Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3369: Entry

one strike!

With just one blow, the Immortal Pass was opened!

Shocked the world!

The longevity demon king and others all stared roundly, with absolute shock!

This is the fighting king!

The invincible fighting king!

When the Immortal Pass was closed, many guards did not respond, and the Pass was blasted open.

In fact, they did not dare to resist, because the blow was so powerful, they firmly believed that even if the super king came, most of them would be destroyed.

Although they are strong, none of the gatekeepers can achieve this step. Anything to stop them will undoubtedly die!

The gate of Immortal Tianguan was knocked open, and Tianmen opened wide.

Just like the Immortal Pass after the Purple Mansion Holy Land, a dazzling passage appeared inside the pass, shining brightly, very dazzling, but it was all true Dao laws, transformed into a vast world.

Everything is condensed by Tao, turned into an ancient passage, and there are also ancient gates in the depths, one after another, and there are millions of gods and demons.

The gods and demons turned into by these laws of heaven and earth are terrifying, and at worst they have the power of saints, and there are even strong ones at the level of Primordial Kings.

Millions of gods are transformed into gatekeepers of the dazzling passage, as if one **** after another traverses, blocking the passer's further progress!

Is this the truth in the Immortal Pass?

The longevity demon king and other powerful people in the Pangu universe looked shockedly, as if leading to an even more ancient and supreme upper realm.

And those million gods and demons are enough to stop everything!

"I sensed that the true Supreme Emperor, and the powerful blessing of the Emperor Dao, really fell asleep in the deepest part of the Godless One? Or the Emperor has recovered, watching all this silently, and if you want to see him, you must Through the trials he left behind?"

Ye Chen’s eyes were deep. At this moment, he firmly believed that the Immortal Pass had also truly recovered, because the ancient power once knocked the door and opened it, but it was finally suppressed. If the scene he faced at the beginning was like the present, he could not suppress it at all. No doubt that the mighty power comes to death.

Of course, even if the Immortal Pass has also recovered, but what about it, he is fearless and has enough confidence.

"If it is really a trial left by the emperor, I will see how strong it is!"

The wind is light and the clouds are light, stepping in.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At the moment of entering the sky, the bright passage was completely rioted, and millions of gods and demons roared. The most terrifying power was rippling and swept. It is said that it is light to destroy the world and destroy the earth. This world-destroying power Far beyond imagination, the longevity demon asked himself if he faced it, he would definitely die.

"This attack is not enough!"

Ye Chen shook his head and smiled. He had never taken any action. The eternal king Tianwei, comparable to the peerless king, exploded, sweeping the world, tearing the world apart, and instantly swept away the law of infinite heaven and earth.

An absolute nothingness appeared in front of him!

Millions of gods and demons were wiped out!

The whole world was shocked, and all were shocked by the terrible horror of the fighting holy king, just the eruption of the king's mighty power, overwhelming everything, shattering the millions of gods and demons transformed by the laws of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, these millions of gods and demons could definitely cause the Pangu Universe army who entered the Secret Vault to suffer heavy casualties, and even wipe out the entire army.


In the dazzling law passage, a figure covering the sky and the sun appeared on the deepest ancient pass. It was overwhelming and shattered in all directions and rushed out.

There are more than a dozen gods and demons at the level of Primordial Kings. There is an absolute ferocious color in their eyes. There is no real mind, just a simple cohesion of the laws of heaven and earth, just to stop those who pass the barrier.


Ye Chen chuckled, and the Great Chaos Cauldron appeared, transformed into a nebula and rushed out, crashing across.

The great chaotic cauldron poured out hundreds of thousands of ancient chaos, as if it was carrying a whole chaotic sea, and everything it passed was annihilated.


In the end, an earth-shattering explosion occurred in the deepest part of the bright passage, and everything was turned into ashes, and a dozen of Primordial King-level laws were annihilated into ashes and ceased to exist.

In this way, Ye Chen rushed past again, always so calm, as if there was nothing in the world that could really stop his existence.

Outside the Tianguan, the powers of the Pangu Universe had long been numb. Although they knew that the Fighting Saint King was so powerful and that they could not stop him, what they saw with their own eyes still could not suppress the shock in their hearts.

It's unparalleled!

Ye Chenxin walked in leisurely, stepping in, straight into the deepest part of the bright passage of the Immortal Pass.

The obstacles continued, the bright passage continued to flourish, and infinitely terrifying blockers evolved, but Ye Chen was invincible and strong. Everywhere he passed, everything was pushed across, invincible and invincible.


In the deepest part, there are seven strongest gods and demons at the level of super kings, which are formed by the rules of the king, and there is also a supreme emperor in the vaguely. Countless times stronger.

The silhouettes of the seven strongest gods and demons are comparable to the seven worlds, and the thunder arrives, crushing and shattering the bright passage, killing Ye Chen.

Everyone squeezed a cold sweat. The strongest gods and demons of the Seven Super Kings can be said to be the gods blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha!

Qianxun directly asked Emperor Hun Yue to take action, but the latter waved his hand and asked them to look at it seriously. The Fighting Saint King could not lose.

If none of these obstacles can be smashed, it would not be a fighting saint who dared to enter the alien ancient universe.

Emperor Hunyue believes him!

"Hahaha, the seven strongest gods and demons of the super king level, the rules are manifested, in the end, I wonder if there will be an emperor?"

Haha laughed, Ye Chen fought the seven super kings alone.

Although each of the strongest gods and demons has the fighting power of a super king, it really doesn't have the ability to bear it, and it doesn't have the various means like the real super king.

Ye Chen didn’t even use the strongest Dao-body methods such as the Chaos Supreme Body and the Spirit of the Chaos God is still the deity shot by himself, thunderously struck, and the Chaos Saint Body stiffened the strongest gods and demons’ attacks. , Sonorously, without any damage, showing an absolutely invincible body.

"What a powerful physical body, far surpasses the Primordial King!" Eternal Life Demon King commented.

Chihiro, who was refining Kaye Jiuhuang in the distance, had his eyes blooming with blazing light. Such a powerful body was also his pursuit.


Seeing Ye Chen's palm, the infinite chaotic light suddenly turned into an extinction sun and sky, smashing the sky, crushing nine heavens and ten earth, decisively and violently, he penetrated a super king and the strongest **** and demon.

When Tiange shook at the end of the chaos, he shattered this strongest **** and demon on the highest point of the sky.

At the same time, the palm of the sword is like a heavenly sword, circumventing hundreds of millions of ancient chaos, cutting through the ages, and splitting another super king and strongest **** and demon.

The Great Chaos Cauldron descends from the sky, suppressing one...

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