Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3207: Giant Dao Shen

In the void, a burst of great energy disappeared.

Each strand seems to be small, but it is either taken from the eternal giants, or drawn from the heavenly supreme. Each strand is like a vast galaxy, containing a little of their spirit, silent, disappearing in front of the eyes, Breaking through the barriers of time and space, came to the ancient alien universe.

These methods can be said to be shocking.

Throughout the ages, few people have dared to do this, directly attacking all people above the supreme level, and grabbing a breath of energy.

"What a giant who came from the future blood-stained, really courageous, but do you really think that I will not be able to deal with you if I am not in this time and space?"

An eternal tycoon was furious, and boundless visions sprang up in an instant, the sky trembled, and the years were alarmed, and they wanted to take action.

This worries the powerhouses of the Pangu Universe faction, because it seems that the supreme giants in the blood-stained future seem to be close to their faction, but such a move will cause disastrous consequences if all the giants and supreme are offended.

But another giant stopped him, watching this scene indifferently, and said: "It's okay, if you dare to take away my spirit, etc., if some of the cause and effect are contaminated, he will pay the corresponding price in the future and let him get it.

"Friends of Taoism, this will contaminate great cause and effect and should not be seized!"

The Supreme Sage Emperor dissuades him, what a terrible cause and effect will be contaminated in this way, even the eternal giant will be numb.

You know, as long as you can become an eternal giant, which one is not contaminated with cause and effect, and the cause and effect are huge, unimaginable.

It's just that they have been suppressed strongly by the supreme might.

The supreme tycoon, blood-stained in the future, seized their great spirit without authorization, and if part of the cause and effect were transferred, it was just in line with their minds.

It should be noted that even the eternal giants cannot completely ignore the cause and effect. Once the cause and effect reaches a corresponding level, they will have to pay for it.

In fact, the death of eternal giants in history is often related to cause and effect and cannot be ignored.

The supreme tycoon who is blood-stained in the future calmly said: "It's okay, even if the cause and effect are added to the body, one day, this brilliant era will turn into a silent world, and this heyday will become the blood-stained heavens. All cause and effect are useless. Strong enough to be immortal."

The parties were shocked, and the giants were silent.

"it is good!"

On the side of the Pangu universe, the Supreme Sage Emperor, the Fighting Saint Ancestor, the Defying Warlord, the Yan Emperor, and the Time and Space Emperor did not continue to stop them, letting the great spirits leave, and everyone ejected a drop of blood to resolve the power of causality inside. It is the blood of a giant, and the energy contained in it can be described as terrifying.

Including the giants and the supreme from all sides, more than a hundred great avenues of energy have submerged into the ancient alien universe.

Numerous supreme and giant avenues are gathered in front of the blood-stained future supreme giant. Although each stock is not many, the quantity is large enough to cause qualitative change.

At the same time, the blood-stained future supreme giant opened his mouth and spit out a sigh of chaotic essence, enveloping a drop of emperor blood that was as flaming as a chaotic sky, like a dream, and after experiencing the baptism of time and space, it actually broke through the barrier of time and space. , Really came to this world.


Naturally, although it was just a drop of essence and blood and a mouthful of innate mixed essence essence, they belonged to the eternal giants. How simple is it that if you want to travel through time and space to truly come to this world, you still need to be blocked by the taboo sky thunder.


With a soft drink, the blood-stained future supreme giant shot, directly tore open the barrier of the forbidden sky thunder, shattered everything, and let the blood and innate mixed essence of the body completely descend into this life.

"Eternally add to the body, the heavens are immortal, and the chaos and gods appear in the world!"

He shouted again. The emperor's blood and innate mixed essence essence that came to this life absorbed the essence of the giants and the supreme avenues, and gradually transformed into a terrifying existence in the alien universe.

Only seeing this is a humanoid existence, like him, the whole body is overwhelmed by infinite chaos, especially the face, and I can't see the true face, only seeing that he is very young, black hair is like a waterfall, the figure is majestic and straight, and the shoulders can support Daewoo .

Swallowing the blood of the five great Pangu universe giants, as well as the blood of the emperor of his own body, slowly merged into one, presenting a **** body instead of a simple essence.

In the end, the aura of this figure is no less powerful than that of a real eternal giant.

This scene seems to be the supreme giant blood-stained in the future, breaking the barrier of time and space, and truly coming to this world.

Shocked the Chaos Sea!

"The means can reach the sky. Although this person is contaminated with great cause and effect, he has to admit that he is by no means an ordinary person. He can condense such a powerful body of the world, and construct a real physical body using essence and blood as a medium. No less than the real strongest emperor or fairy king."

A giant was amazed, his eyes shining brightly, staring at this scene for an instant.

Another giant said: "Indeed, it is not bad in a sense, but the only difference is that this flesh and blood body cannot last too long."

An immortal king in the primordial immortal realm said: "He can transform into such a giant-level Dao body across time and space, and it is also against the sky."

The evaluations of all giants are very high.

It's just that there is an ugly face in the ancient alien universe.

"Take action and forcibly prevent the cohesion of this Taoist body, otherwise the ancient universe of our world will be greatly damaged."

Some giants of foreign races spoke, and many giants in the ancient universe of foreign races used monstrous spirits to kill this giant's Dao body.

The other great emperors of other races are even more imperial Nian Wushuang, turning into a killing light, overwhelming the sky, and flooding the giant Taoist body.

Shidai just watched quietly, without making any moves.

Such as Qingguang the Great, such as the Liudao Great Emperor, did not act.

The blood-stained figure of the supreme giant was shrouded in the boundless chaos, watching this scene indifferently.

"Since I came to this life at any cost, how can I let you easily destroy it."

He spoke slowly, sneered, and used shocking tactics.

That drop of emperor blood contained his If that giant Taoist body waited for his eternal projection, it condensed successfully at this moment and suddenly moved.

I saw the palm of the giant Dao body move forward.

Simple, no fancy palm.

Unspeakable, incalculable, unimaginable, unpredictable!

The invisible and supreme might rippling away, turning into the most terrifying storm.

In an instant, all killing thoughts were wiped out.


Moreover, Weili presents boundless ripples, layer upon layer, moving like thunder, everything has fallen into a great collapse.


In a short period of time, only the central frontier of the universe was seen, but the original place of the universe was protected by the light of the ancestral temples of the great giants. The starry sky suddenly collapsed and spread to the central territory. Of many important stars.

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