Because of Ye Chen's constraints, the Yandiyu faction was not too arrogant. Therefore, Emperor Tonggu treated the Yandiyu faction very kindly, and he had never really targeted anyone.

Unfortunately, even with the help of Doumen, the world's No. 1 intelligence organization, searching for all kinds of information in the world, Ye Chen still could not find the relevant information passed on by the Supreme.

The same is true for others, and they have never received any relevant information.

At this time, people wondered whether the Tonggu King deceived, the Supreme Inheritance was not in the Weiyang Great World at all.

Han Zhen also had related doubts and once persuaded Ye Chen to leave this world.

But Ye Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "The Emperor Tonggu doesn't need to deceive us. The Supreme Inheritance is almost always in the Weiyang Great World, but it is hidden deep enough. But rest assured, there is still plenty of time, continue. Just wait."

He was quite patient, and continued to wait silently.

During this time, he had entered the Valley of Medicine God with great interest and came to the **** tree.

This sacred tree of chaos is as high as thousands of feet, and its trunk is as thick as a mountain, towering into the clouds, and its canopy is unknowingly huge, but compared to the giant trees that move thousands of miles away, it appears relatively small.

The heavenly sacred tree is energetic, sensing the arrival of Ye Chen, and even more so that he is incomparable, because he had seen his shot that day, the branches and leaves were swaying and shining, and the void trembled, and there was a thought of wanting to escape.

Although it doesn't have much mana, it has profound wisdom and knows its value, and once it is thoroughly refined, it can live a second life.

"Don't worry, I'm not malicious to you, and I don't need to use you."

Ye Chen spoke, his body was full of majestic vigor, showing his unparalleled longevity, majestic, proving that he is still very young, at the level of the human body’s ascending ladder, and can continue to walk, relying on the improvement of realm to continue to extend. Shouyuan, no need to resort to foreign objects.


Although Ye Chen spoke like this, it still hesitated. After all, its value, living in a second life, is full of endless temptation for anyone.

It believed that the Doumen God King, who had taken care of itself at the beginning, also had a certain mindset. When his life span reached the limit, he was afraid that he would refine himself and begin his second life.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Although you are the sacred tree of chaos, in my eyes, you don't necessarily need you. In my body, you can become the supreme and the life is endless. Why use you."

The words are calm, but with unparalleled confidence.

The branches and leaves of the God of Chaos are swaying, and the flat peaches are even more brilliant, and they have not been completely picked.

It can see the self-confidence in Ye Chen's eyes, because its origin is not simple. The world only knows that it was suspected of being born in the era of the opening of the Weiyang Great World, but they did not know that it had followed the true supreme existence.

The supreme existence is called supreme.

The supreme is immeasurable, and the life is endless. It can live forever in the world without the help of foreign objects.

It also saw that the majestic and majestic youth in front of them really had such potential, had the terrifying potential to advance to the Supreme Realm, and could aspire to the Supreme Achievement Status in the future.

"Well, I am willing to believe you."

The heavenly sacred tree was alive and replied, continuing to take root on the highest peak, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth.

Ye Chen stood in front of the Heavenly God Tree, compared to the thick trunk of the mountain, he looked so small, yet so eye-catching.

This thousand-foot-tall **** tree is the **** tree of chaos that opened up the world in Weiyang. Naturally, in Ye Chen's eyes, there are more mysteries than ordinary people. In front of the Eye of God, the mystery of the **** of chaos is nothing. Retreat.

He watched the tree wheels, tasted the flat peaches, looked at the heart of the tree, inspected the roots, and countless mysteries emerged before his eyes.

"This tree can indeed be called a sacred chaos tree, but it is not an ancient tree in the Weiyang big world. Even the supreme big world can not give birth to this kind of chaotic sacred its existence The years have already passed more than one epoch, and it even seems to have gone through several epochs, with countless years."

"If I didn't guess wrong, this tree of chaos is mostly a tree born in the sea of ​​chaos, born in chaos, it is comparable to the potential of chaos holy spirit, if it grows to the extreme, it is probably no less than the true supreme. "

Ye Chen, who is a character, is now in the realm of an eternal quasi-king, but his eyes are far beyond the ordinary quasi-king, he has insight into many mysteries, and can see the secrets of the chaotic tree.

But he was very confused about whether the chaotic sacred tree existed like a chaotic holy spirit.

Because the state of the chaotic sacred tree is very weird, born as the chaotic holy spirit, it has existed for more than one epoch. However, it should have been transformed into the position of the great perfect holy spirit long ago, comparable to the supreme, but now there is not much mana.

Ye Chen said: "You should have followed the true master of this Weiyang Great World, the supreme one."


The Heavenly God Tree did not deny, "Back then, I was born in chaos, ignorant, he brought me, planted in this world, and truly nurtured me, even transformed into a human form, walking in the world, just like his. Heir. Originally I was like you, full of infinite potential, the Holy Spirit transformed the way, and practiced again, but unfortunately I didn’t know what happened. I lost a period of memory, and then re-transformed into the body, and the magic power no longer makes it difficult to practice. It can only maintain its current state and live forever."


At this moment, Ye Chen's eyes blazed countless times, and in an instant he penetrated the deepest origin of the Heavenly God Tree, and found that most of its origin was directly missing.

Is it because the battle for the world's most precious treasure was missing?

(End of this chapter)

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