Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3138: Blow

This scene completely shocked the entire Weiyang world!

The world is shocked by Ye Chen's Ge Shiweili.

Although I already knew the terrible thing about Chen Lord.

But what a mighty flick of Fei Yuhao.

You must know that Yu Hao is not just an ordinary **** king, but also the first heavenly arrogant in the history of the Weiyang Great World. The newly formed **** king realm is the second-tribulation **** king, but can reach the level of the four-tribulation **** king by all means.

However, in the Chaos Tianfu, just a finger point out, it crushed everything, bounced Yu Hao away, and fell to the edge of the universe.

Such a powerful force, let people understand the power of Chen-sama even more deeply.

In the wasteland on the edge of the world, Yu Hao was covered with blood and scars, and stood up with difficulty.

The injury this time was even more serious than the last time he was hit by the imperial prestige of Chaos Tianfu.

The same is true for both the supreme **** king body and the **** king soul, and the injuries are serious.

In his body, a little bit of light emerged from him, shining over his body, shining on his body, and he was repairing his wounded body.

But it was very slow, even if he mastered the extraordinary healing mystery, even if the recovery ability of the **** king was quite amazing, he still couldn't recover in the first time, on the contrary, he was suppressed to a great extent.

Last time, he was able to force out that wisp of imperial might, even with the help of body tempering, to go one step further, but now, that giant chaotic finger not only blasted himself, but also blasted a terrifying force into it. In your own body.

That power is so powerful that it can even eliminate everything, dissolve his power of the **** king's recovery, and it is difficult to really repair oneself effectively.

"This is the power of chaos, and the master's understanding of chaos has reached an unfathomable level. It can control the power of chaos and submerge into my **** king. It suppresses all things and suppresses everything, so that I cannot recover from my injury."

Yu Hao was shocked, and naturally felt the terrible part of this chaotic power.

More importantly, the shooter does not know how deep the understanding of chaos is.

At this moment, Yu Hao felt the huge impact of self-confidence.

He went to the Chaos Tianfu with confidence, but before he really set foot in the Chaos Tianfu, he was hit repeatedly.

That chaotic heaven contains the supreme majesty, far beyond the palace left by the supreme existence above the **** king.

That's all, he thinks it doesn't mean everything, it doesn't mean that Lord Chen is the supreme existence.

But just when the chaos pointed out, he really felt the terrible place of Chen Lord.

Just the point of a finger, it will overwhelm the ages, as if the king of the king of God shot.

No, it was even more terrifying than the King of God Kings, and there was no resistance at all if he tried his best to resist.

The force of horror is acting on him, as powerful as him, so vulnerable, falling directly on the edge of the world.

And he could feel that the Lord Chen, the lord of the Chaos Tianfu, was staying power, otherwise the great Chaos finger would be strong enough to easily kill him, the youngest ancient **** king in history, into ashes. .

Lord Chen, really, as the rumors said, surpassed the Divine King, and could be called the invincible powerhouse in the world.

Yu Hao's whole body was cracked, and blood was dripping out, and his armor was dyed red.

Silently, there was a majestic figure above him, who looked so young, if he was in his early twenties, he was sitting down and looking down at Yu Hao.

Behind him, the burly tower-like figure of the Wild Ancient Demon Dragon stood, staring at Yu Hao blankly, but the figure was far behind the young people.

Hiddenly showing a kind of respect and humbleness!

"who are you?"

Although Yu Hao was covered in blood, he still contained the majesty of the **** king, coldly looking at the youth who was as young as him.

Even the mighty can hardly bear the majesty of such a **** king.

Seeing that the person who came to bear the majesty of his **** king unharmed, he was slightly startled and said, "Are you the disciple of Master Chen, who also reached the **** king state?"

He thought so in his heart that since Master Chen is so powerful, it is only natural for his disciples to achieve this step.

Behind him, the ancient demon dragon was afraid that he would come out to protect the disciple of Master Chen.

It was just that the youth had no sadness or joy on his face, looked at him calmly, and said: "People in your world generally call me Lord Chen."

"Master Chen!?"

"You are Master Chen!?"

Yu Hao changed color.

Although he knew that Lord Chen was very powerful, and he had to admit that the other party was indeed an existence far above the **** king, but he never expected that the other party was so young, or even as young as him, with such a weight. The vigor and vitality cannot be concealed.

However, it was such a young person who surpassed the realm of the **** king and reached a realm that was beyond his reach.

Even Yu Hao, who had never lost his self-confidence after being hit twice in succession, suffered the most terrible blow to his self-confidence this time.

He has always thought that he was the strongest arrogant in history and could not be surpassed, but as soon as I saw him today, some people reached an astonishing level in the same young years, and they were far more distant than others.

"No, did you refine the chaos sacred tree and live your second life, otherwise it is impossible to reach this stage so At this stage, Yuhao still can't believe it, he I hope that the other party has used other methods to get to this situation.

Otherwise, for him, who is known as the first arrogant of Weiyang Great World since ancient times, the blow would be too great.

After all, he has always been the number one in his generation, even facing the young heirs of immortal forces or even super forces, he is invincible, and he has long established invincible confidence.

Now if a person of the same young age defeats him among his peers, it will completely collapse all the invincible glory and confidence he has established in the past.

Behind him, the ancient demon dragon sneered, without saying a word.

Ye Chen said lightly: "As you can see, I am as young as you."

Yu Hao's figure shook, shocked and horrified, and received a huge impact.

He hoped that Ye Chen was false, but from Ye Chen's eyes, there was no trace of deceit at all. The only thing was the endless depth that made his soul almost sink.

Ye Chen looked at Yu Hao. If he couldn't accept it, he wouldn't be qualified to be his disciple.

No matter how amazing Yu Hao's state of mind is, he is not qualified if he does not have a strong enough state of mind.

Ye Chen said again, "Even if you get to this point, do you really think that you are the only real talent in the world? You must know that in your years, there are more outstanding, more enchanting, more It's a stunning, peerless arrogant talent. Do you think your talent really counts?"

Another blow!

An even greater blow!

The meaning is self-evident, he Yuhao is also known as the number one arrogant of the ancients in the Weiyang Great World, but outside of the Weiyang Great World, he cannot be the true number one arrogant. ()

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