Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3157: Ancient Fury

"Weiyang Great World, give it to me."

   Ye Chen sits on the seat of God and commands Weiyang Great World as the Lord of the World.

   In the land of endless space turbulence, the reincarnation body of the great emperor still confronted the ancient emperor again, entangled with each other, immovable like a mountain, and directly maintained for decades.

   Both sides have a tacit understanding.

It’s just that the reincarnation of the great emperor occasionally looks at Shenggudijun jokingly, because Shenggudijun still doesn’t know what is happening in the Weiyang Great World, nor does he know that his brother Shengxu has been suppressed by the deity Ye Chen long ago. There was only the last ray of true spirit left, and I didn't know that everyone in the Saint Emperor Realm camp in Weiyang Great World was swept away.

   To this day, I still believe that Sheng Xu has the ability to compete for the supreme inheritance.

   At this time, sensing the deity’s actions, the reincarnation of the emperor suddenly stood up and moved towards the emperor of Saint Gu: "Sheng Gu, if I were you, I would definitely leave immediately, otherwise it would be too late."

   Sheng Gu Dijun frowned: "What do you mean?"

   "The fighting sage king of my Yandiyu camp is in the Weiyang Great World, you should know through your brother Shengxu."

"How about you know?" Sheng Gu Dijun sneered, "Do you think that the Saint King can kill my brother of Sheng Gu by fighting? He is the Prime King, and he has already reached the peak of the Triple Heaven, and it will be the Fourth Heaven. When encountering the fighting sage king, I am afraid that the little guy who is fighting the fighting sage king will be more fortunate."

Regarding his younger brother, Shenggudijun still has great confidence. After all, he is the son of the strongest emperor, and he also has the power of the strongest emperor’s bloodline. It is also the primeval king of the triple heaven, which is comparable to the fourth and fifth layers. Heaven, if the Saint King of Fighting encounters Sheng Xu, he will basically die.

   "Hehe, is it?" The reincarnation of the emperor sneered: "Don't you wonder why your brother hasn't had any news for a long time? Can you get in touch with your brother?"

   Saint Gudijun's heart beats.

Indeed, as the reincarnation of the great emperor said, from a while ago, he couldn’t get in touch with the sacred Xu. He always felt strange, but he also knew that there were no superpowers above the Seventh Heavenly King of the Yandi Domain camp in Weiyang Great World. , So I have never cared very much.

   was reminded now, only a little uneasy.

   And seeing the joking smile of the emperor's reincarnation body, the anxiety in his heart became more and more intense, and he immediately took out the communication jade card and tried to communicate with Sheng Xu.

   However, until a long time passed, his brother Shengxu never responded, making his heart more and more disturbed.

   Is something really wrong?

   Inexplicably, such a thought came to mind.

   But immediately shook his head and denied it, because I believed in the abilities of the Holy Void, and even had the emperor-level taboo artifacts, and even the protection of his father's generation, it was impossible to perish.


   Suddenly, there was a sudden change.

   In the presence of the two great emperors, the vast and vast Weiyang world suddenly trembled.

   Soon the entire Weiyang world disappeared in the endless space turbulence out of thin air.

  The Weiyang big world that suddenly disappeared, there was an extremely vast vacuum, which caused the turbulence in the nearby space to become violent, and the sky and the sea were extremely terrifying.

   "Weiyang Great World has disappeared!?"

The ancient emperor changed his color, but the face of the reincarnation of the great emperor remained unchanged. On the contrary, he looked at the depths of the extremely violent spatial turbulence. There were more than a dozen figures appearing. No matter the spatial turbulence was extremely violent, he still could not approach them. Within three feet in front of you, it is as majestic as a mountain, unshakable!

   Sheng Gu Dijun naturally also saw them, his face became difficult to look, because the person in charge was indeed Ye Chen.

   Others are strong in the Yandi domain, such as Han Zhen.

   Seeing that there was no Sheng Xu, the anxiety in his heart grew stronger.

   "Battle Saint King!"

   Sheng Gu Dijun spoke coldly, the power of the Lord God swayed wantonly, and said coldly: "You said, where is my brother Sheng Xu?"

   "Holy Void?"

Ye Chen was fearless, and the chaos cauldron flew out of his eyebrows, and the cauldron gradually became transparent. Only in the middle of the cauldron, the central place where the chaotic fire burned, there was an unusually transparent and indifferent figure of the soul. Who is Xu?

   It's just that the Holy Void is abnormally weak, only the last trace of the true spirit is left, and there are chains of chaos intertwined vertically and horizontally, binding its body, extracting the power of the soul.


   Seeing Sheng Gu Dijun, Sheng shouted weakly.


   Saint Gu Dijun was furious, and rushed over for the first time. The emperor's power was not knowing how terrifying, and the entire endless space was turbulent directly.


   The reincarnation body blocked his front and collided with it. The collision between the emperor and the king shook dozens of large worlds nearby, and kept going backwards.

   "Looking for death!"

  The ancient emperor was furious, and he shot directly to show the monarch's mighty power.

   However, the reincarnation body of the great emperor is equally present, so let’s talk about fear. The whole body of the emperor’s origin derives a huge amount of supreme mighty power, and it collides with it without losing the wind.

Sheng Gu Dijun finally calmed down a little bit, and looked at Ye Chen coldly: "Battle Saint King, if you don’t release my brother, today I, Sheng Gu, will make an oath of heaven to exhaust the blue and fall to the Yellow Spring, and I will also kill you. The soul caught and tortured for millions of years."

   The threat is beyond words.

   Ye Chen's expression also gradually cooled down: "Sheng Gu, do you really think you can threaten me? Sorry, it's not that you don't let me go but I don't let you go."

   "This emperor wants to see that you are a trivial king who can dare to tell me not to let me go."

   Saint Gudijun was cold in the sun, and when he opened his mouth, he exhaled three qi of mixed origin, and in the endless space turbulence, three Taoist bodies were transformed, just like the myths and legends of one Qi and three Qing.

   Of course, the three Taoist bodies are nothing more than the essence of Hun Yuan, and their strength is far less than the deity, but they also have 10% of the power, which is enough to match the high-level monarch level, and they are also quite powerful.




   The deity of the Saint Gudijun blocked the reincarnation of the great emperor, and the three Taoist bodies attacked with unparalleled power and power. Each one was at least comparable to the super-king level and was extremely powerful.

   Even if Ye Chen used the secret method of ascension and the chaotic style of "three gods in one", he was definitely not an opponent.

   It's just that Ye Chen didn't get surprised, and fisted toward the two emperors to compose the compilation: "Please also ask the two seniors to take action and punish this enemy together."

"it is good!"

  Tong the ancient emperor and the Shura emperor, nodding their heads, leaving at the same time.

   "Dare to stand on the side of the Fighting Saint King, and today I will send you two to die together!"

   The three emperors sneered, and they struck across, showing a terrible offensive, blasting both Emperor Tonggu and Emperor Shura to ashes.

   Only the Emperor Shura swayed, and he swung a **** war sword with a length of ten feet in his hand, drawing a circle of **** brilliance.




   In the blink of an eye, the three emperor-jundao bodies stopped, their eyes widened, and the next moment they exploded in a loud noise, their bodies shattered to bones, and annihilated into ashes.

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