Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3144: 30 years of progress

Under this sword, Yu Hao couldn't produce any resistance at all.

Although he had known the terrible aspects of Lord Chen for a long time, he never expected that what he had learned before was nothing but a drop in the bucket, but what he showed now is the true strength of Lord Chen.

Under this sword, I am afraid that the quasi-prince will be wiped out even if he encounters a little bit.

Yu Hao had such a thought!

Facing this sword, Rao Shi Shengxu's expression changed slightly, and he did not dare to be careless, and his momentum immediately rose again.

"Fighting Saint King, the last time you used other external methods, it made me suffer a big loss, this time it won't be the case."

When the palm of the hand is turned over, it turns into a monument that is as high as the sky.

The monument is inscribed with ancient scriptures of the Emperor Dao, and the magnificent picture of the supreme battle is imprinted on it.

At this moment, Sheng Xu acted like an ancient emperor, and the heavenly monument was boundless, with boundless majesty, facing the sword glow that surrounded the boundless chaotic energy.


It seems that the destruction of the world is going on, the sky is falling down, and everything is going to sink.

The big bang is blooming, spreading beyond hundreds of millions of miles.

If it weren't for Yuhao, the Lord of the World, to personally take action and use the power of the world to protect, otherwise the entire world would be unbearable and would be pierced through a large cave.

"It's not suitable for you to join the war. Leave first."

A world power wrapped Yu Hao and took him away.

Otherwise, let's not talk about other things, just this big blast wave is enough to make Yu Hao's body and spirit destroyed.

Ye Chen didn't care when Sheng Xu sent Yu Hao away, and even his eyes never fell on Yu Hao.

Such a dismissive look of contempt made Yu Hao clenched his fists, very angry, and helpless.

Ye Chen was moving in the vortex of chaos.

Sheng Xu also moved.

The strongest of the two young generations took the initiative to break into the big bang and start the war.

As powerful as two people, the big bang would naturally not hurt them at all.

They crossed them, using the strongest means to fight.

"Sheng Xu, I haven't seen you in thirty years, I would like to see how much you can improve, whether you are like a turtle with a head shrinking, and I dare not come out.

Ye Chen smiled lightly, full of sarcasm.

The chaotic light overflowed in the palm of the finger, the law of ten thousand ways was boiling, earthshaking, as if the three thousand great worlds were shattered, and everything that was blocked was shattered into the sky.

The slap fell, containing infinite power, enough to penetrate the king's world.

"Battle Saint King, if you hadn't used the miraculous power of the Sealed Gate at the beginning, did you really think that you could be my opponent with your own body?" Sheng Xu was indifferent and ruthless, punching out, also containing majestic power.

The intersecting of fists and palms, as if the world is destroyed, is unimaginable, and can make ordinary primordial kings to pieces.

However, the two sides are still standing there, fighting each other there, one by one, can it be that they have the power of destruction to tear apart the world, which is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Yu Hao, who was sent to a faraway place by the power of the world, could still clearly see the two sides in the war with the power of the **** king, but it was seen that the Lord Chen could collide with the master of the Primordial King head-on, without falling behind. Fang, the shock in his heart is unbelievable.

All this was unexpected.

Master Chen is so powerful!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought dozens of moves, and they were still unmatched.

"You are so powerful?"

Shengxu's expression changed. The original fight against the Saint King was only able to fight him with the special characteristics of the Sealed Gate, but now he can reach this step without the help of foreign objects, which is simply breaking common sense.

Even the eternal quasi-king should not be so rebellious.

But he didn't know that Ye Chen could swallow the world, improve the original universe, get the good fortune of the original universe back-feeding, and continue to improve, before he was so powerful.

"Sheng Xu, I shall punish you today!"

Ye Chen never really cared about Shengxu. Apart from anything else, ten sealed gates were suspended between the heavens and the earth, and each of them was as high as the sky, blooming with the power of suppressing everything in the world.

Such power can suppress the world.

Here, the ten puppets of the king appeared, showing the terrifying king's heavenly power, and fell on the holy Xu.


With a loud roar, Shengxu showed the might of the emperor of the world. The pinch of his left hand changed, and it was an indescribable ferocious ancient beast. It stood up to the sky, as if it could easily open up a big world, and opened his mouth to swallow the boundless world, terrifying. .

As soon as this ferocious ancient beast came out, it gave birth to many ferocious siblings, dancing wildly, and also containing the absolute charm of the great road, and it came with a crit and swept the sky.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The indescribable ferocious ancient beast roared, and launched a shocking collision with the ten king puppets.

"This should be your ontology!"

Ye Chen looked at the ferocious ancient beast. It was very special. It was born with ten hands and feet, and they were all exceptionally long. The hairs were like barbeds, dancing and flying, all shot out, like a rain of arrows. Flying together, overwhelming everything.

These hair needles attacked on the top ten puppets, clamoring.

This is also the fact that the ten king puppets have undergone special smelting, smelting many supreme metal materials, and the flesh is smelted so strong, otherwise the body of the ordinary king can resist these hair but only So, it can't resist me. "

Ye Chen smiled, the ten sealing gates suddenly bloomed with incomparable sealing power, and even the incomparable effect of the domain, two-pronged, directly suppressed the breath of the indescribable ancient beast plummet.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The ten king puppets moved together, moving like thunder, lightning strikes, causing the indescribable ancient beasts to splash blood and let out a mournful cry.

At the same time, Ye Chen moved.

The holy law of fighting fights with the heart, and attacks Sheng Xu in close proximity.

The results of thirty years have completely exploded.

One's own power directly reached forty thousand to the level of the rule of the king, beyond imagination, powerfully bombarded Sheng Xu.


Shengxu was suppressed by the Sealed Gate and the king's puppet with all his strength, unable to resist at all, and was directly penetrated by this fist, exploding the right shoulder, and the blood mist exploded, accompanied by dripping flesh and bones, which was clearly visible.

However, at the critical moment, Sheng Xu still avoided the fatal blow, otherwise, if this blow hits the head, even if Sheng Xu is extremely powerful, his soul will inevitably be shattered and perished.

"You have improved so much!"

The sacred emptiness changed color, and this blow was no less than that of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Ye Chen had no sorrow or joy. During the thirty years, he refined the original world of two foreign monarchs, how powerful he was promoted, and directly put his whole person in a state of saturation and limit.

If it weren't for the greatest opportunity of the Primordial God Realm fragments in the sealed universe awaiting him, otherwise he would have found a place to be promoted to the Primordial King during these thirty years.

Even so, now he is in the most extreme state of the quasi-king, and he is also the pinnacle of the eternal quasi-king. How powerful is simply incalculable. ()

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