Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3475: Power as prison

? The ruler of the kingdom of heaven at the peak of time, gave them ten courage and did not dare to provoke them rashly.

The battle thirty years ago really killed them all.

But now is not thirty years ago, and the ruler of heaven is not at its peak. How could he make them as jealous as before when he was seriously injured.

Hearing, Ye Chen stood with his hands on his hands, Yuan Yu Yue Zhi, stalwart and confident, smiled lightly: "I know you are doubting, but it doesn't matter, I never put your doubts in my heart."

"After all, it's enough to deal with the five of you, even if it wasn't me in my peak and heyday."

There is absolute self-confidence in the light words.


The rulers of the five forbidden areas were frightened, but knew that if they continued to discuss this way, they would get farther and farther away. Suddenly, their eyes became cold and cold, and said: "The ruler of the kingdom of heaven, you don't need to continue talking. Today, no matter what, you must die. The Great Emperor can't save you if he comes!"

Boom boom boom boom--

The five restricted areas dominate the movement, killing Xiang Ye Chen at the same time, also shows the importance of Ye Chen.

The power of this heavenly ruler, even now, is not something that any of them can contend, and they must work together to kill together.

I have to say that no matter what one of the five forbidden areas dominates, any one of them is far superior to the four great alien kings just now, not to mention the five people together. That power directly caused the entire land of mythological relics to tremble and almost collapsed.

However, the land of mythological relics is also very special, not to mention the undead emperor medicine planted here, indicating that there were ancient emperors in the past, leaving some remnants of the emperor’s path, and stabilizing this dilapidated relic site, not being the first Time shattered and died.

"Five people go together. They are smart and don't underestimate the enemy."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and then the smile suddenly fell coldly: "Unfortunately, even if five people go together, waste is always waste!"


He also took the initiative to kill him, brave!

The most terrible battle broke out directly.

Ye Chen covered the generation of Wushuang, even if the Dao Fa was banned, how could he be physically invincible, and the chaotic Eucharist was unmatched in the world, and crushed the heavens.

With just one punch, all the terrifying supernatural powers of the opponent will be blown up, and everything will be annihilated like a firework.

What is powerful?

This is powerful!

At this point, the incomparable Chaos Eucharist was completely revealed, far beyond the imagination of the world.

Thirty years of dead silence is also thirty years of life and death transformation.

Compared to thirty years ago, Ye Chen's Chaos Eucharist was even better. It was always undergoing transformation, even if it was slow, but it had reached a whole new level in thirty years.

The immortal chaotic sacred body, the strongest golden body of Wushuang, at this moment, shows the light of the first invincible physique of the same order from ancient times to the present.


A punch blasted the sky and this land directly into ashes, and everything was completely sinking.

One of the masters of the restricted area of ​​life is fighting against the holy fist with his own taboo ancient soldiers.

The rule of the king doesn't know how many ways, it can blow up and annihilate a big world at any time, but suffer a loss in that fist.

Sparks flew, and the ancient soldiers swayed, and the brilliance on it was dimmed for a long time, as if there was no light, it seemed to be lost.

The gods wailed and suffered heavy losses.


The slight sound represented a terrible and severe injury to the Forbidden Ancient Soldier, and several small cracks appeared.

All of this demonstrated the power of Ye Chen's Xeon Chaos Eucharist.

Rare in the world.

"What a strong body, better than ever!"

The restricted area dominates the discoloration, but the figure flashes for the first time, comes behind him, and bombards the back of Ye Chen's head.

However, Ye Chen's feet moved backward, attacking the past from an incredible angle, and colliding with it heavily.

The light of destruction is rippling, and the world is destroyed.

Ye Chen's figure remained motionless, and the forbidden area dominated the figure flying violently, tearing open the boundless world.

Silently, the master of Kunxu appeared, his aura was several times higher than the master of the restricted area, and he was one of the strongest among the masters of the restricted area of ​​life who reached the level of a peerless king.

In the battle for dominance back then, he was the main force and one of the forbidden zone masters who eventually killed Ye Chen's injury.

His Taoist soldiers are special pyramids. The whole body is impeccable and seems to be the simplest pile of stones, but the majestic light that blooms is unparalleled, struck across the sky and turned into an ancient god, descending from the sky. , Bombarded Ye Chen heavily.

Even if the master of Kunxu suffered heavy damage and has not recovered much for many years, but now it shows a blow, still wiping out the mighty power of rushing to the sky, surpassing other restricted area masters.


The great world collapsed, and the ten thousand worlds fell, as if the worlds of the heavens fell, heavy.

It is the isolation of the land with mythological relics, and the vast Primordial Realm of the outside world is still clearly audible.

The terrifying and terrifying loud noises that shook the sky continuously echoed in the sky, and there was also a huge amount of destructive power that vented out through the passage of the ruins, wantonly annihilating the vast sky.

The lofty mountains of the Luoshui Mountains collapsed, almost spreading to the ancient country of the desert.

At this time, in the deserted city, the Barbarian God King held the Emperor's Immortal Soldier, revived with the power of the peerless God King, guarded the ancient country, and isolated the Luoshui Mountains, making the power of devastation unable to spread.

It is also fortunate to have the Emperor's Immortal Soldiers, and fortunately that this is only the last power of the inner war, otherwise it would be really difficult to resist the spread of the aftermath of the peerless king-level destruction.

Ye Chen was hit hard, and the volley figure suddenly sank a lot, seemingly unbearable.

It has to be said that the Kunxu ruler is indeed very strong, even better than the rulers of other restricted areas.

"Shoot, kill this guy together!"

The Kunxu ruler came to the front, his eyes gleaming faintly, and there was another soldier in his hand. It was a gun, not as sharp as the pyramid, but also sharp, sweeping the rules of over a million Dao kings, penetrating the eternal sky~www Xiang Ye Chen's eyebrows with one blow, to take the opportunity to kill him.


But at this moment, Ye Chen stood up abruptly, supporting the heavy and unmatched pyramid on his back alive, as if propped up a starry sky, and the stars were shaking.

His Chaos Eucharist is constantly releasing a wave of powerful force, even if the pyramid is extremely extraordinary, it is difficult to suppress his existence.

"Get me—"

With a loud shout, Ye Chen raised his hand, and Sheng Sheng raised the pyramid with one hand to the sky, while the other hand grabbed the war gun, firmly grasped it, unable to go further.

No matter how thin the rule of a million kings is on that gun, that slender palm is always firmly grasped, and it is the rule of the king that firmly suppresses all riots, unable to break free.

The absolute power of the eternal king is fully demonstrated!

(End of this chapter)

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