Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3462: All parties gather

? In just a few days, from the East of the Primordial Sky Realm, there are countless powers and strong people coming one after another. Even other places in the Primordial Realm have super powers or super powers appearing here one after another.

The Desolate Ancient Country has never stopped, nor dared to stop it.

Unless Ye Chen takes the shot himself, even the ancient kingdom of desert cannot resist so many powerful forces and powerful people from all sides.

Because there are many gods involved, and it is even rumored that there are even more quasi-monarch-level old antiques who come in person, coercing the ages and terrifying the world, who will upset the peak?

But Ye Chen didn't need to stop the order. He stood in the void, his eyes scanned the ruins of the Dry Witch Domain, revealing a touch of profound meaning.

The more such strong men, the better, it is better to come to a few foreign kings, so he can kill the swallowed blood and recover his injuries.

Of course, he knew that the real Emperor Medicine of Immortality was in this mythical relic.

This time I will win.

Unfortunately, he noticed that the site of the ruins was still in a state of half-real and half-virtual. If he forced into it, not only would he not be able to enter it, but it was also very likely to penetrate the void, causing the time of the ruins to be reborn greatly.

After all, he is currently banned by Taoism, and all he can use is the power of the flesh, and he cannot use the time and space emperor technique to pass through perfectly as before.

At this time, countless forces and strong men from all over the East of the Primordial Heaven Realm had already set out to enter the depths of the Luoshui Mountains.

There were no obstacles along the way, and even the Demon King and Beast King who were originally located in the depths of the Luoshui Mountains disappeared one after another, as if they had never existed, so that the strong from all sides were surprised, and originally thought they needed to go through a fierce battle.

They came to the Luo River and were amazed by the vastness of the Luo River.

Such a majestic river is rare in the world.

Numerous tianjiaos came one after another, all the super tianjiao of the ten thousand realms and eight realms who participated in the battle for the hegemony of the eight realms of the young generation, from transforming gods to mighty powers, covering all realms.

One of them was Ming Xu. He was born so handsome and strange, holding a death sickle in his hand, standing quietly on the void, no one around dared to approach the slightest.

During this period of time, he has made a name for himself among the young generations of the Eight Realms. One person killed nineteen great talents of the younger generation one after another. He was a powerful man and was known as one of the best in the great power realm. Super Tianjiao.

Moreover, as long as those who were shot by it, all the forms and spirits were swallowed up, and the darkness was extremely dark.

If it is a last resort, no one wants to provoke such a dark god-like super arrogant.

Mingxu glanced at the many Tianjiao present, and even saw the existence of a few half-step God King-level super Tianjiao. In his perception, the peerless Tianjiao who stepped into the God King realm was looming, and he had to marvel at the depth of the eight realms. Measure, actually cultivated the peerless Tianjiao who set foot in the Divine King Realm at a young age, even if it was not much worse than the heavens and ten thousand domains.

Immediately, he shook his head and said, "I wonder if the young adult from the Eastern Land will come."

That is one of the five major hegemons of the younger generation, absolutely invincible of the same rank, and an invincible existence that is qualified to walk on the ancient road of supremacy. If he appears here, he may be enough to sweep all the arrogances, and even all the forces.

The void twisted, and the two walked out.

Only two people came to the Ancient Desolate Country this time, Ye Chen and Manhu.

Man Tiger had already left the customs, entered the land of Luohe for the first time, and for the first time saw so many forces from all sides converge, which can be said to have gathered countless forces in nearly half of the East.

It was even more so when I saw the Tianjiao from all sides, they were all the super Tianjiao who moved the world, and what's more, they stepped into the ranks of great power early, far surpassing him.

This made him passionate, hoping to climb to a higher level as soon as possible, compete with these arrogances, and compete for the first person of the young generation of eight realms.

At this moment, Ye Chen had already noticed the existence of Mingxu, and his brows frowned slightly: "People from other races have also come, and they are hidden in Tianjiao. This is bad news."

Immediately he remembered that in the Domination War, there were even more foreign super kings who secretly shot, and more than one or two.

He knew that there must be people of different races dormant in the Primordial Sky, and there are definitely a lot of them.

I didn't expect that the alien race would dare to appear here blatantly, and also want to fight for the mythical relics this time.

He smiled slightly, not caring much anymore.

This kind of alien Tianjiao in the great power realm, no matter how powerful, is just a finger that can be easily killed.

After entering the land of the mythical relics, he killed them at will.

Now he hasn't taken a shot, but he just doesn't want to startle.

Ye Chen turned around and said to the man with a long heart: "The purpose of your coming this time is to better sharpen it. After this period of retreat, you have successfully taken that step and are qualified to look into the legendary realm. But you have been long before. In the ancient land of Qianwu, all you are facing are the tianjiao in the ancient land of Qianwu, and this time you need to face the tianjiao of the whole heaven and the east, and even the tianjiao from other places."

"What you have to do is to challenge the semi-holy and even the holy Tibetan realm's Tianjiao one by one. As for the Tianjiao who surpasses the holy Tibetan realm, don't think too much about it. You currently don't have the strength to face it."

Manhu took a deep breath: "Senior said, even though I took that step, but the realm is still weak, I can't expect that I can go to that step against the sky."

He patted him on the shoulder, Ye Chen stopped at noon, everything was up to the wild tiger.

He will not help.

Of course, if Manhu had a fatal crisis, he would definitely take action.

When he came to the edge of the Luo River, he sat cross-legged, silently waiting for the moment when the Ruins Land opened.

The appearance of the wild tiger has also attracted a lot of attention, after all, this is the first young generation of the royal family in the ancient country.

It's just that when I feel the realm of the wild tiger many Tianjiao all shook their heads.

Because it's too low, it's just a mere half-holy.

Among the Tianjiaoshes present, there are very few people who are not afraid of death. They are basically semi-holy. There are many holy ones, and there are a few heavenly kings. There are also many in the great power state, and even the super Tianjiao of the **** king There are also a few people.

It's a mere half-sage, it's too weak to be any weaker.

They couldn't understand how the Desolate Ancient Country sent a semi-saint to such a mythical relic to experience it. In their eyes, this was not an experience at all, but was looking for death.

But there are quite a few people who notice the difference between Manhu, which is clearly only half-sage, but it gives people the illusion that they are walking towards perfection and naturalness, as if congenital great perfection, which is very strange.

Manhu ignored these Tianjiao and sat down beside Ye Chen. There was no need to compete with other Tianjiao at this time. It was not too late for everything to start in the Ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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