Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3442: Barbarian Tribe

On the way to the Barbarian tribe.

Suddenly, Ye Chen felt in his heart. He raised his head and looked above the sky, faintly feeling a terrifying aura of boundless darkness.

His eyes narrowed in an instant, deep and terrifying, and he whispered to himself: "It's a pity that the foreign race is still there. It's a pity that the cultivation base is sealed, otherwise I really want to slap into the void and shoot to death."

If it weren't for fear and now the cultivation base was sealed, he really wanted to enter the star ruins above the sky.

But if it is suppressed, once it is shot, the enemies of the year will jump out one by one.

Now he really wants to take action, the consequences are not ordinary troubles, for the time being, he needs to bear it down, and at least he will recover from his injuries.

Within half a day, the two came to the place where the Man clan was.

This is still Ye Chen's reservations, only using the power of the last minute, otherwise, with the power of the chaotic body, it would be easy to tear the void, horizontally and horizontally.

The Man's tribe is located in the depths of the millions of mountains in the sunset state of Dongsheng 13 prefectures, sitting on millions of miles of forests, like an ancient land.

As its name suggests, the Barbarian tribe is like a traditional tribe, showing its crude madness. There are huge tents and cottages in the deep mountains, where terrible beasts and fierce beasts are domesticated.

It seems to be backward, but the overall strength of the Barbarian tribe is extremely strong. When you get close, you can clearly feel a beam of strong vitality like a beam of light from the tribe.

It is obvious that the people living here are so powerful and extraordinary. It is worthy of being called the superpower of the ancient country of Megatron Dongsheng 13 prefectures.

With the absolute keenness of the five senses and six senses, Ye Chen could clearly feel that this blood qi seemed to be strong, but there were huge hidden dangers in the dark, and one by one, like a wild tiger, there was a blood seal.

He increasingly felt that this family was not simple, and the origins were mostly amazing.

The return of the young king savage tiger attracted the attention of the tribesmen, especially seeing a handsome and tall young figure behind him, quite surprised, but not much hostile, on the contrary, many tribesmen nodded to him kindly.

It could be seen that the Man clan was primitive and simple, which made Ye Chen quite fond of it.

"Man Tiger, why did you come back so soon? Did you kill the future king Ao Changkong in Cangxue Palace?" some older clansman joked.

Both Manhu and Ao Zhangkong are among the best super arrogances in Dongsheng Thirteen States, and they have regarded each other as strong rivals since the beginning of Taoism.

Manhu gave him a surprised look: "Uncle Clan, you have guessed all this."

The clan uncle was dumbfounded and hurriedly said: "Manhu, are you kidding me, really killed that proud sky?"

Ao Changkong is a young generation super arrogant who can be compared to the wild tigers. The strength is so powerful that it is difficult to find many opponents in the semi-sage level, and many old half-sages are not their opponents.

Otherwise, he would not become a descendant comparable to the super power of the Barbarian tribe.

Manhu smiled bitterly: "Uncle Clan, I really dare not lie to you, Ao Changkong is really dead, but it wasn't me who killed him, it was this senior!"

He looked at Ye Chen.


Many members of the tribe looked at Ye Chen in surprise. The latter seemed to be only in his early twenties. He was also a young generation and could actually kill Ao Changkong.

Although Ao Changkong is the arrogant of the opponent Cangxue Palace, the Man clan also has to admit that Ao Changkong is powerful. Looking at the young generation of the entire Man clan, only Manhu can be compared, but he was killed. Dare to believe it.

Especially this person is still quite young, full of vigor, looks similar to Manhu's age, but has already reached this point?

Could it be a descendant from other top forces?

The return of the wild tiger shocked several respectable older generations in the tribe. They were all in the late stage of the holy Tibetan realm, and they were quite powerful.

They sternly said: "Dare to ask where the little friends come from?"

"Heaven." Ye Chen didn't hide it either.


Many tribesmen looked at each other, feeling unheard of.

Is there an ancient kingdom like Heaven in the Primordial Realm?

Only the few respected older generations felt that the name of Heaven seemed familiar, as if they had heard of it before, but they couldn't remember where they heard it for a while.

Man Hu hurriedly said: "Everyone, grandfathers, seniors are not the general ones, and the flesh can be broken into the void!"


It was like a bolt from the blue sky, which immediately shocked many members of the Man clan.

Even the elders of the tribe can hardly be shocked.

The body is broken into the void, which means that the path of refining the body has reached a very high level.

It is difficult for them to believe that such a young man can achieve this step, but Naimanhu admits that they have to face it.

But there is always some doubt whether Manhu is wrong.

To know the broken void, the king of heaven should be able to do it, but the broken body of the void represents how strong the body is, enough to be comparable to the king of heaven, but the extent to which the flesh fights the king of heaven and shakes the king of heaven with bare hands cannot be underestimated.

Such a character, even if looking at the entire Man clan nowadays, with the inheritance of the ancient **** king body refining, few people have reached this step.

Can a young Tianjiao who walked out of the mysterious kingdom of heaven achieve this step?

Such a character may be hard to find in the entire ancient kingdom of Qianwu.

Ye Chen didn't care much about these doubts. After all, he felt that they were only shocked and suspected that there was not much malice. He immediately smiled, pointed out his finger, and pierced the void.


Broken Void!

Hearing is worse than seeing, the tribesmen of the Man clan believed the truth shockingly.

On the spot, several elders from the tribe stepped forward to sue and were very ashamed. Please forgive Ye Chen, with a good attitude.

Other tribesmen also salute respectfully, which is the dignity of a strong man.

The strong is respected, and the relatively primitive Man clan respects the strong.

Manhu explained his intentions by his side, and surprised them even more.

So many years have's "Man God Wang Gong" defect finally sees light.

Right now, the Man clan welcomed Ye Chen's entry with high standards.

Ye Chen did not refuse, and entered a hall of the Man clan. It was a hall hollowed out in a mountain. It appeared primitive and ancient, engraved with various Dao patterns, and layers of Dao patterns were looming. It was the standard of the tribe. Very high hall.

Soon after, the patriarchs and even a few long-lived elders in the Man clan also appeared, all standing in the realm of Heavenly Kings.

This is the confidence of the Man clan to dominate the Dongsheng 13 states, sitting on many kings.

Among them, the patriarch is almost dead, very old and exhausted, but his divine power is very strong, at the half-step power level, and quite powerful.

His eyes are like magic lamps, illuminating the entire mountain hall.

Although the blood is exhausted, no one dares to question his strength.

This is a terrifying figure that shocked the entire Dongsheng 13 states.

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