Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3149: Eternal quasi-jun 2 meet

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Both the reincarnation of the great emperor and the ancient emperor were shocked.

There is an emperor who actually calls the eternal emperor as the master, even if emperor eternal is the eternal quasi-monarch, with the eternal qualifications comparable to the heavenly emperor and the first generation, but he is only a quasi-monarch, and the strength of the emperor has not been so willing to be a slave. .

What is the origin of Emperor Yongheng?

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Eternal agreed.


The old emperor and the four super kings exclaimed.

But Emperor Eternal's decision is beyond doubt, let them wait here and not enter.

The Emperor Eternally tore through the world barriers of the Weiyang Great World and entered it.


Ye Chen naturally knew the news that Emperor Eternal entered the Weiyang Great World, but he did not expect that Emperor Eternal would also come.

Involuntarily, there was a sense of war in my heart.

As the only eternal quasi-king in the world, he wanted to know which one was stronger than Emperor Eternal.

But the most important thing at the moment is to win the supreme heritage first.

Weiyang has nine continents in the Great World, with Weiyang in the center. The other eight continents are located in the directions of southeast, northwest, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.

Tianyang Continent is the continent located in the south.

Ye Chen's speed was extremely fast, and within a short time he crossed the sky and landed on the Tianyang Continent, even outside the death penalty area.

When he arrived, many figures appeared, ranging from the weakest demigod to the **** king.

Obviously, it was also because the desolate ancient temple suddenly bloomed with thousands of resplendent colors, reminiscent of a thousand years ago, so so many powerful men came.

Among them, Ye Chen naturally found the strong in the two camps.

The super power of the Yan Emperor domain camp is nothing more, and he saluted Ye Chen.

Han Zhen is there too.

However, the super powers of the Saint Emperor's Domain camp are hiding in them, and they dare not come out at all, lest they be wiped out by the Great Killing God of Fighting Saint King.

But Ye Chen didn't pay any attention.

Not long ago, when he was chasing Saint Xu, he shot and killed all the true elites of the Saint Emperor Realm camp in the Weiyang Great World. What remained was only two or three big cats and kittens, which was not to be feared.

Ye Chen looked at the Forbidden Land of Death, and saw that there was a breath of death in the Forbidden Land. There were hundreds of thousands of creatures that died here. As the name suggests, there is no flesh and blood, and neither the soul nor the higher-level spirits can grow. Existence will be annihilated.

Even if the king of God enters it, he will die forever.

Because Ye Chen sensed the terrible rules of the Great Dao, there are rules of the kings in it, silent, killing people.

What's more, there is a terrible killing array hidden, dormant in it.

"King-level killing array."

Ye Chen's eyes flickered with chaotic light, clearly reflecting everything in the Forbidden Land of Death, and it was clear.

In a death forbidden area with a king-killing formation, it is no wonder that the king of gods enters and has no return. If he cannot become a king of the ancient times, he will die forever if he enters.

Ye Chen was about to make a move, his abrupt expression moved, and when he turned his head, he could see that at the end of the horizon, a streamer approached at an astonishing speed, and the sky was torn apart by a tens of thousands of spatial cracks.

Before long, this streamer descended here and transformed into a human form.

He is very young and mysterious. He is surrounded by immortal light, and the runes of various avenues bloom, and the light overflows his body, as if surrounded by three thousand avenues.

There is a special road mark in the center of the eyebrows, like a reincarnation, setting off this person like a fairy king, young and extraordinary.

It's not who the emperor is.

As soon as his figure flickered, seven figures came out one after another, all of them were ancient kings, from the first heaven to the fourth heaven.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly, but he did not expect that in addition to the old emperor and the four super kings, there are followers of the seven kings. I have to say that this emperor is truly extraordinary, and it makes people think about his true origin.

The emperor?

But even the emperor, such as Sheng Xu, did not have such a lineup of followers.

Who is his true identity?

Emperor Eternal entrained the appearance of the horror lineup, making the scene as strong as enemies.

Zhu Qiang from the Yandi Region camp came to Ye Chen without fear.

Emperor Yongheng seemed to be aware of it, looking at Ye Chen, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, sharp and fierce, tearing the sky apart, crying loudly.

Ye Chen's eyes also burst into chaos, manifesting the sky sword, and colliding with it, the clanging voice is endless, and it shatters the vacuum.

This is the collision of the eyes of the two eternal quasi-kings!


The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, no less powerful than the collision of kings.

The inestimable power of destruction is blooming in the eyes.

"You are the fighting king?"

Emperor Yongheng spoke slowly, seeming to be asking, but with a certain tone.

Even the Seven Great Primordial Kings behind him were also taken aback, staring at Ye Chen intently, with a gushing light of danger, and even more coldness.

"Yes, I am, it's also the first time you and I met. I was right, Emperor Eternal!"

Ye Chen said.

When these words fell, they immediately shook the place, alarming all the powerhouses in the two camps.

The first person on the list of quasi-monarchs in the past era, the eternal emperor who is suspected to be another eternal quasi-king, is he?

It's actually here!

Suddenly, the Yandi Domain faction was as strong as the enemy, because of Emperor Eternal At the same time, everyone focused on Ye Chen and Emperor Eternal.

The only two eternal quasi-kings in the world appear at the same time, which makes people quite curious. They are both eternal quasi-kings, which is stronger and weaker.

The emperor's eternal eyes shone with silver light, and if the three thousand great worlds were ups and downs in the eyes, a cross sword light appeared vaguely, saying: "Very well, I didn't expect that besides me, there is a second person to become the eternal quasi-king. I can feel your breath, it is very strong, not inferior to the Primordial King, but it is not the true Primordial King. It is definitely an eternal quasi-king.


Behind them, the seven great ancient kings were shocked, because they had only thought that it was an error. It is impossible for the world to give birth to the second eternal quasi-king of the Lord God outside of eternity, but he did not expect to be confirmed by the Lord himself.

To know what the eternal quasi-king represents in the end, it has the potential to become the strongest emperor, even detachment, and a certain potential based on eternity.

For example, the emperor and the first generation were also eternal quasi-kings. Although they have not achieved eternity today, they are also the strongest emperors.

And everyone knows that whether it is the emperor of heaven or the first generation, even if you look at the strongest emperor, it is absolutely the existence of the strongest, extremely powerful.

Now the fighting king is the true eternal quasi-king, doesn't it mean that there is great hope in the future to become the emperor of heaven, the first generation and other stalwarts?

It will even become an unworldly enemy of the Lord.

Ye Chen's eyes were faintly condensed, there are thousands of circles here, and he said: "The emperor is eternal, and you are also very powerful. I can feel that you absolutely have the ability to kill the king of the ancients, but I am very curious. I am using the Chaos Avenue. , You have just reached the top of the eternal road, what kind of road have you practiced, based on the eternal road?"

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