Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3484: The Return of the Wild Emperor

   There are countless powerful people who have moved their minds, hoping to visit the ruler of heaven.

   was worried, because the ruler of the heavens still existed in the world. He was also an invincible person. He even took away those forbidden zone rulers in the hands of the ruler of heaven, showing enough terrifying strength.

   Suddenly, countless forces are caught in a dilemma, not knowing how to choose, worrying about taking a wrong step and getting devastating revenge.

  On this day, the Desolate Ancient Country directly announced a new national policy, but all citizens must abide by--

   Change your faith and no longer believe in the ruler of the heavens, but replaced by a new believer-the ruler of the deserted country!

   When this incident happened, it undoubtedly caused a huge storm, sweeping across the vast Primordial Realm.

   Even though the eight realms of the ten thousand realms run through, the young generations of the eight realms are concealed for a while.

   is so shocked by the facts.

   And many people are also quite surprised. In the past, the barbaric **** king gathered the power of the faith of the world, which led to the heavenly ruler's punishment, which led to the ultimate death.

   Now, he is going to make the same mistake again and go on this path again?

   The world is unknown.

The desolate capital, the national capital of the desolate ancient country, is the original Qianwu ancient country capital, but after the occupation of the Barbarian tribe, it has expanded several times on the original basis, becoming more magnificent and magnificent, as seen from a distance. A terrible behemoth is dormant on the ground.

   In the imperial palace, the Qianwu royal family, the former Qianwu ancient kingdom royal family, and the Chaoman God King expressed their doubts.

   The past years were lost because of this, but now the Barbarian King wants to repeat the same mistakes. Isn’t this looking for death?

The Barbarian God King sat on the throne. He was the first man to be the Lord of the Ancient Desolate Country. Facing the doubts of the Qianwu royal family, he smiled and looked unfathomable: "This is not my decision, it is the ruler. meaning."

   The God of Dry Witch was stunned, and he was full of awe and even horror.

   turns out to be the master.

   is also Ye Chen.

In the old days, it was precisely because of Ye Chen’s sudden visit and showing the earth-shattering means of weeping ghosts, one finger suppressed him without the power to fight back, and the King of Dry Witch finally decided to surrender to the ancient kingdom of desert and become the royal family of the ancient kingdom. On behalf of the deserted ancient country, set off the world.

   It’s just the God King of Dry Witches, but he also wonders, why should the seniors gather the power of faith even if they fight against the ruler of the heaven?

   Soon after, another shocking news came out that the ruler of the heavenly kingdom was the ruler of the first generation of deserted ancient kingdom.

   There was an uproar in the world, and the world finally guessed the actions of the deserted ancient country.

   That is the majesty of the ruler of the heavens deliberately provoking the ruler of the heavens, and even overthrows the lord of the heavenly ruins as the contemporary ruler, and wants to replace it.

  Although the belief in the ruler of the heaven has been deeply ingrained for a long time, Ye Chen, the ruler of the heaven, has fought for two dominance in the past 30 years. He even cut multiple forbidden zone dominators, showing unparalleled combat power and dominating the past and the present.

   is also the original ruler of the ancient desolate country, and with Rongyan, the hundreds of millions of people in the ancient desolate country quickly got rid of their belief in the sovereign of the heavens and turned to believe in Ye Chen, the original ruler of the ancient country.

   Just when everyone thought that the contemporary heavenly realm ruler would be furious, and once again severely punished him, there was no such thing as a natural punishment.

   The world shakes!

   Didn’t even the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins dare to offend the Lord of Heaven easily, didn’t he come to the next heaven for punishment?

   Yes, although the Heavenly Realm Ruler is very strong, but the Heavenly Kingdom Ruler has successively cut many of the celestial rulers of the past.

   What's more, it's just a deserted ancient country. The four great ancient countries in the past can't be compared with the hundreds of nations and religions in the entire Primordial Realm.

   The ruler of the kingdom of heaven is not like the king of savage gods in the past, and he can bully him at will. Once he angers the ruler of the heavens, he fears that the ruler of the heaven will also worry that the ruler of the heavens will directly kill the nine heavens.

   After all, Ye Chen, the ruler of the heavenly kingdom, is so powerful that he has attracted worldwide attention, and no one can care.

   "If you change your faith, you have never been punished by heaven. It seems that you are not as strong as you imagined."

  In the ancient country of desert, Ye Chen's voice came out, shaking the world, majestic and inviolable.

  He is like an emperor, sitting in the ancient country.

   The people of the world are all awe-inspiring, marveling at the power and domineering of the ruler of the heavens, and also shocked by the power of his deterrence. The contemporary rulers of the heavens are unwilling to take action easily.

   Tianxu powerhouse is angry and helpless.

   Soon after, Ye Chen's voice came out, saying: "Since I promised to help you restore the deserted emperor clan to its former glory, naturally you will not lose faith. Starting today, you should be able to restore the deserted emperor clan status!"

   All the members of the Man clan tribe were shocked, and their blood was boiling and excited.

   After many eras, it was silent for a while, changed the original surname, and now finally has the opportunity to get back the original surname-Huang!

   The next day, a shocking news came from the Desolate Ancient Country, and it spread all over the world in a short time.

   once again shook the entire Primordial Realm.

The   man tribes are the survivors of the ancient palace of one of the ancient heritages that have passed away in the past, and they also have an even more amazing identity-the deserted emperor!

  The Desolate Emperor Clan, the descendants of the ancient emperor of the Great Desolate Era of the mythical era.

   Primitive The contemporary ruler of the heavenly realm, Kunxu ruler, suddenly attacked and killed, leading to the destruction of one of the ancient palaces of the 130,000 ancient heritage that had overwhelmed the Primordial Heavenly realm.

   No one thought that endless years passed, the former deserted ancient palace, the deserted emperor clan of the past, there were still tribesmen who survived, but it was a man clan, and there were many clansmen.

   Now that he can bear the light of the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, the power of the sealed bloodline is unlocked, and the former desolate emperor clan announced to the world that they will return to the Primordial Realm and restore the glory of the former emperor clan.

   Since then, the Barbarian tribe is no longer, replaced by the Huangdi clan, and the name of the Barbarian clan is changed to Huang!

   There is no savage **** king in the world, some are just wild **** kings!

   The whole world shook, and the seven eternal heritages also shook.

  The mythical emperor who disappeared returns, and the Primordial Heaven Realm is about to change drastically.

   At this time, Ye Chen also took out the countless treasures from the Kunxu.

  Many of the gods were obtained after the Kunxu ruled and destroyed the ancient palace. They were collected, and now they were brought back directly by Ye Chen, and they were naturally returned to the Huang Emperor.

   Including the immortal barren ancient palace, the mythical era was once the permanent palace of the great desolate ancient emperor, containing the remnants of the emperor's path, solid and immortal, waiting for a piece of no ancient soldiers.

   After owning the deserted ancient palace, the Huangdi clan directly changed it to the current central main hall of the deserted country, which is not known how many times more majestic and powerful than the current country of hundreds of countries and thousands of religions.

And many of the gods are specially prepared for the Huangdi Clan. It can be expected that both of the Supreme Bloodline and the Huangdi Clan members who have been inherited by the former emperors will inevitably get a lot of money in a short time. Upgrade, and even develop to a higher level in the future.

   Ye Chen was very pleased with this.

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