Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3130: Unfathomable

Ye Chen's eyes were much deeper, more unfathomable than black holes.

He felt that he had reached the true limit. One-tenth of the emperor's essence blood that Emperor Yan had snatched from the Great Emperor was completely dissolved in his body, and his potential was thoroughly excavated, and he had nowhere to enter.

The same applies to the rule of kings.

What he needs to do next is to take the most critical step and become the King of the Ancients.

And he has enough accumulation.

Only a small part of the Primordial Kings, Monarchs and other world origins refined over the years have expanded the Primordial Universe, and more of them have been transformed into a deep foundation that settles in the deepest part of the body. It was only when he was promoted to the Primordial King. It really broke out.

But Ye Chen didn't break through, and didn't take a crucial step to stand up as much as possible, but continued to stand in the realm of the eternal quasi-king.

Because this is the Great World of Weiyang, once he breaks through, the emperor's catastrophe will be beyond imagination.

Whether it is a chaos practitioner, the young supreme, or the eternal quasi-king, etc., they will inevitably lead to an extremely terrible catastrophe.

This superimposition is even more terrifying.

Even though the Great World of Weiyang is a supreme world, it may not be able to bear it, and it is very likely to be half a waste.

Moreover, the powers of the Saint Emperor Realm camp are watching, it is impossible to allow his promotion, and doing everything possible will prevent his promotion.

More importantly, Ye Chen wanted to continue to accumulate.

Yes, continue to accumulate.

It is not simple accumulation.

Rather, it must be in the realm of higher ranks when achieving the Primordial King.

He knew that the top of the world tower of the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass of the Sealed Universe contained fragments from the ancient gods.

That was the vast world of the same level as the heavens and domains in the era of the mythical era, and it was even more vast and vast.

Time and space the Great once asked him to go to the Realm Tower when he was promoted to the Primordial King. The purpose was to allow him to refine the fragments of the Primordial God Realm and further expand the world in his body.

Therefore, Ye Chen would not choose to break through in the near future, but would return to the sealed universe and make a breakthrough in the realm tower.

"Thirty years have passed, and I haven't been able to find the slightest clue to the supreme inheritance. Is it true that King Tonggu really deceived me to wait?"

Sitting on a **** seat in a supreme temple in the core of Tianlong Continent, Ye Chen's eyes were unfathomable. Although sitting in the temple, he could overlook the entire Weiyang World.

Now his spiritual thoughts are so powerful that they can cover almost every inch of the entire Weiyang world.

The corners that can't be covered are all secret places that have the effect of isolating the exploration of divine minds. They are all forbidden places in the Weiyang Great World, or the places where some super powers, such as King Tonggu, etc.

"Never mind."

Ye Chen smiled slightly. At this point, he didn't pay much attention to the Supreme Inheritance, and the Supreme Inheritance Dao platform appeared in his hands.

If the supreme inheritance of the Weiyang Great World does not appear again within three years, he plans to leave and search for the supreme.

"Little brother."

Ning'er appeared in the hall of a slender and light girl.

With a ponytail, she jumped up and down, her figure lightly, and smiled and came to Ye Chen's side.


Ye Chen's mouth also raised a gentle smile, and reached out to rub the girl's soft hair. This has always been his favorite thing to do, and he always feels like facing his younger sister Ruoxi.

She was also a little embarrassed in her heart, wondering if that girl Ruoxi had left.

And he also missed his wife, children and friends in the sealed universe, but he didn't know what was going on in the sealed universe.

But most of the major problems have not yet occurred. The two supreme ones, the emperor and the non-phase supreme, are in charge, and the realm of the time and space is suppressed. Moreover, if Emperor Yan knows that there is a major problem, he will inevitably inform him.

"Little brother, Ning'er has finally become a semi-sage!"

Ning'er was innocent and innocent, with a cheerful smile on her flowery face, and she appealed to Ye Chen.

Thirty years have passed, Ning'er has long since become a **** of transformation, and has advanced all the way to become a semi-holy, qualified to be ranked on the list of Tianjiao in the Weiyang Great World. Compared to Gu Xuan and Nangong Xue in the past, they are no better. weak.

It's just a pity that even with the help of infinite resources, Ning'er never comprehend the mystery of the tenth heaven in the semi-divine realm even if he was practicing in Ye Chen's divine aperture of the tenth heaven. Success in the environment, in one fell swoop became a high young supreme level.

This made Ye Chen feel helpless, the breakthrough of the strongest young supreme was actually much more difficult than imagined.

But being able to break through to the advanced young supreme level is already pretty good.

Ye Chen told Ning'er not to give up, and if he continued to work hard, he could cultivate the supreme body in samsara, complete everything, and become the strongest young supreme.

Not no one has done this step.

Immediately his eyes passed through the temple, fell into the vast Weiyang world, and whispered: "Holy Void, you can hide so deeply. In thirty years, you can't find any trace of you, is it really a hidden breakthrough? If so, you still have a bit of you, facing me now, I'm afraid you can't even escape."

The monstrous divine power in the body slowly settled down, unable to produce any waves, like a pool of stagnant water.

Even so, he just sat there simply, which was enough to make the ordinary king of the ancient times tremble.

Even Emperor Han Zhen, such as the Primordial King, didn't know how unfathomable Ye Chen's current cultivation level reached.


On this day, the Weiyang Great World shook, and many people were shocked.

It's not because there are superpowers from the two big camps attacking the people in the Weiyang Great World, nor are they fighting each other, but in the Weiyang Great World, someone has broken through the Divine King Realm and fought to overcome the Divine King Tribulation.

The catastrophe is immeasurable, and the impact is huge.

Moreover, it was still seven hundred divine kings' robberies, which could be regarded as quite a great divine king's robbery among the gods. It really shocked many powerhouses in the entire Weiyang Great World, including the two major camps.

You must know that the average **** king is just a hundred-dao **** king robbery. The more avenues, the stronger the potential.

The Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, such as the emperor's emperor and daughter of the emperor, and the heir of the celestial path, were nothing more than a thousand gods.

Even Ye Chen turned his gaze to the past, slightly surprised.

Sure enough, there are real peerless Tianjiao in the Weiyang Great World, not the so-called super Tianjiao such as Gu Xuan and Nangongxue.

"Who the **** has turned into a **** king?"

The ancient **** kings of the Nine Continents also paid attention to the past, wanting to know which might be promoted to the **** king.

When I saw that the **** king in the tragedy was a young man, he was full of majestic vigor, and his cultivation time did not exceed a thousand years, and the world was shocked. ()

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