Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3193: Guards against the sky (with Mid-Autumn Red Packets)

On the Ancient Path of Origin, Ye Chen, who closely followed everything in the Supreme Realm, suddenly felt a slight tremor in the small universe inside his body, and then quieted down, making him quite surprised, but he didn't care much.

   After all, the battle in the Supreme Realm is everything that pays the most attention.

   I have to admit that the fighting ancestor is really strong, the power of offensive is known as the number one in all ages, and it is the best in the Chaos Sea. This is universally recognized.

   Even the major Chaos Sea giants have not denied that, under the use of their holy method of fighting, it has made the enemy of the ancient chaos emperor bleed, and the blood spilled into the sky.

   And the ancestor of fighting war is always immortal, and his fists can directly smash the giant Dao soldiers without any damage.

   Such an immortal body of the Eucharist makes other giants of the age sigh.

   It is well known throughout the world that the ancestor of fighting war is the founder of the holy method of fighting war, and the first person to refine the body of the Chaos Sea. His body is no less powerful than the real giant Taoist soldiers, and even rumors claim that it is even stronger.

   From now on, it seems true.

  The figure of the ancient emperor of chaos kept retreating, and it was better to fight against the ancestors under the situation of frontal hard shock, and suffered a certain amount of heavy damage.

There are many wounds on his body, such as fist prints, palm prints, or fingerprints, etc., each of them is shining brightly, penetrating the defenses of the ancient emperor, causing terrible damage, overflowing with brilliant The wisps of light in his body are leaking the essence of the Dao in the body.

   But they are both giants of the ages, even if the fighting power of the ancestors is really amazing, it is still extremely difficult to kill the lord of the ancients, even if his fighting power is known as the first.

  The ancient emperor of the chaos looked at the fighting ancestor indifferently, the healing sacred art he mastered was operating, and all the wounds on his body were healed.

   Even a fist mark on his chest that almost penetrated before and after is slowly recovering.

   After becoming a powerful person, the body and bones can still reorganize the body and spirit, not to mention the eternal giant, which is countless times stronger.

   "Is it over?"

   On the ancient road of origin, although the six giants that shook forever are fighting, they also know that it is difficult for each other to help each other, and it is almost impossible to fall into a giant.

   will eventually end.

In the supreme realm, the sky and the earth are cracked, and the ancient ancient emperor is immortal and motionless, and the wounds on his body are recovering. He looked at the fighting ancestor indifferently and said: "Fighting ancestor, you deserve to attack the first person. , But want to kill me, it's a bit close."

   Facing such peerless fierce men as the fighting ancestors who are known for their battles, even the giants of the ages will have a headache, but there are a few simple ones that can be dealt with by their own countless methods.

   The same giants of the ages, who is much weaker than who.

   I really want to kill, only life and death fight!

   Fighting Saint Ancestor sighed: "It's indeed still a little bit worse. I haven't achieved completeness yet, reaching the peak, otherwise killing you will not be a problem."

   has a bit of regret in his tone.

   "What do you mean?"

   Not only the ancient emperor of Chaos, but other people also heard it terribly.

   Listening to his words, the fighting saint ancestor seems to be doing something, and he can go further and become stronger.

  The look of the eternal giants of all parties also changed slightly, an immortal king was mysterious and unspeakable, and said in a deep voice: "Could it be that the legend is true?

   I think of some secrets, which are extremely secretive, and only some people know it, but often after they understand it, they know the terrible aspects of the fighting ancestor.

  The ancient emperor of chaos sneered coldly: "Fighting Saint Ancestor, if you can't kill me, you're just lying."

Fighting Saint Ancestor said indifferently: "Do you think I claim that Chaos Sea attacked the first person with this strength? Today I will let you see if I have the ability to kill you. Not to mention, I will close the net ahead of time today. , Please do it."

"it is good!"

   A misty voice came, causing everyone's scalp to explode, and even the giants of all parties were about to change their colors.

   secretly hides an eternal giant, and they don’t know it!


   Outside the Supreme Realm, there was a sudden change in time and space. The eternal years were boiling, and the river of years was suddenly enveloped, as if to be isolated from the outside world.

   "What a terrible space-time mighty force, is it him!"

   On the ancient road of origin, the heavenly strong were shocked. Such a powerful time and space power can only be achieved by one person in the world.

   I saw a misty figure sitting on the long river of time and space, far more powerful than anyone in the Chaos Sea.

  The infinite time and space flooded him, making the world invisible to the world.

   A pair of eyes are looming, but as if they contain time and space of eternity, the past, present, and future can also be seen in their eyes.

   "Time and Space Emperor!"

   In the supreme realm, the three big aliens discovered the incoming, and immediately roared, and the entire supreme realm was trembling.

   The world was shocked. Today, the four giants of the sealed universe are all present.

"Emperor Time and Space has also appeared. What is he going to do? If there is a real war, the strongest emperors in the ancient alien universe cannot stand by and stand by. Escape."

   There was a giant frowning, but he didn't quite understand the actions of the Time and Space Emperor.

   Originally, the Big Three faced off against the Big Three, but the aliens also acquiesced in three pairs of three.

   But the appearance of the Time and Space Emperor suddenly caused the situation to be somewhat delicate, and it is absolutely impossible to suffer this big loss with an alien personality.

  Moreover, the background of the ancient alien universe is unfathomable. The number of eternal giants called this terrifying chaotic ancient universe exceeds the number of hands. Once they all set off, they will surely sweep the ancient universe.

   "The time and space emperor, I didn't expect that you would dare to show up. Forget it, I will kill you today!"

   The holy devil emperor's expression was cold and merciless, and soon his expression changed slightly.

   Tai Sage Emperor sneered: "Do you want to inform those people in the Alien Ancient Universe? Do you really think that the appearance of Brother Time and Space is just like this?"

  The giants of all parties were shocked, because they discovered that both the Supreme Domain and the Ancient Origin Road were silently isolated from the outside world and unable to transmit information. Even if the giants of the ages want to break this shield, it will take a while.

   Because of this kind of space-time emperor, he personally took action to shield and isolate him from the eternity. What a shocking method.

   However, the giants on the ancient road of origin looked as usual, knowing that the time and space emperor was only targeting the alien ancient universe.

  The ancient emperor frowned: "Even if the time and space emperor comes, there are only four people, but I still cannot kill the three of us."

   The strongest emperor and fairy king are all giants of the ages, they can be called immortal and immortal, and the years can not be wiped out. What else can kill them in the world is really too difficult.

At the same time, the three giants of foreign races chanted their supreme Taoism, shaking the long river, surrounded by the shadows of the Geishi emperor, as if the heavens are coming together, and like their past, present, and future three lives. All appear together.

The peak combat power suddenly appeared, and the three giants of Saint, Luangu Emperor, and Saint Devil looked indifferent. They were really going to fight for life and death. They were absolutely sure that even if the four giants such as Taishenghuang were here, they would definitely not take the slightest advantage. .

   What's more, at this time, in the prehistoric immortal realm, a peerless fairy king set off, and the boundless immortal aura was filled to stop it.

   is not to say that the sealed universe is closely related to the primordial immortal world. There are also great immortal king giants in the ancient alien universe.

   On the Ancient Road of Origin, there are other eternal giants similar to Primordial Heaven, who stand in the camp of a foreign race.

   At this moment, the terrible expression of the alien race is full.

   An eternal giant's unparalleled energy is permeating, shaking the ancient road of origin, and almost breaking through the time and space blockade of the time and space, and entering the supreme realm.

   "Fighting Saint Ancestor, I don't want to wait to make a move, let's stop, otherwise, don't blame me for waiting."

   An eternal tycoon spoke in a deep voice and blocked him, but he stood on the side of the alien race.

   "Several fellow daoists on the side of the confinement, the ancient path of origin cannot be affected, please stop."

   Other eternal giants also opened their mouths one after another, intervening in the name of the indestructible origin of the ancient road.

   But Emperor Dan Zhending said: "Everyone, this is the grievance between the sealed universe and the ancient alien universe. Please don't interfere."

   At the same time, there are many other immortal kings. The immortal kings are coming for nine days to isolate the atmosphere of the giants from all sides. They are all discouraging and shocking, and they are not allowed to shoot at will.

   But that's the case. The three giants of the alien race are all in their peak fighting state. Even if there are four giants in the sealed universe, it is difficult to kill.

   Giants are hard to kill, this is an indisputable fact.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor looked at the Great Emperor Time and Space, and said, "Brother Time and Space, you have work."

"it is good!"

   The Great Time and Space Emperor was very few words, and then made a move. In an instant, the years and years were moved by him, and all of a sudden, different time and space emerged from the past and present.

   This makes many people frown, but I don't know why.

   It is true that the time and space emperor is the first person in time and space, no one can be around, but even so, he will not do anything against chaos and time and space, and he will also suffer a huge backlash.

   This price is far more clearly understood by Emperor Time and Space than anyone.

   Suddenly, a mysterious time and space, it is impossible to see whether it belongs to the past, the present, or the future, shrouded by the mighty power of time and space.


   There was a terrible vibration, endless silver light bloomed, and vast time and space, burst out an extremely majestic figure, no less than the ancestor of fighting.

  , the same as the war intent against the sky and the world is full of majestic, as if to fight against the heavens.

   Recently, the silver light has gradually turned into crimson, just like a **** sky.

   Like a deep sea like a can shake the starry sky, can crush the eternal!

   That stalwart figure shrouded in boundless vitality, stepping forward, from the long river of time, stepping step by step, traveling through the ages, gradually approaching, manifesting its invincible figure.

   At the moment when it was truly clear, the fighting spirit rushed forward and shocked the boundless chaotic sea!

   Ye Chen was shocked when he saw this figure.

  The ancient road of origin was shocked all over the world. Countless people looked at this figure and trembled with fear, as if facing a **** of war, but they were puzzled.

   This person's fighting spirit is so strong, even close to the fighting ancestor, but it is unheard of, unseen, at least not seen in this era.

Who is   ?

   However, the expressions of the giants of all parties changed slightly, and they naturally recognized the true identity of the person.

   The three giants of foreign races were even more frightened, as if they contained some monstrous blood and deep vengeance. The strongest emperor roared: "The warlord against the sky!"

   The words contained monstrous anger, unprecedented, even in the face of the fighting ancestors.

  Eternal shock!

  The one who came is actually a warlord against the sky!

  PS: It is an annual practice, and red envelopes are issued during the holidays. There are two places to send red envelopes on the Mid-Autumn Festival night, one is 16255 (additional value of 5000 fans is required).

   Two: Public account: qianxunyue1314, this is not necessary, you can pay attention to it!

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