Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3464: caveat

? The emperor looked at the Demon God of Far Wilderness, and the latter also looked at the former.

The strongest Tianjiao on the two emperor's rankings looked at each other, and the light of the eyes condensed into essence, containing incredible power, colliding in the void and tearing apart the boundless world.

The Demon God of Far Desolation said coldly: "I didn't expect that there will still be your survivors in Taikoo Heaven, which surprised me a bit."

The emperor said indifferently: "I didn't expect you to dare to enter the territory of Primordial Heaven."

After the two only glanced at each other, they staggered their eyes and never made a move.

The strongest Tianjiao on the two great emperor lists staggered, but no one dared to approach where they were, and everyone knew the horror of the two.

If the Demon God of the Far Desolate once killed the ancient **** king and ancestor of an ancient country, then the emperor had killed an ancient **** king from the land of the profound realm more than ten years ago, and he was dyed with the blood of the **** king. The super existence is far from being comparable to other Tianjiao.

"The two of them are very strong."

Beside, Man Hu was amazed, he knew he was far inferior to the two.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Unless you completely consummate your body, otherwise you are in the same realm. You can't defeat either of them if you don't have enough cards against the sky."

Manhu was shocked: "Are they the legendary Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao?"

"Not bad."

The surprised look on Manhu's slowly introverted face was replaced by a firm look: "Senior, please rest assured, my Manhu will surely reach the same level as the two in the future, and be the supreme arrogant of Dzogchen."

Ye Chen also attaches great importance to the younger generation of Manhu, seeing that he has such a determination, and nodded slightly with satisfaction: "It is naturally best for you to have this determination. As long as you become the supreme pride of Dzogchen one day, I will consider accepting you as a disciple. ."

When this word spread out, it must shake the heavens.

Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, representing the perfection in all aspects, without the help of God King Jie to supplement oneself, there is also the hope of ascending the heavenly quasi-king, and even more hopeful as the strongest Tianjiao of the Supreme Realm.

In the Chaos Sea, not to mention the Primordial King, even the emperor, many people are willing to accept such Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao as disciples.

Only Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao can truly hope to become the Supreme.

Ye Chen actually only considered, not certain.

But Ye Chen had this qualification, because his particularity far surpassed others, and he even belonged to the most heaven-defying generation in history beyond the category of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and he hoped to reach the height of the emperor of heaven and the beginning.

Moreover, all the time, the Dzogchen Supreme Heavenly Jiao he beheaded has been a small number, and there are a large number of emperors, emperors, and heirs of immortals.

If anyone is qualified to consider accepting Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao as a disciple, Ye Chen is definitely in this category, and is more qualified than the true Supreme.

Manhu was very excited, because he even predecessor Ye Chen's place against the sky.

Rumor has it that he is most likely an ancient king.

As a disciple of the Primordial King, waiting for Ruo Ke to give a layer of protection to the declining Wild Emperor.

With the passage of time, more and more powerful men and the forces of the heavens came here one after another, silently waiting for the day when the land of the ruins was opened.

At this time, some Tianjiao couldn't wait, and they started to discuss each other, and even the situation of disagreement broke out, and once broke out of the Luoshui Mountains.

Even the Tianjiao duel with the power realm was too terrifying, destroying the heavens and the earth at every turn, moving out horizontally, and rushing into the borders of the ancient country of desolation.

In their eyes, even if they enter the deserted ancient country and spread to the towns, so many innocent people are smeared. Weakness is a sin. As a powerful existence, how can they care about it?


Suddenly, there were several terrible loud noises outside the Luoshui Mountains.

Xuan Even the few big power level Tianjiao who had only seen the duel outside were bombarded and flew back, a rain of blood, falling from the sky to the earth, covered in blood.


The void tore apart, and the Barbarian God King appeared in person, and the Peerless God King-level power naturally swelled open, and this space of heaven and earth was condensed.

But this time, there is no shortage of **** kings from various ancient countries, and there are also powerful **** kings from other realms, who coldly look at the **** king.

The Barbarian God King looked indifferent, and said: "Everyone, you are waiting for the ruins. I will not stop, but I don't want to fight against each other only in the Luoshui Mountains. Don't spread to my deserted ancient country, or blame my men. ruthless."

He came to protect the safety of the ancient country.

Although he knew that Ye Chen existed in the dark, he still had to warn him.

Otherwise, it would be a great loss to the people of the ancient desolate country like just now, and it is inexcusable.

Hearing that, all the gods and kings of all parties are unruly and rebellious, how can they listen.

There are even the super arrogance of the gods, and they don’t care. One of the super arrogances of the gods from the land of the gods stood up and sneered: "The ancient country cannot be destroyed. , Do you still need to warn?"

This super arrogant has the absolute right to speak, setting foot in the realm of the gods at a young age is enough to prove his absolute talent.

In his eyes, although the Barbarian God King was known as the overlord of the ancient times, he was just in the same position as the God King. As long as he was given enough time, it would be enough to surpass the past in the future.

Without saying a word, the barbarian **** king moved and thunder fell in front of the **** king realm super arrogant, palming the sword like a pangu great axe that opened the world and blasted down angrily.

The emptiness of the world is shattered.

Amid the rumbling, the expression of the super arrogant **** king realm changed drastically, and his whole body flew backwards and crashed into many mountains before slowly stopping.

A face-to-face!

Just one face to face, a super arrogant in the Divine King Realm was blown away.

This is the terrifying strength of the Barbarian King, the absolute strength in the kingdom of the King.

Even the Demon God of Far Desolation and the Emperor Lord looked over.

After a long time, the **** king realm super arrogant soared into the covered in blood, and a terrible wound with deep bones appeared on his chest, dripping with blood, attracting attention.

The Barbarian God King said indifferently: "This time I'll give you a warning, otherwise I dare to do this next time, I will kill you directly, even if you have a monstrous force behind you, try it."

At this moment, the Barbarian God King established absolute majesty, established after severely injuring a super arrogant God King realm.

The **** kings of all parties were ready to move, but after seeing the terrible strength of the **** king, all were shocked.

Secretly assessing the level of the barbarian **** king's strength, but unanimously believes that having the terrifying combat power of the peerless **** king as in the legend, it is not comparable to the ordinary **** king.

The King Chieman just warned not to spread to the ancient land of the wild, and it had little influence on their fight for the mythological relics. It just felt a little uncomfortable to be severely admonished. Now that he has seen the terrifying power of the king of the wild god, he is One after another accepted.

Of course, some people are dismissive, such as the Devil God in the Far Desolate, and the Lord of the Emperor, who are still fearless, but they don't want to cause trouble.

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