Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3469: crisis

? But Emperor Shen Yuan ignored it, a gentle force of the emperor class directly wrapped the emperor's little ancestor, sent it into the passage, and said: "Little ancestor, there are four of them, please return to God's country. Please send out the Supreme Imperial Soldier and several other Dao brothers immediately."

He didn't talk about the consequences, because he knew how bad things are today, but the little ancestor emperor must never have anything to do. He is the real key figure in the Emperor God Kingdom and must not be lost.

If the emperor successfully returns to the kingdom of the emperor, please send out the supreme emperor soldiers who suppressed the background and other sleeping primordial kings, he still has a glimmer of hope to survive.

How could the emperor do not understand, nodded very ugly, turned around and rushed into the passage, and the voice came out: "Shen Yuan, you must wait until my arrival."


But at this time, the four great alien kings took action, and immediately attacked and killed them. One person shattered the passage, causing the emperor's figure to fall down, covered in blood.

"Do not"

Emperor Shen Yuan's expression changed, he hurriedly waved his dragon sword, cut off the boundless sky with a crash, and attacked the four great alien kings.



However, a dark magic chain broke through the air, blocking the front, blocking the dragon sword, and clanging.

Another alien king came over with lightning and bombarded Emperor Shen Yuan.

Boom boom boom boom boom

At this time, the Immortal Emperor Medicine shot, and the nine king-level tree vines broke through the air, like a nine-headed Primordial true dragon attacking, and the terrifying power suddenly hit the four great alien kings.

The land of mythological relics is in collapse, unimaginable.

Silently, an alien king appeared at the trunk of the Emperor Undead Medicine. The terrifying king Tianwei spread and spread, covering the sky, and even the broken world appeared to stagnate, no longer being broken.

Emperor Shen Yuan's expression slightly changed: "Five Heavenly Kings!"

The five heavenly kings are absolutely the best among the kings. They are so strong that they have as many as 100,000 king rules.

I saw the dark magic chain in the hands of the five-layer alien king split into thousands of ways, and rushed to the Emperor Immortal Medicine like lightning, sneered again and again: "I thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect to die. The Emperor Yao is right in front of you. Now as long as you get the Undead Emperor Yao, you can also kill a mythical emperor in the Pangu universe. It's really beautiful."

Thousands of dark magic chains overwhelmed the world, flooding the Emperor Undead Medicine, and wanted to completely cover the entire Undead Emperor Medicine, and then dragged it into his own King World.

As long as there are no accidents, as long as the Emperor Undead Medicine is thoroughly studied in the future, it will definitely be possible to go further, even if it reaches the supreme level.

However, the power of the Emperor Undead Medicine was unexpected. The nine king-level tree vines increased sharply, and each one suddenly climbed to a level beyond ordinary kings, bombarding these thousands of dark chains, clanging. The sound is endless.

Between the heavens and the earth, the numerous dark chains are splashing.

"It's interesting."

Another alien monarch with horns grinned and suddenly turned into a huge dark demon cow. Its huge body directly rose into the nine heavens and could touch the stars outside the domain.

The huge and boundless dark demon cow stared at a pair of sky-high horns and slammed into the emperor emperor medicine, rumbling and shaking, as if it could tear the sky, extremely terrifying and causing panic.

I saw the trunks of Immortal Emperor Medicine trembling.

On the incredibly thick trunk, there was also a gap of more than one hundred thousand miles. Although it seemed so insignificant compared to the giant body that was at every turn, it still contained the essence of life. gushing.

On the other side, the third alien king also shot, showing the immeasurable emperor's art, and there was a godless go in his hand. It was actually the Buddha of the Buddha Emperor family. It was evolved by it and possessed a trace of the charm of the Emperor. Bombarded on the trunk of the emperor medicine tree.


The entire land of mythological relics is shaking violently, the sky is falling apart, and the earth is falling apart, as if it is about to fall into a complete collapse, and everything seems to cease to exist.

I saw that there were a few huge openings in the trunk of the Emperor Immortal Medicine, and there was an immeasurable light of life rising into the sky, obviously suffering a terrible and heavy injury, and the vitality of life was leaking.

The three kings of alien races, which were better than Emperor Immortal Medicine, were damaged, obviously unbearable.

Emperor Shen Yuan wanted to help Undead Emperor Yao very much, but he himself was also delayed by the Cliff King, and he had no time to be distracted to help Undead Emperor Yao, he could only be in a hurry.

Although the Emperor Undead Medicine had a different origin and was extremely powerful, it was obviously difficult to deal with the three alien kings, one of whom was the five heaven king.

Over a long period of time, Emperor Immortal Medicine will inevitably be captured by the alien race, and will fall into the hands of the alien race.

This makes all the powerhouses in the land of mythical relics look ugly.

No matter how you say it, the alien race is ultimately the enemy of the entire Pangu universe, and the chief culprit that wiped out the entire dazzling era. The Emperor Medicine of Immortality can fall into anyone's hands, but it cannot fall into the hands of the alien race.

However, in front of the Primordial King, they were so weak and small, even the most powerful Divine King was far from being an opponent of the Primordial King. They could only watch this scene helplessly.

The Immortal Emperor Yao trembles, the entire body of the ancient tree that can support the world is trembling, and the heavens are trembling, as if they are about to collapse.

It was almost unable to bear it, and it was retreating steadily. Numerous wounds appeared on the trunk, with unparalleled vitality and blood splashing. The nine king-level tree vines were also cut off many times, and its strength plummeted.

If it it will inevitably regain its body, no longer so huge, it will be taken away by the alien.

Emperor Shen Yuan was in a hurry, but he had no choice but to desperately could only gain some upper hand in front of the cliff king, but it would undoubtedly take longer to defeat or even kill the opponent.

But the most lacking thing now is precisely time.

"Now give the undead emperor medicine the hardest hit, and completely put it into a deep sleep."

The alien king with the first horns sneered, the transformed black bull shook the world and violently crashed into the Emperor Undead Medicine, with numerous rules of the king burning on its horns.

The emperor of the emperor of the emperor of the emperor of the emperor also used the supernatural power of the emperor to attack, and the land of this boundless mythical relic also rumbling loudly, almost falling into a complete collapse.

The most terrifying five-layer alien kings bloomed billions of dark magic chains, breaking through the sky, sealing the heavens and the earth, so that the Emperor Medicine could not leave.

This was the final blow, to completely block all the retreats of Emperor Immortal Medicine, forcing it to fight finally.

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