Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3216: Celestial Pass

Because Ye Chen has clearly seen many of them are very unfamiliar, including more than half of the ancient kings, quasi-kings, etc., and learned that they are the super powers from the two giants of the Taisheng Emperor Realm and the Fighting Saint Realm. Dispatched by the two great magnates, they will return together.

The return of such a terrifying lineup is definitely a great support for Pangu Universe.

Ye Chen sighed, this is the ancient road of origin, and this is the ability of giants, otherwise it would be quite difficult for a chaotic ancient universe to gather so many powerful people.

What's more, many of the strong people present were once participants in the giant-level domain battle, and basically obtained a large amount of combat merit. They once went to the giant-level treasury to exchange treasures, and their strength was greatly improved.

It's just that in perception, there is no Supreme, which makes him feel sorry.

If you can come to a few supreme, naturally the best.

However, he also knew that Supreme's purpose for joining the Yan Emperor Territory was only for the ultimate assault on the place of origin. As for the grievances between the two ancient chaotic universes, he was easily reluctant to intervene at will.

After swept away, he found that Yanshen was also there. In addition, the three heaven-defying quasi-monarchs, including Maharaja Tianwu and Gu Liu, also came, smiled at Ye Chen and nodded, apparently preparing to go to Pangu universe together.

Ye Chen was secretly excited, Pangu Universe possessed this power, and it could swept invincible and completely expelled the alien army from the universe.

About two hours later, the army was assembled.

The endless emperor flames came from all directions, and turned into a phantom of the emperor that is as high as the sky in the heavens and the earth. Condescendingly, he glanced at the many powerful men present, quite satisfied, and his voice resounded from the heavens and the earth: "This time like you As expected, entering the sealed universe, that is, fighting in the Pangu universe, as long as you kill enough alien races, you can turn it into military merit and go to the giant-level treasure house to exchange for the treasure."

It's no nonsense, with a flick of your finger, a magnificent heavenly gate constructed by the fire stands in front of it, exuding extremely powerful time and space.

Ye Chen could faintly feel that the power of the Great Space-Time Dao within it was contained in it, probably the legacy of the Great Space-Time.


The magnificent Tianmen opens a space-time passage leading to the unknown.

"Let's go." Yan Emperor said.


However, in the square, countless figures, under the attention of Yandi City, disappeared one by one and disappeared into the Tianmen.

The first to take the lead was Emperor Taichu and others.

A little nostalgic glanced at Yandi City, Ye Chen also rose from the sky, his figure turned into a streamer, and plunged into the Tianmen.

Emperor Hunyue followed...

Emperor Yan looked at the leaving figure of Ye Chen, smiled softly, and said softly: "I wish you luck, Xiao Chenzi!"


The prehistoric fairyland.

On the frontier of the universe, there stands an endless sky gate that does not know how many hundreds of millions of miles. It is one of the nine immortal sky gates. It reaches the highest point of the starry sky, and the end is invisible. The stars appear so small in front of it. dust.

Because it is located on the border of the universe, both the heavens and the auras of the heavens and the earth are thin and not suitable for cultivation. Therefore, there are few races here, and the land is vast and sparsely populated.

In the endless years, almost the immortal Tianguan stood alone here, looking desolate, and only the army stationed at Tianguan was accompanied.

On this day, years of silence was broken.


I saw a magnificent heavenly gate that was as high as the sky suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth. In front of the heavenly gate, the heavenly gate was made up of countless strange fires.

In the heavenly gate, there is a powerful space-time power rippling open, surprisingly connected to a spatial channel.

Not long after, many figures rushed out.

At the same time, there was even more terrifying aura rippling away, making this space of heaven and earth unbearable, and the void constructed by the complete heavenly path of the prehistoric immortal world collapsed directly.

It is conceivable that these people are definitely powerful people.


At this time, a majestic and young figure walked out, and when the steps were taken, a special force spread out like ripples, layered on top of each other, covering this area in an instant, restoring the collapsed void of heaven and earth to integrity.

There are also several Xeon figures that are equally unfathomable. Although they have a restrained aura, they can vaguely perceive that once the aura is released, most of this world will be unbearable and will collapse completely.

"Brother Taichu, is this the Pangu universe?"

A stern man in a scarlet robe spoke, his eyes seemed to have a sea of ​​dead blood rising and falling, and his heart trembled just looking at the Primordial King.

This group of people is the Emperor of Taichu and others, and the one who speaks is Emperor Shura.

Feeling the great rules of this heaven and earth, although thin, the heavenly path is complete, and it can be cultivated into the tenth heaven. It is not the tenth day that the emperors of the early days and the reincarnation emperors said.

Emperor Taichu shook his head: "No, this is not Pangu Universe."

At this moment, Ye Chen also followed out, looking at the unattainable immortal Tianguan, and whispered: "This is the border of the prehistoric immortal world."

That's right, the time and space passage of the Ten Thousand Fire Heaven Gate does not lead directly to the Pangu universe, because during the period it needs to cross the Chaos Sea, and worry that the foreign race will take action from it, so I chose to go to another place——

The borderline of the prehistoric fairyland, the location of the immortal pass.

Here is the secret path leading to the Pangu universe, which belongs to the secret path on the river of time.

This immortal Tianguan is connected to the long river of years, and it just so happens that the other end of the long river is connected to the ancient emperor realm Tongxuan Gate.

This time, they returned to the Pangu universe from the long river of time.

Emperor Taichu looked at the Immortal Pass, sighing.

Back then, he also used this place to enter the prehistoric world of immortals, then found his father, and more later.

I didn't expect that when I left, I would also leave from here, but it seemed to be trapped in a reincarnation.

"Is this the gateway to the Pangu universe?"

Many powerful men who followed also scanned the Immortal Pass and were amazed.

Suddenly countless powerhouses naturally shocked Liuhe Bahuang, and also shocked the army guarding the Immortal Pass.

Be on alert immediately.

The sorrow dissipated in an instant, the emperor of the early days stepped forward and came to the same height as the sky pass. The guards of the sky pass clasped his fists and said: "Everyone, come here today with the monks from the same universe, requesting the opening of the sky pass. Enter the long river of time and return to our ancient universe."

The immortal heaven is closed, and the boundless army is stationed, all of them are truly strong, each one is very strong, there is no weak.

But facing the early emperor, it was still insignificant.

Different from the past, perhaps the eternal giants of the past have been awakened one after another, and they have also been replaced by higher-level gatekeepers in the past few days. Among them is the looming Emperor of the Primordial Age. He was awakened during the practice and rushed out. When he looked at the Emperor of the Primordial Period, he was shocked: "The king of the beginning? No, you have become the emperor."

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