Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3155: 2 The Great Emperor

In the deserted land on the edge of the world, the eternal expression of the emperor who was blasted by Jiuyin Supreme to this place was gloomy, but he did not expect that Jiuyin Supreme had only one immortal obsession and dared to attack him, it was really a heinous crime.

It can be seen that after the Supreme Inheritance was obtained by the Fighting Saint King, although his expression was slightly heavy, he immediately smiled with a faint smile: "If it is someone else, but the Fighting Saint King is capable of enduring, and Both are eternal quasi-kings with me. Well, let him get his hands this time."

   "Let's go!"

   He summoned the seven great Primordial Kings under his command, tore through the void and even the barriers of the world, and left Weiyang Great World.



   At the same time, the Emperor Tonggu and the Lord of the Death Forbidden Zone appeared in the Desolate Ancient Emperor Hall, looking at the young and majestic figure sitting on the Emperor's seat, with a touch of complexity.

   "Is it all over at last?"

   Ye Chen looked at the two, especially the lord of the death penalty zone. The latter was a **** middle-aged man with a fierce character and a super powerhouse known as the King of Shura.

   The twelve heavenly palace tower above his head, the light of the twelve layers of the world enveloped him, like a tripod, a blood-colored battle armor, a blood-colored sword in his hand, and a fierce reputation. Back then, he was a peerless powerhouse who slashed twelve primordial kings.

   After receiving the supreme inheritance information of Jiuyin Supreme, Ye Chen also knew that whether it was King Tonggu or King Shura, they were all followers of Jiuyin Supreme and belonged to the rank of peerless emperor.

In the first World War, because of Jiuyin Supreme’s efforts to protect, the other followers were all killed. Although the two were seriously injured and dying, they fell into a lethargic state for many thousands of years, but they managed to survive after drinking his Supreme Emperor’s blood. Come down.

   What's more, an era has passed. Although most of the time has been spent in storage, it has also been born for many thousands of years. It is still so young and vigorous, and I am afraid that it has mostly reached the level of emperor.

Facing the two peerless powerhouses, Ye Chen never neglected. He stood up from the throne and held his fists towards the two: "Senior Tonggu, Senior Shura, Senior Jiuyin's supreme inheritance has been passed on to me, his elderly I also said that starting today, the two of you can leave and venture into your own lives."

"is it?"

   The two peerless powerhouses looked at each other. Although they were relieved and relieved, there was a sense of confusion.

   After all, they obeyed the order of Jiuyin Supreme and guarded the Weiyang Great World for too long, that they were all used to it.

   Now that the order disappeared suddenly, I suddenly became unaccustomed to it, and I was at a loss.

   I don’t know where to go.

The two peerless powerhouses in front of him showed a dazed look, and Ye Chen was moved, and said: "Two seniors, if you don't mind, you can join my Yan Emperor domain camp. The Yan Emperor domain camp is the giant-level domain war leader camp to which the Yan Emperor belongs. Emperor Yan is also the strongest emperor, with a total of eight supreme emperors."

   "If two seniors join our Yandi domain camp, as long as they obtain enough combat exploits, they can get the guidance of the eight supreme and even the Yandi, and it will not be impossible to enter the supreme domain in the future."

   Speaking of it, Ye Chen was moved by the two peerless experts who were suspected of being emperors.

   After all, from now on, the two peerless powerhouses are not followers of a master, but a free body.

   If you can persuade these two suspected emperors to join, you can definitely let the victorious balance fall to the side of the Yan Emperor Domain.

   Of course, if it can be persuaded to bring it to the sealed universe, it will naturally be better.

   There are two more peerless powerhouses who are suspected to be emperors, which can definitely make the situation of the sealed universe a lot better.

   Hearing this, the expressions of the two peerless powerhouses really moved slightly.

   This is because of Emperor Yan, one of the strongest emperors, definitely worth following.

   And in addition, this son has received the supreme inheritance of his predecessor, which more or less made them quite favored.

What's more, they learned that Ye Chen was only a quasi-king, but he possessed the heavenly ability to kill the primordial king. He is the eternal quasi-king in the legend. Such a chosen son, if he follows by his side, he will also set foot on the Supreme in the future. Hope of the environment.

   is more free now.

   After a little consideration, the two peerless powerhouses agreed.

  Rao is that Ye Chen is excited about the old-fashioned and unwavering mentality.

   It is undoubtedly the best for two peerless powerhouses who are suspected to be emperors to join.

"Two seniors, don’t be afraid to tell you, now my Yandiyu camp is at war with another giant-level camp, it’s the holy emperor’s camp, and now there are emperor-level powerhouses in Weiyang, whether it’s my Yandiyu or the sacred emperor. Guarded outside the big world, so once you leave this world, you may have to fight immediately. How can the two seniors regret it now, it is still too late."

   Ye Chen said, telling the two of some risks, not willing to force them.

King Tonggu laughed: "Emperor? Fortunately, the silence has been in the emperor world for too long. In the entire era of the emperor world, there have been only a dozen powerful kings born in the era of the emperor. There is not even a quasi-prince. Even the most amazing and talented Yu Hao has only stepped into the Divine King Realm for the first time, making me, an old fellow, almost rusty. If he could face the last emperor and fight against it, it would be a joy."

   "What's more, my old man has been an emperor for half an epoch, and I also want to know how powerful the emperor is outside."

King Shura also showed a stern smile: " I was so fierce as Shura back then. Even the twelve primordial kings, even the super kings, have not never been killed. The peak kings almost clicked and killed one. I have been in the realm of the emperor for many years now, and I wonder if there is a chance this time to slay an emperor and suppress the gods that have become my twelve heavenly palace towers."

  In the smile, a boundless sea of ​​dead blood emerged.

   This is definitely a powerful man who walked out of the sea of ​​blood from the infinite corpse mountain. There are so many lives on his hands.

   But what makes Ye Chen even more happy in his words is that both are real emperors, and they can be called Emperor Tonggu and Emperor Shura in the future.

   And what Ye Chen valued more was the Emperor Shura. Ever since he came to the Ancient Origin Road, he had known the name of Emperor Shura in the ancient emperor domain.

   is from the list of kings of the era. Of course, this is the list of kings of the era of the previous era, but it is one of the top ten strongest kings and has the terrible power to kill kings of the same tier.

  The most famous one is naturally to be regarded as that year in the Battle of the Supreme Realm, he single-handedly cut down the 12 Primordial Kings of the enemy.

Of course, counting other aspects, some people have made vague statistics. In the past, Emperor Shura killed more than 20 primordial kings, including three super kings, and one of them was the top king of the eighth heaven, even the pinnacle king. Almost successfully killed.

   Then the peak king escaped.

   Later, there were rumors that even the emperor of Shura had ambushed in the age of emperor, and suffered injuries, which caused the world to shake, and the famous origin of the ancient road.

   It can be said that Emperor Shura is definitely a fierce and ruthless man, violent and overbearing.

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