Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3391: we are back

There was silence, and no one spoke again.

The summit meeting related to the future destiny of the kingdom of heaven ended in this way.

But it can be seen that before leaving, the leaders of the top powers looked at the heavenly powers with dissatisfaction, thinking that they were seeking death and would indirectly kill the entire heavenly kingdom.

Seeing their dissatisfaction and resentment eyes, the six ancestors of Tianmen sneered and ignored them.

At this time, the other ancestors of Tianmen, Wanhuamen ancestors, many ancestors of Qicai Sect, and the palace master of Huamo Academy, all frowned and looked at the six ancestors, seemingly wondering why he suddenly acted like this.

Six ancestors smiled bitterly: "The kingdom of heaven does not belong to me, but Qianyue. He just trusts me and waits before giving it to me to take charge. How can I fail his trust and hand over the kingdom of heaven? ."

Hearing that, all the leaders were silent and guilty.

If it were to be handed over, it would indeed fail Qian Yue's trust.

But it will also face a more terrifying situation, that is facing an ancient power of the overlord level of the ten thousand realms as an enemy, and that feeling is really bad.

"Although the Lingxu God King is very strong, my Kingdom of Heaven is not a vegetarian, and Qianyue fought side by side with several Ten Thousand Realms Overlords back then, trying to get in touch with them to see if they can get help."

An ancestor of the Colorful Sect.

"It's probably impossible. With their patience, how can they not know that the kingdom of heaven is under the coercion of the God King Lingxu, turning a blind eye, is already the best attitude, and you can't think too much." Ancestor sighed lightly.

Having said that, someone took action.


In the land of endless space turbulence, a bright chaotic avenue traverses, and it does not know how many miles in the vertical and horizontal directions, and finally appears in front of a huge world.

Ahead, the huge world is like the sun in the night, so eye-catching, in terms of its stalwart level, it is far better than other worlds by many times.

On the surface of the world, thunder light flickered, and there were always thunder dragons thick as mountains, protecting the world.

Even if the sage meets, it will be wiped out in an instant.

This realm is precisely the world of the Lord of Heaven-the Little God Realm!

It is also the place where Ye Chen's past lives and the goddesses, Yiwu, Chen'er, Yuqing and others rise up. It is the origin of everything.

Even if you are a million miles away, you can still feel the majesty of the Little God Realm.

A boundless breath rippling slowly, making the quasi-monarch also shocked.

It didn't seem that such an unparalleled world could still exist in the heavens and all realms.

Looking at the Little God Realm, which was huge like a king, Ye Chen felt a sense of familiarity in his heart, a feeling of blood fusion.

It also seemed to sense the existence of Ye Chen. The Little God Realm, which was immovable forever, was trembling slightly, and even the turbulent flow of the entire endless space was trembling. The endless space turbulence was receding, turning into an absolute vacuum. place.

In the Little God Realm, the world is unknowable, but they know that amazing changes have taken place in the Little God Realm. There are endless wind and rain on this day, which is very strange.

There are many people in the world who believe that the gods are about to commit serious sins, and they kowtow to confess their sins, hoping for God's grace.

At Tianmen Capital Peak, the expressions of the six ancestors changed slightly.

In the Colorful Sect, all the ancestors also raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Wanhua Gate, a generation of peerless arrogant eyes flickering.

Fortunately, all these changes quickly disappeared.

"go in."

I glanced at the mysterious world next to the Little God Realm, which is no less than the Little God Realm. It is the emperor of the Angel Race. After a little contemplation, with a smile, he led everyone into the Little God Realm, and the thunder and lightning separated automatically. On both sides, I never hurt them in the slightest...

The first time he entered, Ye Chen sensed the surrender of the origin of the Little God Realm, and a joyful emotion was passed over, which was a kind of joy to Ye Chen, the true master of the Little God Realm.

"Tough you, no master has been for nearly a thousand years."

Ye Chen smiled and comforted the origin of the Little God Realm, but didn't directly control the entire Little God Realm. Compared to all of this, it was more important to return to the Tianmen.

Nearly a thousand years have passed, and I don't know what happened to the Tianmen today.

However, back then, I handed the control of the Little God Realm and even the entire Heavenly Kingdom to Tianmen and other familiar forces to manage it.

Divine consciousness emerged for the first time, and in an instant, it had covered the entire Little God Realm, and understood everything.

The expression was slightly happy. Thousands of years have passed, and the Tianmen has become so strong. Although it is not as strong as the Tianmen of the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, it is also regarded as one of the most powerful forces in the Little God Realm, second only to the kingdom of heaven that he created in his previous life.

As for the kingdom of heaven, he still felt that the sky city was suspended from the highest point of the small **** realm.

"Go, go to Tianmen."

This time, I didn't sway towards it, but tore through the void, arrived at the Tianmen in an instant, and looked at the mountain gate with a sigh.

With the patience of everyone, he entered the heavenly gate silently, and felt the familiar breath of the old man on Nadu Peak, Ye Chen was delighted.

It can be felt that Tianmen is still very prosperous, far better than countless in the past.

Perceived, several ancestors also ascended to the Heavenly King Realm.

Being able to reach this point in less than a thousand years in the lower realm is enough to explain a lot, after all, it cannot be compared with the heavens and ten thousand domains.


Ye Chen directly transmitted the sound, and in the main hall of Tianmen, the ancestors of the old ancestors were startled, their expressions changed immediately, and finally they were overjoyed.

This abrupt voice is so familiar, even after nearly a thousand years, it is still familiar to the depths of the soul and cannot be forgotten.

Liu Zongzu looked outside the hall and grinned: "Boy, since I'm back, I don't come out quickly."


There was a clear laughter, and a line of figures appeared out of thin air, with dozens of Taoisms.

The leader is an extremely handsome young man. At first glance, he is amazing, and then the more he looks at him, the more he is amazed. He is perfect and perfect.

It seems to be the most perfect creature in the world, no one can compare it.

However, there is still a bit of familiarity between the faces.

Especially when seeing the faint mark of the crescent moon in his eyebrows, the six ancestors of the Tianmen were completely surprised and knew who was coming.

The gaze swept across the more glamorous but familiar women behind the perfect man, confirming the confidence in his heart.

It's him, finally back!

"Boy Qianyue has seen all the't come here unharmed."

Ye Chen laughed loudly, professing himself in the name of the past life, and stepped forward to meet the ancestors of the Tianmen and pay great salute.

With his current prestige, few in the world can bear his worship, but the few Tianmen ancestors in front of him are absolutely qualified.

If it weren't for them, whether Qianyue could survive in the previous life would also be a question.

Behind them, the goddess, Chen'er, Yuqing and others were also excited, because they were also born in Tianmen and had deep affection.

Even a savage like Wang Ming, his eyes were sour, a layer of mist appeared, almost crying.

"Baboo yeah-"

Yiyi flew out, and the little golden dragon also stepped forward, also very excited.

Ya Ya held the same slim morning sun with her left hand, and her right hand with the cute little Junlin, smiling with tears.

we are back!

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