Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3169: The sermon failed?

The seven emperors appeared and directly entered the emperor robbery.

The power is boundless, it has not concealed it at all, it is shaking the sky!

Countless people saw it, and many powerful people were shocked: "Forcing the emperor? Isn't that looking for death? Even the end of the emperor, but it is absolutely terrifying, such a brute force, the emperor will not die. skin."

But soon, everyone could only see that the seven great emperors rushed into the emperor's calamity, and the vast emperor's calamity that could easily wipe out a peak king in ashes, but seemed to have consciously avoided them, and never really came.

This scene stunned many people.

"Emperor Jie does not add his body? What is going on?"

Only the supreme really understood what was going on, and the supreme of the Yan Emperor domain suddenly changed color: "Secret Treasures for Covering the Sky! The Supremes have given them the secret Treasures for Covering the Sky!"

The secret treasure that covers the sky is the secret treasure for the Seven Emperors to avoid the emperor's robbery.

Cover the sky, cover the way of heaven, the emperor's calamity cannot come, it is the secret treasure to cover the sky!

However, these heaven-shading secret treasures are so precious that there are not a few of them even for real supreme, and the refining materials are extremely rare, and their price is no less than some supreme-level taboo artifacts.

"In order to kill the Emperor of Taichu, the foreign race is such a big hand." A Yan Emperor domain supreme said coldly.

However, they can only watch all this, because domain warfare has limitations, and the supreme can't easily take action.

"not good!"

The look of the emperor's reincarnation body and others changed drastically, and he never expected that there would be seven emperors waiting for an opportunity in secret after the three emperors, and now they directly broke into the emperor's robbery.

Regarding the situation, there is a corresponding special secret treasure on his body to isolate the atmosphere, the emperor's robbery does not come, and the attack of the emperor's robbery is avoided.


In contrast, they don't have the corresponding supreme secret treasure, so they can't stop the induction of the emperor. Once they forcefully break into the emperor, they will inevitably be attacked by the emperor.

In that way, the imminent emperor's robbery has come to an end, and it is still extremely terrifying, enough to make them peel off without dying.

The reincarnation emperor is very calm, with the reincarnation mark in his eyebrows, Yaosheng, like an eternal reincarnation, and said: "Don't worry too much, if you dare to cross the catastrophe in the early days, you know that there will be such an accident, so he has a back hand to deal with."


The seven emperors rushed to the Taichu emperor who was in the middle of the emperor robbery and was in the light cocoon and was undergoing transformation. The terrifying emperor’s power came with a thread of supreme emperor’s prestige, tearing the sky, and soon came to the light cocoon. .

Seeing a cocoon as huge as a star, shining with the light of the primordial primordial light and the emperor's thunder, a stalwart figure is looming, sitting cross-legged, swallowing infinite power, and transforming beyond the ordinary.

The supreme aura that emerged from it was far superior to them. It was not something the emperor could possess.

"The supreme aura is very strong, and it only takes one step to complete the work. The emperor of the early days, no, now he may be reluctant to call it the supreme."

The eyes of the seven emperors were glowing with radiance, and they looked at each other, nodded immediately, and immediately shot, bombarding the huge cocoon of the stars.

They want to kill the Emperor of Taichu and seize the condensing supreme Tao fruit!

How terrifying the actions of the seven emperors are. It must be known that everyone is definitely a world-wide existence that can traverse the heavens, possessing the supreme ability to suppress the ages, and overlooking the world, it is difficult to find an enemy.

When the Primordial King is here, he must also suppress it with one hand and have the qualifications to climb the Supreme Realm.

In the age of the supreme, they are enough to contend for a chaotic ancient universe in an invincible place.

Today, even if the seven people are here as emperors, they are bound to be blasted to ashes!


The seven emperors combined their forces and fell on the cocoon, exploding with annihilating power, almost completely exploding the emperor's robbery in the final stage, breaking a lot.

The side of the Yandiyu faction watched this scene worrisomely, and wanted to make a move but was helpless.


However, when all the rays of destruction dissipated, the light cocoon was suddenly seen, and a strong supreme brilliance appeared, which actually resisted all the attacks of the emperor.

The emperor's reincarnation body and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

"As expected to be a person who is about to enter the Supreme, the light cocoon constructed also contains strong supreme mighty power, which can stop me from attacking. Once the success is achieved, I am afraid that the seven people who work together may not be able to blow away."

Although the emperor is contaminated with the word for emperor, his true strength is like a quasi-monarch. Compared with the primordial emperor, there is still a huge gap with the ancient emperor supreme.

Although the emperor in the early days had not really succeeded in proving the Dao, he was still a little short, but at this moment he was obviously infinitely close to the supreme level, otherwise the condensed light cocoon could not be so stable and could stop the attack of the seven emperors.

Even if this is just a casual blow from the Seven Great Monarchs, it must be full, but it must not be underestimated.

Of course, the supreme brilliance that Rao is dyed by the light cocoon is very rich, but it is also not completely okay, the brilliance is so dim.

"Continue to shoot, this heavy light cocoon will not last long."

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The seven emperors just sigh in their hearts, but they will never let the emperors of the early days succeed. The terrifying attack power is continuously falling on the light cocoon. Even the brilliance of the strong supreme brilliance can hardly stop the continuous attacks of the seven emperors. .

Finally, not long after, the supreme brilliance of the light cocoon was dim, showing many cracks, interweaving all over the cocoon body.

"It's almost done, work harder, and completely blow away the cocoon."

An emperor with nine sharp horns of Bixia on his forehead spoke, and the other six emperors nodded and attacked together.


Under the joint offensive of the seven emperors, Cocoon finally couldn't bear it, and exploded with a loud noise.

Among them, the figure of the emperor of the early days fell down, and his body was wrapped with crystal liquid, which was a liquid that was transformed by a strand of the essence of the emperor. It contained the majestic divine power, which was the divine power of the emperor, which should have continuously nourished him. His body, but at this moment, the cocoon exploded and splashed.

The seven emperors hurriedly shot and collected these liquids.

These are the true essence. Even the supreme must be tempted here, and it has a huge effect on the emperor. It can extend the life of the emperor to a certain extent, and it also contains part of the supreme emperor's rule, which is useful for entering the supreme imperial realm in the future. Great benefit.

"Emperor of the Beginning!"

"Too early!"

The reincarnation body of the great emperor waited for the five great emperors to change their expressions slightly, and wanted to enter it, but the emperor roamed violently and blocked their entry.

Otherwise, once you enter, you will be bombarded by Emperor Jie.

Moreover, the three emperors also blocked them, preventing them from leaving.

In the early days, the emperor had been promoted to the ultimate aura in the light cocoon. At this moment, he suddenly turned sharply. I don’t know how much he was sluggish. The light cocoon was broken by others at the most critical moment of the pass. The situation is serious.

At this moment, most of the supreme aura on his body dissipated, as if he had fallen from the supreme realm and returned to the emperor level.

This makes all the strong in the Yandiyu camp angry.

In the early days, the emperor had finally made it to the last step, but was interfered with by the ten emperors one after another, breaking the metamorphosis, which was simply abhorrent.

Over the battlefield of the Saint Prison Domain, there was the great fluctuation of the Supreme Emperor of the Ancient Emperor. It was the side of the Emperor Yan, and the Supreme was also angry and wanted to take action.

But on the Saint Emperor Domain side, there is also no shortage of Supreme, and with a sneer, the Supreme volatility blooms, blocking the Yan Emperor Domain Supreme.

"The Yan Emperor Territory is supreme, giant-level territory battles, don't take any shots."


Yandiyu Zhizun's expression was cold, but he didn't make any moves anymore.

Because the rash shot will give the Saint Emperor Realm camp a supreme excuse.

Moreover, in the giant-level domain battle, the supreme cannot easily take action, otherwise the rules will be broken, and the other supreme on the ancient road of origin will be tit-for-tat.

In the dark, Emperor Yan was submerged in the Infinite Chaos Emperor Flame, his figure was vague, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

In the emperor hall of the Supreme Emperor’s Domain, the eleven Supremes stood up one after another, with anger, looking at the Supreme Emperor on the Supreme Emperor’s Seat, and quickly said: "The Supreme Emperor, the foreign race bullies too much, so oppress His Royal Highness, I am waiting to fight!"

"Wish to fight!"

The supreme one spoke one after another, the wrath of the supreme, the vision spread for hundreds of thousands of miles, shaking the ancient road of origin.

But on the highest pedestal, the Supreme Sage emperor never moved like a mountain, sitting on it, flooded with boundless chaotic light, and the supreme emperor of the heavens would bow his head. He slowly spoke, and the emperor's voice echoed: "Look!"

Although the eleven supreme sages were surprised and suspicious of the attitude of the Supreme Sage Emperor, their son was shot down from the most critical moment of promotion to the supreme state in the early can still maintain such a calmness, but did not say much .

In the Temple of Fighting, the ancestor of Fighting Fights had flickering eyes, and he was the most warlike and fearless. He suddenly screamed, and immediately laughed, endlessly...

At this time, the seven emperors continued to make their moves and killed the emperors of the early days.

Because they all could see that the emperor of the early days was in a special state. He was broken from the critical state of proving the Dao to the Supreme Being. Blocked before the Supreme Realm, he could not truly prove the Dao to the Supreme, so he failed.

Moreover, he suffered a severe backlash. The countless pores of his whole body were overflowing with blood, and he became a blood person. The rich supreme aura was quickly receding, falling back to the emperor level.

Even so, half of the Supreme Dao Fruit must be condensed in the body.

At this time, as long as they kill the Emperor of the Beginning, they can obtain half of the Supreme Dao Fruit in his body.

"Too much bullying!"

The emperor's reincarnated body is angry, and he will enter the emperor's robbery at all costs to seek justice for the emperor in the early days.

Reincarnation Emperor, Shura Emperor, Tonggu Emperor, Xuanxu Emperor are all angry, naturally fearless.

And now because the emperor in the early days failed to prove the Dao, the emperor's robbery has also begun to dissipate, and it can no longer affect them.

The three emperors no longer stop, because they are also preparing to enter the emperor's robbery, wanting to get a share.

"Don't come here!"

At this time, the voice of Emperor Taichu came over, resounding in the minds of the five people.

The five figures immediately had a meal, and looked at Taichu Emperor with some surprise, because looking at the latter at this time, they found a smile on his face full of blood.

Smile from the heart, very relaxed, even with...happy!

(End of this chapter)

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